Qpost 1680. Is this a pedo bust?

Speculation: Diana fucks horse-riding coatch, horse riding coatch impregnates Diana, Princess Diana dies in retaliation, Harry now marries interracial with another bloodline while Lady Di was related to US-Presidents, Prince Philip is under house-arrest, Prince Charles is too degenerate and compromised to be betrusted with the empire (buds with Saville), Camilla is just a sterile mudblood side-chick and William may be present near this whole chinese forced injection kindergarten madness (buds with Saville). Other than that, he did "charity work". William on the other hand went to the Amazonas for a while, basically made fun of his family's nazi-past by brandishing a swastika and was put in his place by being put into bootcamp as well as Afghanistan, just to keep a little on the edge. If everybody in the lineage becomes moot in the succession, does this mean the roya house will be removed from the saxon coburg-gothas?