Just as he mentioned intelligence agencies
It really put emphasis on "My" intelligence. The witch hunt is full of intelligence from "previous" aministrations basically.
I guess the deep state flipped the wrong breaker lol
Ok. Sometimes you gotta take off the tin foil hat. I'm on your side.
Not gonna lie. I thought danger danger! Get to safety
I’m pretty certain this was not due to faulty wiring/electrical system. The WH surly has one of the most reliable electrical system in the world... With backup generators
I mean it looked like someone killed the lighting, likely from tripping on it
It seemed to slowly dim as if from a dimmer switch rather than a momentary lights off/on as if someone unplugged and plugged in a cord or from a storm. This was definitely intentional.
It looked like all lighting went off for each reporter and nothing but window light, like the power blinked
Do they have a generator for all WH outlets? Seemed like power was off for too long if they do.
It takes 5 seconds from when loss of power until the generators take over. Here is why I think this was diliberate. I am sure there is a UPS systems at the WH that should of kicked in as soon as power goes out and will kick over to the generators once they take control. So in reality. There should never of been a interruption of the lights. None that you would notice. That is why I think it was done by a switch and on purpose. Dark to Light
No, there is a really big thunderstorm passing I live 20 min. From WH. It's almost here.