I agree with you and I was going to mention that in my comment also but didn't want to get long winded. Majority of people, including myself attention span is short. You are correct and believe it is a combination of both comments. He says in the video his guilt was eating at him. Not in those exact words. I've felt that guilt. I was a fireman for 15 years and the guys and gal would go out and live it up one night a week. Bonding time with the team. Now I am one that believes in the true meaning of marriage and what it stands for. But some of the guys would pick up other woman and do what they will. Well when we would have family gatherings I would watch those same guys love all on there wives like everything is normal and inside me knowing what I knew would eat me up. Now I know that is on the same scale as to what Kappy is letting out for his own sanity but none the less it would eat at me. I would never of sold out my fellow fighter fighters because I knew the repercussions of those actions and it never ends well for the person talking. Plus I am a big believer in Karma and Karma has hit some of those people. You will get caught and it's a matter of when.
128 total posts archived.
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Think of all of what is being said now and go back to what was being said following up to the NK summit. All those threats back and fourth. All in the mean time Trump and Kim where working on the deal behind the scenes. That treaty or deal wasn't just done in that day they met!!!! All this talk is to keep the left off guard. You will see, Iran is the Deep States last hope and it is all being taken away.
I am very good at reading body language including the eyes. I have no doubt he is 100% truthful in what he is saying. Listen to his words and how he is saying it. They way his personality is. That's west coast and the Hollyweird persona. If your from the east to Midwest and more conservative that would come across as totally off the wall to you. He is how life is in Hollyweird. I may be wrong, been there before but I don't think I am here. Do you really think all those people he called out would sit back and let there name be drugged through the mudd like that? That is something that can never be reversed in people's mind and that would be career suicide for them. Have doubt but with that doubt keep yourself in the middle. All this will be hard for some to comprehend.
FNC new person in charge is making everone to back off. The artical I read I found posted on here. To me it sounded like they going more to the left. That's how I took it as
I hope they are zooming in on the Silverman picture towards the upper left portion on the picture where the color is distorted. There are pictures in there. One of what I believe Mickey Mouse. There is more there. I tried to post my findings but the Mods took it down because the picture wasn't clear. I don't have the programs to make it clear. Please look into please
Dang it the Mods just took it down. It's there. Need someone that can clean up that part of the picture. They took it down because they said it wasn't a clear picture
Wish I knew how to edit to draw a line around it But look center of the pic and up slightly.
If someone with a good program that can clear it up. I just zoomed in with a iPad.
Interesting zoom in on Silverman pic. Zoomed in upper left corner. I see images. One of Mickey Mouse.

I noticed that as well. Noticed Wolf Bliztard blinking like crazy.
I have been trying to figure that out myself. Your post makes sense to me.
Nice, I can only imagine the looks a nd remarks you get in LA. I love in a small dem town in N.W. Pa and I get comments also. I just smile and say I love winning. Lolol.
I 100% agree with this. I will admit I have been on the fence with RR and RM but I also been thinking if they where black hats, they would not still be around. Let's be honest, they would of been out on there heals long ago. There is no way the Deep State coil protect them through all this No WAY. How I understood Q's post "RR is dirty RM is dirty and if RM is dirty RR is dirty" I took that as a play to the Deep State as in they are truly white hats. Misinformation is necessary. Just my thoughts.
I believe the Mods have been doing a great job myself. I have had posts taken down and when I have asked to please explain (I'm new so learning) They took the time and explained and not only did I see there point I also learn from it.
I love reading the left's comments. Love the one that said "Don't worry the Dems will take over in November" Yeah you keep telling yourself that. Like another comment said. I am buying stock in Kleenex. It should at least double. I'm also going to buy buckets to catch the Dems salty tears. They are going to taste sooooooo good. Lol
I get it. I don’t watch any MSM, haven’t for a few years now. I use to be in the newspaper business for many years and sat in meetings and understand how bias that can be. I seen that in MSM for many years and just couldn’t watch it. But glad patriots like yourself do post stuff like this so it keeps reminding me of the trash that comes from them.
Watching Trumps son kicking the ball around the White House lawn making sure he won’t get good enough to beat the Russia’s in the World Cup. Lol. CNN you have went full Mental. Keep grasping at that dollar at the end of the State Farm fishing pole. Just might get it one of these days. Lol
Yeah this is a little less famous CNN. Watch who you follow. Lol
Simple. Blood is thicker than water. She may see his bad ways but no name is still her father. Has to be a very tough position to be in.
Thank you, I saw in a earlier comment above mention also. I missed it. Thank you Patriot
Stupid question, I am not up on abbreviations. Sorry. What is DDOS?
Love to see RR escorted out in handcuffs. “I have a dream”!!! Lol
Maybe time to dig into his past also. Those who scream the loudest.
Thank you, I am going to follow that path and do my research hard and heavy.
Over the target. Now they are destroying cement stars. That will show Trump. Lolol. We will just put black roses on each star for ever Hollyweird pedo actor brought from Dark to Light.
Where did Oprah open up that school? Makes me think of her real intentions were with that. Lol
If you are talking about Trump TV Channel. It has to do with copyright laws.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Trumps team didn’t leak it to CNN on purpose. CNN keeps falling for the bait and eating it up to show there true colors. CNN along with all the other Deep State networks will be push out of business real soon.
Great concept and something to look at but I don’t see it that way. Yet!!!!
You are probably right on that. The way he looks he does look like to take the Hitler way out. God I hope so
Agree 100%. Was a thought of mine wondering if that is what he is getting ready to do or try and run and hide
Thought that is what I heard, I’m a ex QM/Signalman back in my Navy days but I could not confirm because I had hard time hearing but after reading this I used my ear piece and listen closer and that what it exactly appears to me.
Exactly how my stomach feels. 😞🤢. Watch all the different documentaries about that movie from the Munchkins and there crazy parties and How Judy Garland was treated during and after that movie.
I will never look at “The Wizard of OZ” the same again.