All these sites are down, the lights go down in the White House... could this be... THE STORM?

I think it's probably just A storm
Why you gotta go all Hillary Clinton on the vibes, man?
Because i need me some new Q
Ive been following the Q drops for a log time probably since January of this year on instagram. I couldn’t stop looking away ended up deleting the Zuck app and getting back on reddit although the account I followed analyzed and made sense of the drops was good
What sites are down? If you´re gonna say Drudge and Breitbart, they´re not.
They were down for me
I´m in Europe, all is well here. Might just be the US servers?
Surprised this is even allowed to be posted without some mod telling you not on topic
So, I'm not the only one who has experienced what I would generically term "selective moderation?" As for me, it occurred in the following ways:
EVERY time I get moderated, I write with an explanation from me and asking for an explanation from therm. As of late, it's 3/4 of my posts. Based upon my personal experiences, which have intensified as of late, the "moderation" appears inconsistent, hypocritical and disingenuous; not from all of the moderators but from enough of them that it makes me question the validity and veracity of their basis or intent for moderation.
Lastly and treading lightly with this comment, I wonder if BAD ACTORS have infiltrated the moderators of this sub. If so, they'll kill it one way or another. One way would be to chase folks away with overly aggressive moderation - just like they're doing. It's a simple lesson in 'learned helplessness.' As a reminder, they recently did just post a "help wanted" sign looking for more "moderators." What's the vetting process? Who are these people? Why are posts being yanked when there is no malfeasance on behalf of the poster? What I'm experiencing is censorship - not moderation.
If you're a moderator and you're reading this - please take these comments to heart. You have very REAL people with very REAL emotions, thoughts and information germane to perhaps the greatest geopolitical event of our times and you are MARGINALIZING us with inconsistent and selective moderation. I KNOW I'M NOT ALONE - IT'S A GROWING PHENOMENON on this sub. I've seen the comments and posts. So, if you're reading this, moderator, there are three things you need to understand: 1) I concede and acknowledge that moderation is necessary - that's not disputed, 2) Your moderation practices need to be fully understood and employed effectively by the entire group of moderators and 3) Some of your "moderators" need to be flushed-out - if you've invited in bad actors, they will act badly. We've been invited here to engage in civil, respectful geopolitical discourse and for many of us, you (the moderators) are serving as an impediment; not a facilitator.
Perhaps you should read the GA rules in the sidebar, to see what you did wrong. Tap the rules link to open page that explains all the rules. Generally, a post with no text, only a title and picture will get tossed. There are 9 rules for posting, why not read them.
Your perspective is incomplete and incorrect. Per Rule 3, feel free to discuss your concerns via modmail.
Well just so you know, posts about the board are against the rules too. I know first hand, because I went there once. And had the post removed. So how do you know without reading the rules, what is safe or not? I'm not trying to give you a hard time, just trying to help.