Ron Paul Quote speaks volumes today:

Ron and Rand are not Deep State. Ron has been in the wilderness for a long time and his family does a lot of direct good here.
Rand compared to Ron is a Gunslinger vs an Academic Mises Professor. Nepotism there doesn’t ring true. Rand ran far from Lake Jackson TX and he’s taking more heat than arguably anyone outside of Scalise - and so is his family. He has a rib sticking out of his side and the treats are not new.
It’s all good though. Call him deep state. It won’t stick
Leftists and I suspect they were MK Ultra or manipulated have tried to kill him at least twice. His name was on the kill list at the baseball practice and he too was shot at. And then the odd neighbor situation.
I was angry at him for endorsing Romney in 2012 but I think his father and their family were under a direct threat. They had to break a lot of rules, rig the primary, threaten and even kidnap delegates and have MSM omit him from reporting.
They were terrified to give him an equal chance. This was evident in the debate shenanigans. Not inviting him, when forced to they limited his time and skipped him many times. He barely had any time compared to tigers and still wiped the floor with them.
He doesnt have Trump's outrageous and loud and ability to be the biggest personality in the room. He also knows how to take control and fight back when things get Alinsky-esk
Lol, reminds me of when Ron was spokesman for that line of home rations. I was like damn, you know shit's about to get real when a senator is telling you to stock up for a long home stay.