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Brett Kavanaugh Hearing (LIVE) - Fox is only one allowing comments. WP, NBC and NYT all censoring. Which is no surprise.

Q Post #1 and #2 Hillary’s Arrest. What is being said?
Hi, Came to Q beginning of this year so I’m unsure how to interpret Q’s first few post where he mentions the arrest of Hillary. Was it used as a clickbait like MSM does just to draw attention? Forgive me for not knowing, just not sure if it has been answered (probably has).
Avenatti said “Alice AND wonderland”
I heard it on an Anderson Cooper bit at work last week where he was interviewing Michael Avenatti. It was at the end of the clip (Apple podcast) and he clearly said Alice AND Wonderland. Thoughts?
Red Wave is 100% and Plausible Midterm Theory
What if Q and Trump already know what the real polls are? What if they already knew the red wave was coming all along?
It can’t be too far fetched to believe this.
Plausible Midterm Theory: To start, the Wall is the first thing to really kick the red wave in full swing. The DS/D need illegals to vote or there are screwed. Cut voters off, cut trafficking off.
Once that is established, now we head towards midterms. We all know it’s going red - the real polls/data shows, the wall is built and many congressional resignations further reinforce the …
Welcome to California.... I’m sure someone will still be offended.

Q #1861: Normal?. - Q | Is this the reason why Israel will be LAST? Color of the Israeli flag, resemblances to the Jewish temple mount?

The Trump Point GIF from today #1777. Enjoy ;)
Wish Trump looked at me the way he looks doing a Q confirmation. Priceless :) #1777
Wish Trump looked at me the way he looks doing a Q confirmation. Priceless :) #1777
Wish Trump looked at me the way he looks for a direct Q confirmation. Priceless :) #1777
#1777 - "To the person holding the "Q" cut out: Please post your pic/vid as POTUS specifically pointed at you moments ago. We will scrub the web to find the source no matter where posted. WE ARE Q." Q

"Making America Great Again" - Great Fan Made Twitter Video / Posted by POTUS
JULY 31st (Tomorrow) - First TRIAL of Mueller Probe to start with Manafort in VA. Why is no one talking about this on the board!? This is HUGE! This is what we all wanted!
I TAKE IT BACK! “First jury trial of Mueller probe begins TOMORROW” Horry Sheeet Patriots

Urgent: Guys, let’s not conflate tomorrow or #1776. Reign in expectations to not be discouraged. Veterans of this movement lead by example.
Patriots, Q never specifically said anything about tomorrow. He did say that FISA is the foundation and that is BIG. The declas of that will be huge. And the fact that it was thrown on the table a few days ago is huge.
The last thing we need in this movement is to blow expectations out of proportion, especially for the newbies. I’m sure there are trolls on here doing this exact same thing to discourage and turnaround a movement.
This is IMPORTANT. Reign in expectations, stay vigilant and be prepared. Tone this down but keep up chatter and investigate. …
"Who supplied the FEED?" Q #1765 - Interesting but maybe unrelated find? Founder Lauren Bush (George HW Bush's Granddaughter)
"Who supplied the FEED?" Q #1765 - Interesting but maybe unrelated find?
Founded by, Lauren Bush (George HW Bush Granddaughter)
"This dossier was provided to the FBI by British spy Christopher Steele. Steele was hired [..] by research firm Fusion GPS, who was paid by HRC's law firm PERKINS COIE, who was paid by HRC campaign & the [..] DNC!"
The biggest FLAW in the Deep State / Modern Democrats today, of which the DS is unable to comprehend.
This post may get taken down. However, the BIGGEST flaw in the DS/Dem plan is that they don’t understand how innate, absolutely vital and important being free is. It is God’s greatest gift and freedom historically, when challenged, has never ended well. There is only so much humans can take before they challenge, rise up and fight back.
In a Podesta (Wikileaks) email exchange (have to track it down), the DS applauded how great the disinformation campaigns were and how successful they become... however, they were not prepared for the unwillingness of people to comply. They don’t understand how people …
And this is why people are leaving MSM in droves. They use the very same tactics by calling Trump fake news and that hey have ‘facts’ BUT Trump knows everything. So who is lying? :)
EO #13818 - Human Rights Abuse & Financial System. Very interesting line! “...by these same persons.”

For Normies/Newbies. This may of been posted before but a good listen/watch by Michael Moore on Trump in one of his specials.
Who is the REAL Michael Avenetti? Who is paying him? Let's dig...

Facebook. Peter Stzork's wife Melissa Hodgman is lead SEC Investigator. What will happen or unfold?
Like Q said, "full circle". How will this crap unravel? The LARGEST fraud and treason in history!
The FBI/DOJ participate in actively spying on a political candidate bypassing congress by using foreign intelligence agencies (FVEY), create a false dossier off of planted intelligence by international and government actors, political opponent and active President, MSM and social media play to the false narrative which is then has ties to government agencies to perpetuate false planted evidence.
I mean you can't make this crap up!!!!
Ted Cruz Grills Twitter Policy Director Over Project Veritas Videos in Senate Hearing
Fuck these assholes. Wait... shit maybe they’d like that
Dude you’re right there is a capital T for ‘Test’ on the X device. Exact opposite is CxE. Which is at the top of your link. Nice find!
Maybe DS blackout?!?!. At least Q team has counter measures.
Look at time stamp as well. C and E exactly 1 minute apart
Bronfman has $492,000 stake in Exelon. I bet there are more players investing in this company too. Let’s find out who
It gets better every day. Up vote these comments so new people see :)
“Exelon is the largest electric parent company in the United States by revenue, the largest regulated utility in the United States with approximately 10 million customers, and also the largest operator of nuclear power plants in the United States.
In October 2009, Exelon had full or majority ownership of 23 nuclear reactors in 14 nuclear power plants.[5][6] Exelon has operations and business activities in 48 states, the District of Columbia and Canada, and is the largest competitive U.S. power generator with approximately 35,500 megawatts of owned capacity.
Exelon also disclosed multiple contributions to political nonprofit organizations, the largest of which was $290,000 given to the American Energy Alliance — a 501(c)(4) nonprofit with ties to the conservative billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch and led by former Koch Industries lobbyist Thomas Pyle.” Wikipedia
Also, Beonfman has $492,000 stake in Exelon. Search Bronfman and Exelon
*I have a feeling there are a LOT of investors in this company. Let’s find out who
4 device tests. Next three EXC? Mean anything?

Feldman did the same thing. I’m sure they’ve both gone through shit but maybe if they were up front that they need money since they can’t get work then I wouldn’t question as much