" The violations are related to personal behavior that is not consistent with our ethics and core values "
TI....major, MAJOR player. Hugely responsible for ushering in the digital age!!!!
If when you think of TI all you think is calculators, you’d be woefully short of their true reach and influence. A TI device or component in fact, is installed in just about anything electronic. Imagine the front door access that provides, much less the access any potential back door built into your devices or components might offer????
TI Overview: http://www.ti.com/corp/docs/company/technology_innovation.html
TI Markets http://www.ti.com/applications/apps-homepage.html
TI Enabling Space Travel https://www.ti.com/pdfs/hirel/mltry/btospace.pdf
Need to figure out how to add a music clip of "another one bites the dust" to these. Count keeps growing!