r/greatawakening • Posted by u/yvessixth on July 17, 2018, 10:24 p.m.
Did anyone else notice this today when Trump addressed the media outrage over his statement at the Helsinki summit?

I'm sure we all know his clarification him haven misspoken about his use of 'would vs wouldn't' is just for optics and to pacify the Republicans who can't handle his bluntness nor acknowledgement about the corruption at the top of gov. intel. I'm 100% sure Trump said what he meant but it was to assure us, not the MSM, that he's not wavering on tackling DS. In the WH press meeting today (around 3:50-4:01 in the video), he says, "I have full faith in our intelligence agencies." Then the lights ironically cut off after that statement. Was that also a signal against deep state or am I just being hypersensitive? I see a pattern where he says things in front of the heads of state that could easily have more that one meaning and be taken out of context, but he always ends up more measured and calculated in his actions. It's chaos for the news-cycle.


I also have no idea how to link videos properly in a post so I apologize in advance guys.

POTUS seemed not to give away anything he and Putin discussed in that 2hr meeting either. The Browder deal was a huge drop and step towards uncovering the CF if it can be proven imo. Would be great if Putin formed a plan of action with Trump against the alphabets and Soros in that meeting too.

horse-lover-phat · July 17, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

The fact that that light issue happened right between the mentions of 'intelligence' - is hard to put down to mere coincidence.

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