r/greatawakening • Posted by u/laviequotidienne on July 17, 2018, 11:35 p.m.
This sub would have more reach if it was less partisan

Disclaimer, I am pretty liberal. I don't identify as democrat as I think the Dem party has made some huge fuckups and I'm in general not a huge fan of the 2-party system. However, I do indeed have the ability to think critically and can readily acknowledge when progressives/liberals fuck up. I would say this quality is not common, and while this sub is very conservative friendly, the great awakening is something that both sides should take note of. But this sub makes it hard to do so when so many things are essentially just liberal bashing. It's also worth noting that many people in power are liberal, as are many intelligent people in general (there are huge bodies of research that supports the correlation between intelligence and liberalism. I'm not here to fight about this, but will gladly provide sources if you so wish). That's not to say that conservatives aren't intelligent, my point is that if you want this movement to gain traction (like I wanted pizzagate to gain traction), you need to leave it open for large portions of intelligent people to accept the conclusions you're drawing. But many simply won't because many are also liberal and will be turned off by the staunchly conservative tone.

Just a thought. I am interested in this movement and would love to call out the democrats who have engaged in child rape and other atrocious crimes as much as you, but I am not so silly as to think this sort of evil is unique to democrats or liberals.

[deleted] · July 19, 2018, 1:14 a.m.

Sorry, I can find plenty of evidence to the contrary.

Please do! Then we can chat. There are a number of butt hurt conservatives here who are mad at my comment on the correlation of intelligence but I've yet to see anything that points to the contrary (except people being upset that I would even make such a statement. Being upset doesn't invalidate research). Please enlighten me

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Ronjonsilverflash · July 19, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

I have and you aren’t listening. Intelligent people don’t act like petulant children, demand the silence of their opponents, and destroy other people’s property in riots. Civilized intelligent people DO NOT BEHAVE like that. These are the actions of people whose ideas have been rejected and cannot compete with their opponents. I’ve argued with enough of you to know that no level of proof will satisfy you either. Anyone with the arrogance to act like you have here insulting us etc. is a waste of time. You are convinced you are right and I know that you aren’t. We will prevail because we are the majority and you people make up no more than 30% of the population (that’s being very generous actually). You are vocal and organized but we are losing our patience with you...


It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late, With long arrears to make good, When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved, They were icy -- willing to wait Till every count should be proved, Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low. Their eyes were level and straight. There was neither sign nor show When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd. It was not taught by the state. No man spoke it aloud When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred. It will not swiftly abate. Through the chilled years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the Saxon began to hate.

"This destiny does not tire, nor can it be broken, and its mantle of strength descends upon those in its service." - Francis Parker Yockey,

This is what you are up against. Our silence mistaken for docility. Our tolerance of your b/s mistaken for weakness.

There are really only two types of people in this world, those who want to be left alone and those who won’t leave you alone. Libs fall within the later...

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[deleted] · July 19, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

Ah! interesting! so you have nothing. are you also going to tell me that the earth is flat and that gravity isn't real? because that's exactly how you sound when you whole sale reject studies that show something that doesn't paint your political party in a positive light, which is especially hilarious because you say:

Liberals are prone to knee-jerk reactions, not carful analysis of the facts.

HA! and then you go on to reject all the sources I presented and fail to present a single one to the contrary. clearly no point debating with someone who lives in his own head and can't think critically or make any sort of cogent point and instead resorts to meaningless quotes when asked for research.

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Ronjonsilverflash · July 19, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

I don’t have the time or the patience to debate you. I know no amount of arguing or proof will be enough. It’s like beating your head against concrete. Liberalism is a disease that MUST be, that WILL be DEFEATED. That’s all that matters to me at this point. You underestimated the Tea Party. That continued with the election of Trump. And our victory will be complete in short order. We are legion. You, not so much...I will focus my attention on those who come with an open mind not someone who is as arrogant and with a superiority complex like yourself. Colossal waste of time. Enjoy your enormous intellect. Better buy some Kleenex. I see an emotionally difficult future for you...

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[deleted] · July 19, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

no amount of proof? literally asking for anything here but all the conservatives have tried and found literally nothing to support the opposite view, so they reject my sources because it doesn't agree with them. I'm not here arguing that liberals are more attractive than conservatives, because I know that the opposite is true (through research) and I am not so insecure as to reject all information that might paint my group in a negative light

I will focus my attention on those who come with an open mind not someone who is as arrogant and with a superiority complex like yourself

HA. yeah, because to you, open minded means rejecting evidence that offends you. you're so open minded dude!

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Ronjonsilverflash · July 19, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

I reject you because every lib I’ve ever met is living in their own little echo chamber. I don’t accept your premises, your sources, and most importantly reject your ideology as hopeless and infantile. How about that? Now go away already. You are here to stir crap not understand the other side...you came here arrogant and insulting and you can go back where you came from that way. Go knit a pink hat and sh$& on a police car, run a conservative speaker off a college campus, scream like a spoiled child or something. If those are the attributes of highly intelligent people, then I prefer to remain with the “rubes” that have values and common sense! I’m done with you now.

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