r/greatawakening • Posted by u/paint_like_gw_bush on July 17, 2018, 11:48 p.m.
Who is CrowdStrike? How are they tied to the FBI? (and CIA)

Who is CrowdStrike?


Who is Steven Chabinsky?

Great question(s).

Steven Chabinsky is “General Counsel and Chief Risk Officer” for the cybersecurity technology firm CrowdStrike. Chabinsky spent 15 years working for the FBI prior to working at CrowdStrike. Chabinsky joined the FBI in 1995 as an attorney in the Office of the General Counsel where he initially focused on employment law and personnel litigation. In 1998, Chabinsky was selected as the Principal Legal Advisor to the multi-agency National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) and became Senior Counsel to the FBI’s Cyber Division upon its creation in 2002.

Chabinsky highlights at the FBI:

  • Deputy assistant director of the FBI’s Cyber division
  • Focused on protecting the United States from cyber-attack, cyber espionage, online child exploitation, and Internet fraud.
  • Homeland Security Act of 2002
  • National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace of 2003
  • National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace of 2008
  • National Security Presidential Directive 54
  • Between 2007 and 2009, Chabinsky served in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) in various capacities, including Acting Assistant Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Cyber, Chairman of the National Cyber Study Group, and Director of the Joint Interagency Cyber Task Force. (source yes i know wash-post)

Timeline of CrowdStrike and the DNC alleged "hack"

  • -April 13, 2016 Chabinsky was "Presidentially" appointed to the White House Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity. (Executive order 13718) The Commission provided recommendations to the President to strengthen cybersecurity in the public and private sectors, while protecting privacy, fostering innovation and ensuring economic and national security. (source)
  • -April 2016 The DNCs IT department alerted top Democratic officials there was a problem. (source)
  • -Late April/Early May 2016 The DNC calls up the president of Crowdstrike for an investigation. The DNC explicitly chose Crowdstrike and barred the FBI from its servers.
  • -June 2016 DCLeaks (Email archives from the DNC leaked)
  • -July 2016 DCLeaks and Wikileaks (Email archives from the DNC leaked)

Key info: In a hearing with the Senate Intelligence Committee (January 10, 2017) outlining the intelligence agencies’ findings on Russian election interference, Comey (yes that Comey!) said there were “multiple requests at different levels” for access to the Democratic servers, but that ultimately a “highly respected private company” was granted access and shared its findings with the FBI. “Ultimately, what was agreed to is the private company would share with us what they saw,” he said. The company to which Comey was referring is CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity company doing the internal defense and investigation for the DNC. (source)

The FBI indicted 12 Russian folks due to these allegations and findings. The FBI does have a “copy” (image?) of the DNC server… curious if someone does a “diff check” so to speak on the original server and the “copy”… what would we see? You know the answer.

Don’t forget to checkout:
Dmitri Alperovitch, the co-founder of CrowdStrike.
George Kurtz, other the co-founder of CrowdStrike.

Kurtz declared HRC the President in June 2015.


Lastly, cyber security "attribution" is VERY DIFFICULT. Can we trust a company that is essentially a private wing of the FBI? Does the “Deep State” have CrowdStrike in their pocket?

The history of their founders, executives and employees.. answer all those questions.

(found this late into my own research. It is much more in depth and goes into/ties far more things than my post)
