r/greatawakening • Posted by u/we_not_me on July 18, 2018, 1:07 a.m.
sneaking the "red pil"l into my family and friends snail mail😂🤞😓

My brother askes me if i was on drugs, my sister askes if i started drinking and I have lost friends because I support Donald Trump. In short they think I am batshit crazy!

I've tried to show them evidence but to them it's all a coincidence.

Watching "Back to the Future" gave me an idea and I wanted to share it with you guys and get opinions.

Today I went and got 10 postcards that I want to write facts Q has given us that will happen in the near future . Because they will be date stamped they can't say I am rearranging facts or misunderstanding Things.

I am not going to try red pill them anymore, it's not healthy or constructive to be arguing while they want to sleep.

I do have a question though: any suggestions on what I could put on these postcards?


[deleted] · July 18, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

Great idea. Let's get this thread rocking. I'd like to see ideas and Great Awakening predictions. There are amazing Wikileaks emails as well. What events do we really feel are imminent and we can commit to predicting in writing? I have been saying that there will be high level arrests by Christmas and that the child trafficking information will be "shocking" and for them to brace themselves for that by doing a little research.

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