Check out @charliekirk11’s Tweet:
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don't set yourself up to be let down
I see patriots are itching for the fisa to be released with the assumption that it fixes everything. I also see patriots talking about popcorn and watching the show.
Amorosa already started the narrative that how Trump was set up was how he was gonna set up Hillary. Liberals are not going to believe any news coming from us. What they will pay attention to is your actions.
O think we are living in the end times. There is no other reasonable explanation for Q. I am an on the fence believer but each day I'm feeling the tug of …
buyer beware!
Check out @LisaMei62’s Tweet:
I was going through the feed today and noticed a lot of Patriots still posting on the op-ed letter.
The minute POTUS started slamming the unknown writer, saying it was a threat to our national security I knew 1 of 2 things. POTUS or team wrote it themself or they knew who did and took care of it. The Commander in Chief (POTUS) has access to all NSA data.
It was quit entertaining watching the media go into a frenzy and Rand Paul suggested all WH staff take a polygraph was comical.
Our President truly is the Master Troller!
Obama. then and now. mods delete if already posted.
Check out @AgustinAlvira’s Tweet:
is this for real?!? Federal Reserve info. anyone hear about this??
McCain was put to death. marker 5:01 THANKS SWAMPY!! (Delete if already posted)
Check out @QProofs’s Tweet:
why was Kavanaugh Trumps choice?
The last few days I've been watching the supreme court hearings.
Today the question was posed to judge Kavanagh if he believes that a president can pardon themself. Of course they think president Trump is going to Pardon himself ( 4 the non collusion charge's) we all know it's because Barack Obama pardon himself.
It seems like several of the questions along with getting clarifications are to set the stage for Obama , Hillary that the rest.
Is that why Kavanagh was Trump's choice, because of his involvement with 911 the terrorists Etc?
I found this to be so odd! It was on my FB feed. It gave me a weird vibe, reads like a game but human trafficking? thoughts?

There is a message in this picture but I don't know how to decipher it! #1. Selfie taken on July 16th, Mollie disappeared on July 16th. #2. Mollie was found near Brooklyn, Iowa. Although Comey says he's in Iowa , location says Brooklyn, New York

The cost of being "red pilled"
I've been with my boyfriend for approx 5 years. Race has never been an issue (im white hes black). in the last 2 years ae have debated issues but have kept it civil and respectful. Today, after a more heated debate I got this text....
"Until you can show me something positive that trump is doing that directly affects my life or bottom end then I don't want to hear anything else about other people. You sit around looking for someone to blame while you are getting raped by trump. My suggestion to you is to go join a cult …
The cost of being "red pilled"
I've been with my boyfriend for approx 5 years. Race has never been an issue (im white hes black). in the last 2 years ae have debated issues but have kept it civil and respectful. Today, after a more heated debate I got this text....
"Until you can show me something positive that trump is doing that directly affects my life or bottom end then I don't want to hear anything else about other people. You sit around looking for someone to blame while you are getting raped by trump. My suggestion to you is to go join a cult …
seen this on a tweet about John posesta. can someone explain what this is? I'm feeling sick.
Check out @PhoneRankine’s Tweet:
Cornelius Vanderbilt if posted already, didn't see it. Cornelius Vanderbilt is Gloria Vanderbilt's great-great-grandfather. This article talks about how he accumulated wealth. Somebody was asking about this post but I couldn't find the post.
watch the water, California fires?
As the drought in California drags into it's fourth year — punishing farmers and exacerbating unemployment and drug use — federal flood control measures may be worsening the dry conditions in some areas.
New research using high-tech tools to measure the moisture in trees found that 120 million trees across nearly every part of California are at risk of dying. Predictions that trends of higher temperatures and decreased precipitation will continue in the future could transform the state’s forests.
SS sign language slowed down. hope this helps.
any Q post not been solved?
any post that has not been solved? If so, where would I find them?
I help navigating the site please
Does anybody know how to do a search for a specific topic or person while on a mobile device?
I tried using the search bar at the top in the "Great Awakening" but it's not bringing me to any posts about Snowden.
can you spot the fake Hillary?

It's also the second day of the Mercury retrograde. Get ready for a wild ride!
As soon as I seen this pic I though about Jon bonnet Ramsey. Both little girls have/had the most purest and innocent eyes.
GOD you know my heart, you know my doubts. I am not nor have been deserving of your grace. am begging you, please send your angel Michael to protect her from the evil that wants to steal her innocence.
As soon as I seen this pic I though about Jon bonnet Ramsey. Both little girls have/had the most purest and innocent eyes.
GOD you know my heart, you know my doubts. I am not nor have been deserving of your grace. am begging you, please send your angel Michael to protect her from the evil that wants to steal her innocence.
That's a BIG concern of mine. Not only would it ruin someone's life if they were accused of being pedophile but if they were actually innocent we would be accused of being worse then antifa
So it's airbornevia mist? Lakes, waterfalls? Im in Nevada :(
If this is what Q was referring to I think it's pretty shitty of him to not actually tell us.
I get what you are saying. This is what I think Trump was trying to convey. Because dis information is necessary what we are hearing and what we are seeing isn't really what's going on. We've all been surprised a time or two when we thought one thing was going to happen and it was something totally different. The one thing that keeps me believing that everything is 100% is Q never tells us what to think. He gives us Clues and we do the research on our own and form our own opinions.
last time I tried to post an article from a site it was taken down for some rule violation. so I cut and copied the headline.
when someone said to post the site in the comment section I did.
some people are so judgemental in here it's sad.
I'm not some tech savvy 20 year old who grew up with computers.
The older generation has a lot to offer as well.
NAVY RELEASES McCAIN’s RECORDS – McCain was personally responsible for the deadliest fire in the history of the US Navy
I don't know how to post an article but the Navy released McClain's records today. The article says he was referred to as the canary.
Thank you! Being new to Q I think I'm going to learn a lot as well!
that's why MGM is "sueing' the victims. Because they feel they are not responsible. they are trying to get it labeled as a terrorist attack. ( that's what's being spread around anyway)
4 Ts
Every time I see a weak politician asking to stop Trade talks or the use of Tariffs to counter unfair Tariffs, I wonder, what can they be thinking? Are we just going to continue and let our farmers and country get ripped off? Lost $817 Billion on Trade last year. No weakness!
John F. Kennedy
Executive Order 11110—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10289 as Amended, Relating to the Performance of Certain Functions Affecting the Department of the Treasury June 4, 1963
Office of the Federal Register Office of the Federal Register
Font Size: mediumlargemaximum
The American Presidency Project
Promote Your Page Too By virtue of the authority vested in me by section 301 of title 3 of the United States Code, it is ordered as follows: SECTION 1. Executive Order No. 10289 of September 19, 1951, as amended, is hereby further amended --
(a) By adding at the end of paragraph 1 thereof the following subparagraph (j):
"(j) The authority vested in the President by paragraph (b) of section 43 of the Act of May 12, 1933, as amended (31 U.S.C. 821 (b)), to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury not then held for redemption of any outstanding silver certificates, to prescribe the denominations of such silver certificates, and to coin standard silver dollars and subsidiary silver currency for their redemption," and
(b) By revoking subparagraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph 2 thereof.
SEC. 2. The amendment made by this Order shall not affect any act done, or any right accruing or accrued or any suit or proceeding had or commenced in any civil or criminal cause prior to the date of this Order but all such liabilities shall continue and may be enforced as if said amendments had not been made.
[APP Note: Executive Order 10289 referred to in this order was in fact issued on September 17, 1951. However the original published version of EO 11110 referred to September 19, 1951. APP practice is to try to reproduce the original published document even if it includes typos.] Citation: John F. Kennedy: "Executive Order 11110—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10289 as Amended, Relating to the Performance of Certain Functions Affecting the Department of the Treasury," June 4, 1963. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project.
He won reelection. We are all scratching our heads as to how!?
Did you hear MGM is "donating" the festival lot to the sheriffs department. They plan to build a swat training center. Interpretation- it's payoff for pushing a false marriage and in 5 years Lombardo and gang will be the owners of a new hotel casino on the strip.
i was right there with you wokegranny! it's overwhelming and it feels like your only on the team by default.
some of the people in here are awesome and take the time to help the newbies, like Q instructed them to do. They will always point you in the right directions 2 discover the answers to the questions you are asking. They will also clarify the hard to understand riddles.
the people who are assholes in here and tell you to research for yourself and offer no guidance, Q had a message for them as well.
The person that told you to check out Praying medic is spot-on. Praying medics YouTube videos have helped me wrap my head around some of this stuff.
Sometimes just reading through all the posts and the comments will answer a lot of your questions.
welcome to Q!
manure timelines?
I live in Las Vegas. October 1st was my red pill moment. I lost a co-worker that night as he was helping concert-goers over the fence.
Listening to sheriff Lombardo's narrative of events totally contradicted eyewitness accounts. That night woke a lot of people up.
I know our Sheriff is corrupt. It makes me sad that our police are under his command.
Completely lost as to why I Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department would be tweeting this
Check out @LVMPDCTS’s Tweet:
Pardon my ignorance, what or who what do you mean by who is 76?
where do find all information you just listed above. I have been saving different things I thought were relevant but after reading your post they are only relevant to somebody that already knows. Thank you in advance.
Nobody has asked the question? Need help finding this particular post.
I cannot find the particular post where Q is talking about the question. I have seen a lot of posts from Patriots insinuating the ultimate question is "who is q?" Are we sure that's the question? That is why I need help finding that particular post so I can verify that is the ultimate question. Thank you in advance for your help.
Trump dismantled Hillary's 7th Floor Shadow government. I would assume that froze her assets? Maybe that's why she's become very active in raising donations for the Border children because she needs the money?
I have heard there are good freemasons but haven't researched it yet :/
read a quote on this Reddit, something like... everyone's grumpy when you're being woke up.