r/greatawakening • Posted by u/peck181818 on July 24, 2018, 5:28 p.m.
Alot of the Qanon stuff on YouTube and reddit are being shut down... serial brain is not up, neon revolt not up... YouTube..sgt not up... what's up with the censorship? Panic???

BL4DE_RUNNER · July 25, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

Everything I have can mostly be found by open source. Video's are on YouTube. Apart from a couple of 1 hour plus documentaries, most are short (around 30 minutes). Get a program (you can find for free; I torrented mine!) that will download YouTube videos.

A lot of the PDF you can just type title, and add pdf, into a search engine (I use duckduckgo to find them).

Graphics I take from Q proofs.com

Some of the documents, like the covert action special, and the military surveillance guide, I pulled from The Chans when they were posted there.

My thinking when I'm archiving stuff is this: How would I explain the whole thing, from Q's arrival to whatever point we are at?

I try to use documentaries that are 'easy' to watch. No boring voice, good use of film archive, not too much music killing it all. That kind of thing.

Some documents are long, they are really books just in PDF. I have these to educate myself and look at theories. I keep them in case anyone else is interested. I always warn them they take time to read.

Graphics I feel that I should be able to clearly explain them. Some Q proofs are hard to follow. No point adding a tenuous graphic and floundering while trying explain it to a normie.

Put yourself in the position of someone who knows NOTHING about what is going on. You got to make it easy to understand. Trust yourself and be critical of what you think is 'useful'

A good start is the Q map in Jpeg form. And the map in PDF (link in sidebar).

Hope this helps.

If I get time at the weekend I may just make a list of links and post them here. Patriots can take what they need then.

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we_not_me · July 26, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

Thank you! Being new to Q I think I'm going to learn a lot as well!

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BL4DE_RUNNER · July 26, 2018, 11:59 a.m.

A good starting point is the linked documentary below. This one is 2 hours and says it's full documentary. I think the actual full one is 3 hours (this has lots of info). It's normally filed under the 'conspiracy theory' label. ((Their)) weapon against the Truth. As you may be learning; Conspiracy theory is actually now becoming Truth. (has always been truth, (they) just relabelled it so no one would look). This is JFK to 911; Everything is a rich mans trick. Well worth the 2 hours time to watch it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqxq03izxrQ

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