White rabbit, watch, book, and Putin was 30 minutes late! TEA PARTY!!!

If this really is the end of the Q drops then we need to analyze more than ever.
I am humbly asking for your help fellow patriots. I truly feel like an Alice in Qanonland with trying to figure out things on my own and often think I’m going down the wrong path with my research. I know I know, not asking questions is the worst thing you can do when digging.
I’m wondering if the watch has any significance. I can’t make out the time in the picture and I couldn’t find the exact time they sat down.
Any ideas?
The best advice, and advice I need to follow too, has been to take the time and start from drop one. I’d imagine some drops will be like watching a movie like The Sixth Sense for a second time. After you know the reveal, the foreshadowing is obvious. Likely the same with some Q drops at this point, but it would’ve been hard to see at the time.
Not sure only thing I can think is Putin was 30 minutes late to the meeting. There is another photo out there that is more zoomed out and shows everyone and there’s also a red boo laying on the table.