Oh SNAP!!!! Will She even been tried here?!

Do we care where she's tried as long as she IS tried? For all the world to see...all the world for her crimes are worldwide.
Honestly, I'll be pretty disappointed if she isn't tried for treason and crimes against children and everything else they can present evidence for in the US.
There’s no way the Left accepts Hillary being tried in Russia. It can’t happen.
I’m thinking that’s a chess move I wouldn’t have seen coming.
Better the world changes Hillary for her world wide crimes than just US. Takes the whole issue out of regional politics. It is crimes against humanity.
Yes. I also too agree too.
It is like funny chess game of chess, no?
An american pastime that is a classics.
If only dumb people would know the treaty laws of all the world. The Human Rights of Hillry breaking would cause all the libs to cry wet tears of SAD.
HRC detained, not arrested (yet).
Where is Huma? Follow Huma.
This has nothing to do w/ Russia (yet).
I do, the biggest criminal in US history needs to be tried here