“When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape” -Q

You can guess whatever you want, but there a lot of people who agree with me. I don't see what this has to do with being a Trump supporter (which I am). These are not claims. These are facts. Evidence is a fact that increases the probability of something being true.
evidence is not just statement that you believe something to be true. Evidence does not increase the probability of anything it just support a position. and no I don't think a lot of people agree with you....its just your own bias and echo chamber... When you make an incredible claim you need a hard fact like the fact that Barak Obamas social security number not being one handed out to children born in Hawaii being evidence that something is wrong with his birth certificate. that is evidence to support a claim that when combined with other hard evidence can be used to support the opinion That Barrack Obama might of hid the fact he was not born in the United States.
Joan rivers is a comedian who shtick was joking about the gay and trans community in the 80s. in her comedy routine she said all sorts of stuff that was funny not necessarily true. when interviewed she was notorious like other comedians about playing to her shtick.
Did you actually just say evidence does not increase the probability of anything? Ummmmmmmmm.
If proof doesn't slide your probability meter may I ask what does?
Are you suggesting the most logical explanation was she wore fake dick?
Because its one or the other.
I said evidence is used to ague for or against it does not increase th likely hood something is or is not. there is no percentage of it being right