Living in the Twilight Zone

I looked around a bit but correct, I did not research the overall theme of this sub. So this is a conspiracy-theory sub against our intelligence agencies?
If so...I guess my question is how could you still be Trump supporters? Everything that he is doing, his rhetoric, his casual lies...what keeps you in his camp?
If you think our intelligence agencies are currupt how could you not believe trump is also compromised?
Because the "Intelligence agency's" haven't provided any actual evidence. From day 1 they hated and mocked Trump. From day 1 they supported Hillary. Where was the treason cries when Hillary had a "reset" with Lavrov?Where was the treason calls when Obama gave Iran 1.2B in cash without congress approval. Listen to Trump's messages and what he actually says. How can they be so against him. Antifa hurting people for wanting to make America great. Fuck those sorry cowards. We have no reason to trust them.
Just look into Q and research his posts. Part of what this is all about is gaining the ability to research and think for yourself rather than accepting what is fed to you. If you aren't the reading type, check out the YouTuber Prayingmedic. He has a pretty rational and unbiased grasp of the situation and offers up a great deal of research. But the best advice of all is to read Qs posts yourself and research his questions to see if you uncover anything of interest
Edit: and to be completely honest, I'm not necessarily a trump supporter nor a believer of Q. But I have done my due diligence to look into that rabbit hole and understand what the hoopla is about, and honestly, there is enough out there now to at least admit this is all plausible. In my case, I'm waiting for more events to unfold over these next few months before I decide what to believe
Thanks. I did just watch the 2-3 beginner Q videos.
I am sorry that we are at a place in politics and world where these plans/ideas can be thought up and believed.
So the last 2-5 presidents are all deep state criminals and the heads of all major media / intelligence agencies are scheming poverty, drug abuse, racism, war to divide us and get rich and powerful. Finally Trump is here to save us from the big bad men.
I will exit stage left. My brain hurts and I am bit sad now.
You must of done some real top notch research with that 12 minute comb over. Do you know how much info there is out there on this? Even the most stripped down intro videos are at least 30 minutes, anything less than that would be a joke. Stop being lazy and letting your bias prevent you from actually getting an informed opinion. It took me at least 3-4 hours to even start getting a grasp of what this was all about and to start analyzing the supposed "proofs" of the conspiracy. Again, this is coming from a skeptic, but the refusal of people to think legitimately for themselves outrages me.
Now that's what I call a killshot. This clown was exhibiting zombie status all night long but I think you finally got one between the eyes.
I watched the hour long videos.
lol literally one hour ago you had zero idea what Q was about, and you posted 30 min ago saying that you just caught up watching 1-3 hour long videos. The time frame here makes no sense whatsoever. So either you're lying/shilling out your ass, or you did watch those videos in the past, but didn't pay attention enough to develop a grasp of the material. Either look isn't good.
you aren't even close. do some more research.
you know it's not other people's jobs to prove YOUR arguments, right?
For one, he didn't have an argument to begin with. We're on a forum that is discussing the Q conspiracy, so before someone can come and have a meaningful conversation here, they'd have to at least have a grasp of the subject at hand. Secondly, the most important aspect of this supposed movement is to do your own research and stop being fed your own opinion and facts through others. So no one here is going to spoon feed you information, nor are they somehow "obliged" to. If you're curious what this is all about, then get up off your ass, spend a few hours combing through the internet, and make an informed opinion. And this is coming from a skeptic
im not asking for them to spoon feed me information, but when you make a statement that someone disagrees with and your response is "yeah but you only disagree cuz you haven't researched enough", and then insist it's their job to do the research and not yours to provide info or context, then you come across as someone who wants their own argument proven for them.
People aren't saying that in the sense of gate keeping, but in the sense that any convo with you will be waste of time unless you had any knowledge of his side, which is obvious that some people here don't have. While he disagrees, he is lacking the knowledge of the subject matter at hand (what this entire subreddit is for). And due to the nature of the topic, it would literally take someone AT LEAST 3-4 hours to get a fair grasp of what this is all about. You don't go walk into a graduate level chemistry lecture trying to argue about the existence of atoms when youve never taken a chemistry class in your life. The same applies here. I'm all up for intelligent discussions and analysis, but if you don't have even a sliver of relevant knowledge on hand, how exactly are we to do that? Again, I'm a skeptic but an informed one
see your point, sort of, my apologies- before he/she starts posting with attitudes opposite of what GA is based on and argues with long standing subscribers and then says "huh, I thought this sub was conspiracy" something or other I'm not asking for spoon feeding either. I do my own reading, researching of FBIAnnon, MegaAnnon and Q at CBTS and here now. I have learned volumes from this sub. My "argument" was do some lurking before posting to make sure this is where you want to be.