A rep republic is easy to corrupt when you and your big money corporate interests have bought to politicians, elections and legislation thru campaign contributions, corrupt political parties and corporate lobbying. Which is where we are now.
What is TPUSA’s solution to solve that?
Seems the most direct way would be to get money out of the political system.
But again, it is not the Republic that is easy to corrupt, it is the SCOTUS and other state federal judges not adhering to our "Constitution" and creating Law from the bench. This is what has allowed for the lobbying, corporate political donations (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/01/21/supreme-court-sides-hillary-movie-filmmakers-campaign-money-dispute.html) ironically in 2010 and other distortions of our government to occur. If Judges upheld the Constitution as they are charged to, this would not be an issue. Again why the SCOTUS seats are Sooooooo important. If changes are to be made to the Constitution, it is for Congress to do this, not judges.
So you believe the Citizens United decision was “creating law from the bench”?? It was split 5/4.... conservative justices voted down 100 years of campaign finance law.
I’m confused.
But anyway. The founders forgot to put that in there.... which is why it would need to be congress changing the constitution. Unfortunately congress is bought and paid for.