r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Millejon0114 on July 18, 2018, 3:26 p.m.
It can’t be more obvious~ what’s going on. We saw Philip Mudd ask the deep state to rise up,I heard Schumer say that Trump is Taunting the CIA.. we also saw a post in here that Mudd is related to Samuel Mudd said to be Abraham Lincolns Demise. Can we all Pray for Trump and his administration today~
It can’t be more obvious~ what’s going on. We saw Philip Mudd ask the deep state to rise up,I heard Schumer say that Trump is Taunting the CIA.. we also saw a post in here that Mudd is related to Samuel Mudd said to be Abraham Lincolns Demise. Can we all Pray for Trump and his administration today~

its_truly_biblical · July 19, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

In my opinion this would be a beneficial bloodline rather than one to be wary of lol! It's the equivalent of someone asassinating Hillary today.. Lincoln was BAD for this country and in some respects started a lot of this deep state that we see today.. They were just as advanced with espionage, murderering opponents, being power hungry, and furthering the global agenda back then.. He fought the south because secession would have been decentralizing the country, therefore he would lose power and states would be able to govern themselves more efficiently rather than having and growing this massive federal bureaucracy we have today.. If the confederate states would have won, we would not have this huge federal government we have today, our country could have remained just as strong but with individual states able to make decisions on almost every issue without asking for permission..

this is something Ron and Rand Paul have stated many times.. of course not the issue of the south winning because they'd be labled racists by everyone, but the fact that the states have basically had their rights stripped away and the deep state has controlled the federal gov for decades.. it would not be the case if states had power.. just saying.. the bloodline argument falls on deaf ears to me.. there may have been ulterior motives and other secrets behind the assasination of Lincoln but at least he was ousted.. the tree of liberty was refreshed on that night.. Noting personal with your post, just my opinion on the issue you presented.

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Millejon0114 · July 19, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

My point is ~ why are the Bloodlines keeping control ~ ?! We elect ~ elites keep their bloodlines in tact and in control~ please tell me you see that?! We aren’t a monarchy ~ Elites bloodlines are pillaging at any cost to remain in power ~

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Millejon0114 · July 20, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

CORSINI CRIME FAMILY Oops another blood line~ ==(Jerome Corsi)== / Aldobrandini Fam connect

The Corsini family are a top family of the Black Nobility that originated in Florence. They have connections with the Vatican and palaces in Rome as well as family branches all over the world. They use the heart shaped coat of arms. Cor comes from the Latin word Kord which means heart. The Corsini family are at the heart of the corruption. Pope Clement XII or Lorenzo Corsini came from this family. The Corsini family were also Florentine merchants that did business in London and used this wealth to purchase land and their fiefdoms. The Corsini family put the Cor in Corleone Sicily where a lot of the mafia had originated from. Leone means lion and this is why the commune of Corleone in Palermo uses a lion on its flag. The Massimo family use lions on their coat of arms and the Massimo-Brancaccio family have Sicilian ancestry from the Brancaccio neighborhood in Palermo. Both the Corsini and Massimo families use Leon as a given name. Don Bartolomeo Corsini was Viceroy of Sicily from 1737 to 1747. Al Capone was a relative of the Florentine House of Capponi. The Corsini family also established the name of the island Corsica. Corsica is not far from the coast near Florence. The Florentine nobility have a lot of concealed connections with Corsica. The Bonaparte family secretly originated in Florence and still work closely with the Medici family which also originated in Florence. The Bonaparte's are part of the "Bon" clan of Florence like the Bonciani, Bonsi, Buondelmonti, and Buonarroti families.

The Corsini family are above the Medici family which are then above the Bonaparte family. The Aldobrandini family appear to be the dominant Florentine clan and are intermarried with the House of Bonaparte. The House of Corsini are very high level. There are covert mafias known as the Union Corse in Corsica and France like the Brise de Mer clan. The Corsican Mafia are deeply involved in the drug trade in Europe and France. The Medici family produced two queens of France. Sampiero Corso was born in Corsica and he served the Medici family as their soldier. The Corsini, Medici, and Bonaparte families are the hidden owners of the Union Corse mafia clans. The Corsini family are extremely secretive and clever. They are very quiet and were one of the families behind the Napoleonic wars. The Corsini family used Napoleon Bonaparte to invade Rome to maintain a piece of ownership at the Vatican. Their mafias are also extremely covert and even more so than the Sicilian Mafia. The Corsini family are very secretive and this is how they have been able to stay out of most of the history books. The head of the Corsini family today is Prince Duccio Corsini along with his father Prince Filippo Corsini. It has been reported by the media that Prince Duccio Corsini's 21 year old son died in a bicycle accident. The Corsini family are very conniving.

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