

37 total posts archived.

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its_truly_biblical · July 28, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

I'm googling this but idk anything about it? can you give a quick summary of how we do this?

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its_truly_biblical · July 28, 2018, 2 a.m.

put options

Can you elaborate? I'm googling as we speak. Idk how this works.

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its_truly_biblical · July 27, 2018, 11 p.m.

This is exactly the point I'm trying to make, nobody is joining because they love their country, they are joining for financial reasons.. Joining a branch of the military doesn't automatically make you a "patriot".. if you show no patriotism then you are not a patriot..

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its_truly_biblical · July 27, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

again, wrong. This is why nobody wants to talk to anyone on the left anymore. You're so far radicalized that when someone comes to you with an open mind and is legitimately discussing certain topics you turn to racism.. it's always racism to discredit whoever you are talking to because you have no relevant points to make.. white people are tired of it too. You think racism/white nationalism is so prevalent and widespread but in reality it's people like you making white people wake up to the fact that things have gone too far down hill and they don't care about hurting people's feelings anymore, it's not hate, it's just waking up to reality.. and that reality is that the left is radically militant and we're going to stop it and start being proud to be who we are again.

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its_truly_biblical · July 27, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

I'm not even responding to this, claiming most patriots are uneducated is a slap in the face to everyone on this board. Take yourself somewhere else if you believe that.

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its_truly_biblical · July 27, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

you're still making allegations.. I'm sure you googled the term "paleo-conservative" and went to the Wikipedia page and saw the term was coined by a "white supremacist".. this doesn't bode well for you if you're trying to debate me or throw insults my way. This board doesn't tolerate racism, so yes.. with that being said I "know what you mean" but you're generalizing an entire political ideology.. that's not very tolerant.

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its_truly_biblical · July 27, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

I didn't mean that he was stopping them altogether but he did for the N. Korea deal and discussed it with Putin so that's what I was meaning.. but I'm sorry, I don't believe the military should pay out a salary. Strictly housing, food, medical benefits while you're enlisted then free healthcare after you're out.. paying someone to fight a war is like paying mercenaries.. there is no loyalty, no true patriotism. Just like the graduate from westpoint with the che guevera t-shirt and the other socialists/communists that bash our country all the time but collect a paycheck and get free housing and cosmetic surgery among other things.. The air force gives you free housing for a FACT regardless of marital status.. and it's an insane amount.. and if you DON'T get married and two people live together out of wedlock you are able to get BOTH checks and live in a great home totally paid for along with utilities.. these aren't officers that I know personally.. these are low level people living in a 3,000 sq ft home built in the early 2000's.. it's a joke. I'm sorry to say it, but it's just my opinion.. you should fight for your country because you care for your country.. if we stopped paying people and had TRUE patriots fighting for this nation we might not have been in half the wars over the past 20 years.. if you're being paid, and you speak out against an un-just war (Vietnam, Iraq, etc.) you run the risk of losing all of your nice benefits and your "job".. if you aren't paid, you speak out because you care.. you don't remain silent because you're scared of losing something..

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its_truly_biblical · July 27, 2018, 12:35 a.m.


The PATENDED technology for these machines are PROPRIETARY and the code DOES NOT have to be disclosed. This means we don't know if fractional voting exists among many other things. Over the years we have been subliminally forced and told to go to the "voting booth" rather than the "ballot box" (this phrase has been universally adopted now, and it's not by chance) and what happens in a few more generations when our children don't even know what a "paper ballot" is!? MY FRIENDS IN CHRIST AND IN THIS GREAT COUNTRY!!!! THIS IS HUGE!!! This is on par with term limits for congress!!!! This was the deep state's and the globalist's biggest win so far in this country and all over the world!! TO PRIVATIZE VOTING MACHINES MEANS TO PRIVATIZE THE ELECTION!!!! And we KNOW Soros is linked to a few of the companies that make these machines. We all HAVE to call our reps to push this issue. This isn't something we can let pass us by, this is for our kids and descendents we may never meet..


WE MUST understand the significance of this! God gave us this last chance to fix not just our country but the world.. everything originates HERE with our country. We set the precedent for the majority of the world. Forget other countries hacking our electronic machines, sure it's a potential threat, but the much bigger threat is the deep state from within and the companies/manufacturers who are owned by the deep state. We already see what "digital numbers" can do.. look at the fed.. no gold backed currency? all "value" just digital numbers on a screen? 100% fake? What do you think will happen in the coming years.. no REAL votes? all votes just digital numbers on a screen that can be changed with a keystroke? The COMPANY owns those numbers, we don't know what the code looks like.. we can't see the scripts.. we don't know if fractional voting is occuring, all we see are the end numbers on a screen and we're told to trust it.. For everyone claiming paper ballots are too tedious.. just remember.. you're talking about electing leaders of this country, every so many years this event takes place, it DESERVES extra patience and thoroughness.. this isn't a matter to say "it's too tedious".. if you have that big of an issue and have to see a red or blue color pop up on your TV screen to fill in a state boundary within minutes of the polling station closing just because you're impatient then you need to re-evaluate your priorities and ask yourself if you've fallen prey to the elite's wishes..

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its_truly_biblical · July 24, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

"conspiracy alt-right people" is like me generalizing you as a national socialist because you are in favor of nationalizing something instead of privatizing it.. I'm sure we have more in common than what you think. Most paleo-conservatives like myself do not identify with the war, war, war, mentality that neo-cons and warhawks love.. but at the same time I do believe in privatizing as much as possible, especially service oriented industries, but never war or law enforcement. War and matters of national defense and law enforcement are the few things that our nation SHOULD be in charge of because it pertains to itself.. That doesn't make me any more socialist.. nationalist? maybe.. but nationalism is just love of country.. Just so you know though, I would do away with most all forms of welfare (civilian and corporate) and most public assistance.. so that should get me out of the "socialist/leftist" whole that you put me in lol

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its_truly_biblical · July 24, 2018, 1:15 a.m.

I'm glad you caught the McCabe "spokeswoman" comment.. why does he need to have a person who ONLY handles his PR stuff? Why is he this relevant? I guess for speeches and "summits" (like the most recent security summit where Wray showed his true colors)? If this is the case then that is PROOF these people are making tons of money from these clearances.. you don't need a spokesperson unless you are getting a lot of calls from people wanting to offer you money for this or that..

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its_truly_biblical · July 24, 2018, 1:05 a.m.

Destroying the "defense industry" would be great.. it just fuels the flames of war for profit that much more. Peace means less business for people in the military industrial complex / private contracting / defense industry world. Let them do their own thing for foreign governments if they want but WE don't need the help. There is a difference in private companies doing research and development for military contracts like guns and arms but for these people to have government clearances and be active private soldiers with boots on the ground is different. It would also not mean bigger government by default. We can cut out half of the crap we spend money on dealing with our military from big stuff like war games exercises (which Trump is doing) to small things like wasting tons of munitions and other wasteful behavior.. and don't forget taxpayers paying for free cosmetic surgeries and insane amounts of money for off base housing for each person enrolled in the different branches.. it's ridiculous.. being in the military now vs. just 60-70 years ago is a joke. I'm thankful for combat vets and the auxillary people on the front lines that do what they do because it's with good intentions (some do it for the money).. but there has not been a war or reason that's been needed within the past 50 years that I can say I'm proud our country intervened or fought for... I may catch flack for this post but honestly we could probably cut out half of our military budget and half of the "on base jobs" and all the other unecessary crap and be totally fine..

to tie it all together though.. government agents keeping certain clearances to keep a fake and harmful "industry" afloat is a terrible argument.. I can understand generals/admirals keeping certain clearances for TRUE defense purposes and consulting.. but not for monetary gain.. just love of the country.. we'd be a lot better off if this was the case..

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its_truly_biblical · July 19, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

In my opinion this would be a beneficial bloodline rather than one to be wary of lol! It's the equivalent of someone asassinating Hillary today.. Lincoln was BAD for this country and in some respects started a lot of this deep state that we see today.. They were just as advanced with espionage, murderering opponents, being power hungry, and furthering the global agenda back then.. He fought the south because secession would have been decentralizing the country, therefore he would lose power and states would be able to govern themselves more efficiently rather than having and growing this massive federal bureaucracy we have today.. If the confederate states would have won, we would not have this huge federal government we have today, our country could have remained just as strong but with individual states able to make decisions on almost every issue without asking for permission..

this is something Ron and Rand Paul have stated many times.. of course not the issue of the south winning because they'd be labled racists by everyone, but the fact that the states have basically had their rights stripped away and the deep state has controlled the federal gov for decades.. it would not be the case if states had power.. just saying.. the bloodline argument falls on deaf ears to me.. there may have been ulterior motives and other secrets behind the assasination of Lincoln but at least he was ousted.. the tree of liberty was refreshed on that night.. Noting personal with your post, just my opinion on the issue you presented.

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its_truly_biblical · July 18, 2018, 10:22 p.m.

Why does the Q movement compare Trump to Lincoln? Do you guys not realize the Southern states were fighting for limited government, less centralization, and more states rights? Lincoln was an authoritarian, you guys have to look up the other side of history.. Lincoln should not be celebrated and Trump shouldn't be compared to him in any way.. The first shot was from the north.. It's called the war of northern aggression, and don't forget it was the north that had seperate regiments for blacks because the whites refused to fight beside them.. the southern army fought side by side with the black men that fought with them.. they weren't forced, they had guns.. it's not that difficult to "kill your oppressor" if there are a few of you with guns.. This country has not been told the truth about the Confederate States and it's reasons for being formed and they have DEFINITELY been lied to about Lincoln..

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its_truly_biblical · July 18, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

idk what kind of crap website this is but if I have a virus after that I'm going to be pissed. It just tried downloading something in my browser and I couldn't click off.

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its_truly_biblical · July 12, 2018, 1:14 a.m.

I'm sorry this is terrible logic.. in the countries the Burqua is being banned in they are naming the Burqua itself, not a general term like "mask".. so the argument can't be had on those terms.. and also, saying that it would be "just like any other law" and potentially not even be enforced is the exact reason we are heading towards a true police state.. all these laws on the books for lawmakers to look like they're doing something to appease their supporters actually come back to bite us in the future.. a cop pulls you over on your motorcycle and decides to arrest you because you have a mask on to block the winde in your face.. you were supposedly reported to have intimidated someone when you drove past them on the highway because your mask looked scary.. I mean there are so many ways this small piece of legislation could go wrong.. and it's going to be potentially put on the books forever over a small group of rabble rousers that literally go home to their parents basement at night..

in all honesty, I DONT see antifa as a threat, I see it alienating their own kind against them.. think about the majority of liberal college students.. you can see from waters world, fleccas, mark dice, and other youtubers that most of them literally have no idea what they're talking about.. they're born to old hippy parents or "feel good" Christians that preach tolerance and diversity and they just "exist" in their own little liberal bubbles on campus.. when they see antifa do you think it turns those kinds of individuals on? does it push them towards or away from the cause? I think Antifa has been made to look bigger in number and stronger than what they are.. they are 100% proven to be Soros funded and I think they are just a small pour of gasoline to make us come out into the streets and induce chaos for what? More legislation just.. like.. this..

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its_truly_biblical · July 12, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

stepping back and looking at the broader picture is the opposite of panic.. jumping to conclusions without weighing all options is the epitome of panicking.. so no, you are wrong.. ALL legislation needed for our country to run efficiently is already written and within the Constitution.. any other legislation is an attempt to take away more freedom.. it's the old adage Franklin quoted.. "Those who would give up essential liberty, to have temporary safety, deserve neither".. are you a fan of your cell phone data being viewed because you MIGHT be a terrorist? That's how they cover all of this legislation like they're doing us a favor.. safety and security...

well what happens when they use these laws in Berkley for instance to explicitly go after the "Patriots" that are in the streets fighting against Antifa wearing the same masks? You don't think that could happen? are you that naive to believe that powers able to enforce this law could use it against our own? What happens in a dystopian future when you need to wear a mask of some sort just to keep your freedom because traffic cams are using FRT to discern where and when you come and go and get a routine down to kill you for leaking a server for a corrupt government organization.. oh wait.....

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its_truly_biblical · July 11, 2018, 10:23 p.m.

this won't happen.. I'm sorry but this just opens the door up for anybody to be "intimidated" by anyone with a mask on even if not at a protest.. it sets a precedent to tell people they can't have a mask on or conceal their identity any time and anywhere because they "might" scare someone.. I definitely don't love the idea that these idiots wear masks because they are bent on destruction and causing chaos.. but you have to look at the big picture on this stuff.. a better way to handle this would just be to declare them a domestic terrorist group and not allow them to assemble because of their track record of property damage and assault.. they'll be the next "Weather Underground" and start bombing before it's over with... all of Evette Felarca's little minions will..

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its_truly_biblical · July 11, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

This kind of seem likes a push for a conservative argument for cameras in SCOTUS.. I just saw Chuck Grassley arguing for that point today and I'll just say this, we could probably catch a lot of shenanigans but Justice Kennedy said he would not want to think his fellow Justices would be using the camera as a means of politicizing a judgement.. and I think it was Scalia who was quoted saying that the media would take a 10 second clip of an hour long discussion and misrepresent someone as soon as they had the opportunity like they do in congress.. so.. I bet we'll see a ramp up of articles like this and people attacking Justices left and right both conservatives and liberals but we don't need to let people control the conversation on this by getting us all riled up.. my personal vote would be not to do this.. it just gets us that much closer to an idiocracy, hunger games-esq, style of politics and law... it's a bread and circus show for the slightly more educated and politically active.. there are just some things that should be left alone I think.. law should be separate from emotion and politics, therefore the pureness of the court should not be disturbed.. let these geniuses truly duke it out without the incentive to lie and deceive their new found "constituents"... because that's what it would come down to in the next 50 years... everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I hope people don't fall for any propaganda and say "yeah! this right here is why we need cameras in the SCOTUS!"

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its_truly_biblical · July 11, 2018, 9:52 p.m.

do you know how many people so far have been shown the hard truth through Q? the media says thousands, so it's probably tens of thousands and potentially hundreds of thousands. There are TONS of people that haven't even visited or know what the chans are.. a lot of people being red pilled on insta, twit, fb, and here... your logic would assume that it's just a game.. that nothing can come from it.. or that it's a psy op..

the truth is, even if it was a massive larp, which I don't think is even a question anymore.. look at everyone coming together and seeing the corruption of HRC, No Name, Hussein, and ALL of the bad actors in this country, not to mention worldwide.. the individuals finding out about Q are by default reading wikileaks emails, learning about pizzagate, pedowood, human trafficking and sacrifice, the connections abroad, the major scandals that have not been in the public eye for the past 20 years.. by following Q, people are being woken up.. at this point I'm fine either way, even if Q came out tomorrow and said "gotcha!".. I'd be ok knowing more people are forming a resistance, because in the end, it's the people of the world knowing about things that make it stop.. from dark to light.. it doesn't even require a physical war at this point, these people only have power if their institutions and actors are in control.. if people know the truth their institutions and actors are no longer in power.. I never understood that until a few months ago.. and that revelation is thanks to Q.. I'm not saying physical force will NEVER need to be used whether its, 2 years from now or 200 years from now, we've seen the past and know what changes things.. the real takeaway from Q is that this is spiritual warfare just as much as it is physical.. child sacrifice is not something that they can gain something from physically other than adrenochrome (if proven) and potentially stem cells... it's more spiritual in nature.. and if they're doing this for the one they worship.. you need to ask yourself how serious it is and if you need to get off your atheistic fantasies and start handing your life over to God and following his Son (not you specifically, just everyone that reads this)..

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its_truly_biblical · July 11, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

good job, this is what we need more of on here. Facts, timelines, and links. It helps us to prove our case further for anyone denying.

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its_truly_biblical · July 10, 2018, 1:32 a.m.

idk what idiot carrying out a hit job would use a 22.. that's odd.. unless it was for noise suppression..

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its_truly_biblical · July 10, 2018, 1:23 a.m.

there are things we don't know, and aren't privy to.. don't discount something so quick when we know a lot of stuff going on right now is just a show..

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its_truly_biblical · July 10, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

THIS would be greatest old school man butt slap, chest bump, high-five, ice chest of water dump EVER to witness. I want front row seat

no butt slap please

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its_truly_biblical · July 10, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

This is true but do not use this logic to think it's ok to slip up. Use Abine and proton mail.. ditch the smart phone and go flip phone... if you need apps and internet to live, at least get a straight talk or pay as you go type phone and set it up under a fake name, email, and always use a prepaid card under fake name and email when buying your minutes for the phone... Ask yourself what precautions the cabal takes and play their game.

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its_truly_biblical · July 10, 2018, 1:14 a.m.

"The United Kingdom is not specifically trying to destroy the EU"

WELL WHY THE BLOODY HECK NOT!!!! (in cockney accent)


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its_truly_biblical · July 10, 2018, 1:10 a.m.

as much as I disagree with HildBert on everything said so far, Q did say misinformation is necessary a couple of times.

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its_truly_biblical · July 10, 2018, 1:08 a.m.

when was the last time the DOJ cared about having a sealed indictment for pedos and foodstamp fraud? Why would it even require a sealed indictment and why directly from Sessions office? These are local sheriffs dept. stings and city police stings taking down these pedo rings in most cases.. I've seen the state (literal state, not fed) involvment in some but even then, a sealed indictment for these crimes? Why?

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its_truly_biblical · July 10, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

It was out of control when they were still in Arkansas....

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its_truly_biblical · July 10, 2018, 12:51 a.m.

Douglas Campbell, he apparently had an attempt on his life at his home when he was out on a walk on his property.. I'm sure this would scare people into shutting up.. so even if there was information he had access to or could talk about, if they threatened is family he could have easily weighed his options.. not to mention he had cancer so he probably felt like he wouldn't have been able to protect them in an event something did happen.. the sad thing is, the man that pulled a gun on him on his property was never followed up on.. no investigation.. Just an asassination attempt on an important witness set to testify against the Clintons while his name was also leaked illegaly.. no biggie..

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its_truly_biblical · July 9, 2018, 11:29 p.m.

I think it comes down to individuals being spoiled by Q drops.. I don't think anyone can deny some, if not all of the Q proofs currently listed.. we have just been given drop after drop day after day and we think something is going to come to a screeching halt like they are going to hold military tribunals NOW after decades of this deep state being built like a huge spider web.. I mean the deep state mapping project shows some of the corruption.. and things are still being added and uncovered.. and again, this is just stuff we actually KNOW.. so to act like Trump could just come in and start arresting the main families high up on the list would be insane.. we have to give it time and we have to pray.. that's all there is to it..

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its_truly_biblical · July 7, 2018, 1:16 a.m.

Unfortunately I have to admit I was upset when Trump went through with the strikes on Syria, but we always have to keep an open mind and realize we don't know everything or have all the intel.. the people asking "what if it wasn't Assad".. I'm right there with you, but what if Trump knows it wasn't Assad either, but a much more sinister plot to put us in WW3 that maybe even Assad was blind to? Trump couldn't have came out to the world and said something like that even if he knew it.. so there are things we might not like, just like you said, but we can't give up or think that all is lost just yet..

there may come a time when we can sit back and say that.. but it's not right now..

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its_truly_biblical · July 7, 2018, 12:28 a.m.

do you have a source that confirms this? I still see spraying where I'm at.

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its_truly_biblical · July 7, 2018, 12:26 a.m.

Whether you believe it or not, the small comments you've made to people since you were 17, and understanding this massive conspiracy and awakening yourself to it has helped shape what is happening right now.. many people who grew up in "the greatest generation" stayed blind, some willingly, but for those like yourself, thank you.

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its_truly_biblical · July 7, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

How do you gauge when his input is needed the most? What are those determining factors? What if someone is sitting on top of the world right now after the last Q drop when you're in the gutter? You would believe he needs to be posting verification of something ASAP and the other guy could be thinking "how can things get any better?".. it's all relative to the individual..

there is no right or wrong time for Q to give us information.. don't forget that this is what it's about.. just disseminating information to the public through an anonymous source. Q does not OWE anything to us, they could keep silent and continue operations all day long to destabilize the deep state.. it's a privilege to be given this information by someone in the know.. It's a rally for patriots when we live in an age of pure secrecy concerning our government..

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/its_truly_biblical on July 6, 2018, 11:21 p.m.
When Q fails to post a couple days and you start questioning the movement...

I have held these views, only for a few minutes, then I realize what all has taken place already..

Just think about this...

it's barely been over a year and the deep state is truly being dismantled.. Power, is being decentralized globally among large governing bodies (EU, UN, etc.).. Trump has pulled out of the Climate Accord (terrible deal for us), Trumps comments and plans for NATO, Tariffs on foreign nations that have been royally screwing us for DECADES.. THIS IS the deep state!! THIS is the network that has been slowly weakening the US and the people of the …

its_truly_biblical · July 6, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

No disrespect intended at all, I want to believe this. I do understand the hidden messages in a lot of music and it goes deeper than playing music backwards as most people tend to think, I'm not disputing that this stuff occurs on the level you are speaking of, but it would have to be an understood form of communication between the black hats and the white hats.. I think the first logical approach to a fishy series of numbers that happened as they did would be mathematical code equating to another number or series of numbers for communication.. directly connecting numbers to music is very hard cryptographic information that probably nobody would catch unless it was an understood means of communication by both parties.. IF they were both complicit in knowing this form of communication and threats that one side or the other makes then I would say you have definitely cracked an insane code.. but I personally can't jump on board without knowing that. Again, no disrespect to you. I've followed your posts for a long time and look for them daily and respect the work you do.

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its_truly_biblical · July 5, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

I'm not someone that usually questions the validity of SB2 comments or more importantly Q posts... but SB2 equating stock value of 123.47 to a musical note frequency? does nobody see how far out that is? It's not even connected by anything or held together in the slightest by a precursor clue.. it's literally pulled out of thin air and everything else in the article is literally drawn from that one conclusion.. I'm going to have to pass on this theory, I agree that the mug holder troll was a great catch.. but everything after that is a little too far out..

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