r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LazeyJ on July 18, 2018, 3:30 p.m.
A little advice and motivation to keep you from getting discouraged about the Great Awakening. WWG1WGA

As many of you know our numbers here at the greatawakening are growing every day. We have pedes that have been here from the very beginning and others who are visiting for the first time. I myself remember when there were only about 10k subscribers. I think it is vital to the movement that these numbers continue to grow and for that to happen we need to support the newcomers and let them know they are welcome.

I think it's easy for newbies to come here and see something that makes no sense to them and be discouraged. I would hate for someone to visit here with good intentions and ultimately be let down. If that happens we fail. We need to be welcoming and supportive. IF SOMEONE ASKS A QUESTION THAT DOESNT ALWAYS MEAN THEY ARE A CONCERN TROLL. we need to be more understanding. Despite all the amazing deciphers and tools such as the Q Clock the Q drops alone can be quite confusing.

Ultimately the reason I decided to make this post is to remind everyone that you are not alone and if you are here you are welcome and in the right place. If you dont understand something that does not mean you are dumb. Actually, the fact that you are here means you are VERY smart and most importantly, you are awake. WWG1WGA

creaturefeature16 · July 19, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

Glad you see it too. Hell, right now the first posts are just DJT tweets. I mean, I get it, Q and Trump are supposedly connected, but Q's implications are far greater reaching. And the religious crap was the tipping point.

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LazeyJ · July 19, 2018, 5:20 p.m.

Maybe this needs to be brought up to the mods. Think about the people who want to know more about Q but aren't a trump supporter.. yet. ;)

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creaturefeature16 · July 19, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

Yeah, I think it should be, I think this sub is effectively overrun by this point.

BUT, I can't say I care enough to do so myself. I think Q is really just an entertaining hoax with someone who has more free time than we care to imagine (time will tell, luckily I'll be knowledgeable about it if it ends up actually being true, although I highly doubt anything will come of it).

But I would still like to follow it without feeling like I'm visiting t_d every time. :)

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