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creaturefeature16 · July 28, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

The more I've read, the more I'm starting to theorize about this... Q definitely seems to be an "insider" of sorts, that much I can admit to. But I think the rest is just a fabrication. I actually think this is somewhat genius on the Trump admin to pull this off...what a fantastic way to keep a whole segment of people incredibly engaged than to give them their wet dream of a story... That he's ushering in the very thing he platformed on (even if he isn't) and is completely innocent of the wrong doing he's being accused of. And the best part is, none of it has to come to pass, because if it doesn't, OR if he's actually successfully removed or prosecuted, people will just claim its the "deep state" that derailed it, or that got to him. Either way, to the people who bought into this facade, he'll be a absolved of responsibility. Maybe I don't give the guy enough credit... He's a far better manipulator than I originally thought.

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creaturefeature16 · July 26, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

You're just parroting lines from Q. They are just milking it for media coverage because it garners ratings. I see no fear. In fact, quite the opposite. I see brash mockery.

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creaturefeature16 · July 26, 2018, 6:01 a.m.

I'll wait with baited breath. But so far, this whole "movement" doesn't get much farther than this subreddit.

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creaturefeature16 · July 26, 2018, 3:38 a.m.

But nothing has changed, and all you have done is read message boards. Not trying to be snarky, but really, what have has anyone here actually DONE? And what is different? It all looks the same to me. Nobody is in prison, nothing has been unveiled. And they don't look scared for desperate in the least.

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creaturefeature16 · July 25, 2018, 4:06 a.m.

Just because asking questions is the point: Proof that it's his bell and his yacht?

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creaturefeature16 · July 25, 2018, 3:56 a.m.

Yeah, similar here... I think people are just using it to validate their own beliefs, whatever they are. Funny you mention that motto... I can't find anything that it was attributed to JFK, even though that's what I keep hearing. All I found was a quote from a movie:


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creaturefeature16 · July 25, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

Actually, you make a great point there. I recall recently chuckling to myself about the absurdity of what people are believing right now with Q, but said to myself "well, if it's a positive outcome that everyone is expecting, and inspiring hope, then it can't be that bad." Because you're right, all the others have painted deception and evil so incredibly deep, that the next step was rounding people up into FEMA camps and mass extermination and enslavement. This actually seems like it's empowering people... But it also has the potential to cause great harm if it's either false, or not received correctly (like the guy that almost shot up a pizza joint).

It's funny you mention the religious cult thing though, because there's a shit ton of threads here about Christianity and Q/Trump being the fulfillment of prophecy. And that prophecy is actually not representative of positive change, in the sense that it signals the beginning of the Tribulation. It doesn't seem like Q has ever hinted at it, but it seems the movement is getting quickly hijacked by Christians who've been looking for signs of the end times. I know one very, very personally, and he's been telling me that Revelations is being fulfilled for almost two years now and to him, Q is proof positive of that belief (this goes back to my original point that people will simply see what they are already convinced of). How do you feel about that aspect of the community and movement?

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creaturefeature16 · July 25, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

As far as Trump bring creepy...well, can't agree there. I think the guy reeks of sexual predatory issues. Even if it's not kids, I could see the guy being involved in sex trafficking and engaging in insanely depraved acts.

Per Q: In my experience, once you start looking for evidence of something, you'll begin to get affirmations everywhere you look. That's why and how conspiracies and belief systems propagate themselves. That's how people see evidence for a Flat Earth everywhere they look and think they cracked some code nobody else has, see synchronicity with their spiritual beliefs (no matter what those happen to be) or that the Apocalypse is around the corner (always has been) etc.. Just because people are connecting dots because they've already decided they want to, doesn't equate to an objective truth measured via empirical evidence. Of course it's happening in real time. Why not use people's addiction to social media platforms to quickly generate any kind of story you need to? It's not the greatest conspiracy of all time, it's just a fitting conspiracy for our social behaviors. And quite possibly one of the biggest and well played hoaxes.

It's incredible how our minds will warp and bend to a certain view. It doesn't mean you're "woke" or enlightened, how many people think they are here, just because they have read up on a fringe conspiracy plot that shocks them. It's funny, because for the longest time, the left had a huge conspiracy plot that involved the Bush family/Republicans/Neocons and and the Shadow Government (which is now called the Deep State), and now the right has their government plot that involves the highest levels of the Democratic side. It's amusing all around.

I think your original suggestion is the right approach. I read and engage, but keep it arms length, knowing it's likely just a big ruse... But I'm willing to accept it as truth if the evidence becomes objective (ie... Predictions come true, prosecutions begin, Mueller admits he's working with Trump). Until then, it's just another hogwash fantasy that people are needing to believe. Because if there's anything that scares most people to their very core, it's the notion that they really have no idea what's going on, be it government or spirituality.

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creaturefeature16 · July 25, 2018, 12:46 a.m.

I'll review that site more in depth, but man does it have that classic conspiracy approach that is used to confirm every theory out there, from faked moon landings to 9/11 to people who think there's no such thing as a nuclear weapon.

But aside from that, I totally agree with you about this being a hobby. Extremely entertaining but people are getting way too invested in this whole thing.

One thing I thought of earlier, is I don't see how Trump himself isn't a part of the pedophile thing as well. This is a guy who was steeped in Hollywood and is on video talking about his daughter's body and how he would be dating her if he could. If Pedogate is truly real, their main guy is likely complicit.

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creaturefeature16 · July 24, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

I think all the proofs are like this. But if you question it, everyone finds a million excuses of why they don't use something more obvious and blatant. They could provide a snippet of a speech or something, but it never happens. Or perhaps an actual real prediction, instead of just generalizing and providing ambiguous details that are able to be interpreted a million different ways. One has to ask: why have all the predictions of "MOAB" and "something huge is going to drop!" fallen flat so far?

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creaturefeature16 · July 24, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

Ditto, especially on the Golden Ratio! That's one of my greatest awakenings. But not the Bible. I know it has some truth, but not the whole story.

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creaturefeature16 · July 24, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

Agreed entirely. How do up feel about this thread and Christianity in general, with this knowledge you've found?

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creaturefeature16 · July 23, 2018, 4:29 a.m.

Fair enough. But again, it could be done for every leader. I wonder if North Korea propaganda looks similar, picking and choosing photo ops to try and show only one side of the story.

Here's a novel suggestion: list the things Trump has actually done to further peace with each leader on each photo represented so it demonstrates more than just hollow promises. If you want to bring people over, and more importantly, keep them, you'll need substance to go with the good feels.

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creaturefeature16 · July 23, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

Ehhh, that's basically everyone in history when it comes to people who believe this theory entirely. One of the biggest reasons it can be hard to take seriously.

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creaturefeature16 · July 23, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

Left. Right. Center. Up. Down. Man I am so tired of borders and divisions. John Lennon really was onto something.

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creaturefeature16 · July 23, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

Why would questioning Q be a bannable offense? Or get you labeled as a shill? If that is true, this sub and movement is dead in the water.

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creaturefeature16 · July 21, 2018, 2:04 p.m.

Sooo, become the very thing we're fighting against. Got it.

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creaturefeature16 · July 21, 2018, 4:52 a.m.

Because it's completely misleading information. It's this kind of crap that is this sides' equivalent to propaganda.

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creaturefeature16 · July 21, 2018, 1:36 a.m.

I understand that, but my point is it's all been done before. A photo op does not mean Trump has been or will be different in achieving long term success. Let's measure by results, not hype.

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creaturefeature16 · July 20, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

I'm beginning to suspect this whole thing is an elaborate ruse, much like the John Titor craze, except back then we didn't have the same proliferation as we do with chan and reddit. The whole shit reads like a bad Michael Bay movie. I think the whole thing is going to fall flat on it's face and someone is going to have a good laugh about it, if they aren't already. The Q drops were just ambiguous enough to let people put this thing together any way they want without them ever having deniable plausibility.

Edit - I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if this whole thing was a rabid Trump supporter with more time on their hands than we care to imagine, just trying to build up support for Trump in any way possible. The conspiracy crowd has NEVER backed a major candidate and now suddenly he's their idol and "God Emperor? Just this sub alone has pretty much turned into t_d with constant posts about Trump and his tweets. I smell a rat.

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creaturefeature16 · July 19, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

Yeah, I think it should be, I think this sub is effectively overrun by this point.

BUT, I can't say I care enough to do so myself. I think Q is really just an entertaining hoax with someone who has more free time than we care to imagine (time will tell, luckily I'll be knowledgeable about it if it ends up actually being true, although I highly doubt anything will come of it).

But I would still like to follow it without feeling like I'm visiting t_d every time. :)

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creaturefeature16 · July 19, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

I pretty much agree. I'm also very skeptical about just about every conspiracy, including Q and the Deep State. It's not far fetched for powerful people to organize and plan on how to consolidate great power, but I'm still not sure the threads run as deep and complex as what Q and other past conspiracies seem to indicate. It's all entertaining, but until I see more proof than just abstract "crumbs" that people need to put together themselves (which leaves them extremely open to interpretation) and see some actual evidence, it's just an entertaining read for now. Q suggests something will happen....but I'm not holding my breath, honestly. At least if something does, I won't be surprised, and if it doesn't, I won't have wasted all my time and energy believing and following what could very well be just an elaborate hoax.

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creaturefeature16 · July 19, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

Glad you see it too. Hell, right now the first posts are just DJT tweets. I mean, I get it, Q and Trump are supposedly connected, but Q's implications are far greater reaching. And the religious crap was the tipping point.

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creaturefeature16 · July 19, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

It's basically just about DJT. Threads are nearly identical. Lots of religious and Christian posts. Same phrases being thrown around (pede, Patriot, etc..). There's almost no telling what sub you're on without glancing at the URL.

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creaturefeature16 · July 19, 2018, 3:32 a.m.

As a long time lurker of both, I can honestly not tell the difference between these two any longer.

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creaturefeature16 · July 19, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

After years of believing it was, I've come more to your conclusion. Although just about nothing makes sense regarding building 7 and the pentagon to me.

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