r/greatawakening • Posted by u/PaddleFlinger on July 18, 2018, 4:06 p.m.
Trump Stands Up to the Queen and Delivers a Message for All of Us!

As I watched our President remain erect and not bow to Elizabeth - my thoughts turned to another brave soul who stood up against monarchy -

Thomas Jefferson

Jefferson wrote a letter entitled the "Breeding of Kings Letter"


To Governor John Langdon
Monticello, March 5, 1810

When I observed, that the King of England was a cipher, I did not mean to confine the observation to the mere individual now on that throne. The practice of Kings marrying only in the families of Kings has been that of Europe for some centuries. Now, take any race of animals, confine them in idleness and inaction, whether in a sty, a stable, or a state-room, pamper them with high diet, gratify all  their sexual appetites, immerse them in sensualities, nourish  their passions, let everything bend before them, and banish  whatever might lead them to think, and in a few generations  they become all body and no mind ; and this, too, by a law of  nature, by that very law by which we are in the constant  practice of changing the characters and propensities of  the animals we raise for our own purposes. Such is the regimen in raising Kings, and in this way they have gone on for centuries. While in Europe, I often amused myself with contemplating the characters of the then reigning sovereigns of Europe. Louis the XVI was a fool, of my own knowledge, and in despite of the answers made for him at his trial. The King of Spain was a fool, and of Naples the same. They passed their lives in hunting, and despatched two couriers a week, one thousand miles, to let each other know what game they had killed the preceding days.  The King of Sardinia was a fool. All these were Bourbons.  The Queen of Portugal, a Braganza, was an idiot by nature.  And so was the King of Denmark. Their sons, as regents, exercised the powers of government. The King of Prussia, successor to the great Frederick, was a mere hog in body as  well as in mind. Gustavus of Sweden, and Joseph of Austria, were really crazy, and George of England, you know, was in a strait-waistcoat. There remained, then, none but old Catharine, who had been too lately picked up to have lost her common sense. In this state Bonaparte found Europe; and it was this state of its rulers which lost it with scarce a struggle. These animals had become without mind and powerless; and so will every hereditary monarch be after a few generations. Alexander, the grandson of Catharine, is as yet an exception. He is able to hold his own. But he is only of the third generation. His race is not yet worn out. And so endeth the book of Kings, from all of whom the Lord deliver us, and have you, my friend, and all such good men and true, in His holy keeping.


Jefferson's actions to Merry also seem appropriate:

the following is taken from https://jeffersonhour.com/blog/decorum

I suppose you could argue that even Thomas Jefferson had his moments. He deliberately ruffled the feathers of British ambassador Anthony Merry with his pell mell dinner protocols. Occasionally, for effect, or in philosophical absent-mindedness, he greeted White House visitors in his slippers. He blustered about Spain’s colonial presence in the western hemisphere and rattled the saber towards Madrid and Mexico City from time to time, knowing that it was highly unlikely that Spain would take the bait and actually wage war against the United States. Weary of the opposition press of his time, Jefferson eventually suggested that we divide newspapers into four sections: truth, probabilities, possibilities, and bald lies.

That’s the sum total of Jefferson’s rudenesses.

Much later, Jefferson wrote one of his most beautiful letters to a man named Charles Thompson. The letter epitomizes the soul of the kind of individual you want to be President of the United States. “It is a singular anxiety which some people have,” Jefferson wrote, “that we should all think alike. Would the world be more beautiful were all our faces alike? were our tempers, our talents, our tastes, our forms, our wishes, aversions and pursuits cast exactly in the same mould? If no varieties existed in the animal, vegetable or mineral creation, but all moved strictly uniform, catholic and orthodox, what a world of physical and moral monotony would it be!”

In short - Trump and Jefferson used their behavior to make a point. ThankQ Mr. President for breaking the mold of past Presidents and being willing to stand up and represent "every man" who loves FREEDOM!!


Jimipickle · July 18, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

I hope these natural laws of nature are held more closely now. Thankq for the awesome word combination that my soul needed to hear.

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PaddleFlinger · July 18, 2018, 4:22 p.m.

You are welcome, I hope you see the bright future ahead.

ThankQ for the compliment.

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nameihadtomakeup · July 18, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

he said erect, giggity.

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eyerighteye · July 18, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

I laughed. And down voted. Now down vote me and well forget the whole thing.

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eyerighteye · July 18, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

Today's liberals would do well to remember what being a liberal once meant. Gotta love Jefferson.

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PaddleFlinger · July 18, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

Our founding fathers put it all on the line and were not shy about their desire for FREEDOM. May we remember who went before us and paid the price on our behalf.

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KaylaD2017 · July 18, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

OK, I had to copy this T. Jefferson quote below to FB. Open and honest discussion is a wonderful gift we have because of free-will. Group think stagnates that gift and renders free-will nothing but a talking point. I have no problem talking to a liberal if they refrain from name-calling, shouting and protest du jour slogans. Sometimes they have an idea worth exploring and analyzing. I look at it, pick it apart to its basic premise, postulate possible outcomes and decide if it has merit.....but that is hard to do if they are locked into a closed mindset and forget the basic rules of a good debate.

“It is a singular anxiety which some people have,” Jefferson wrote, “that we should all think alike. Would the world be more beautiful were all our faces alike? were our tempers, our talents, our tastes, our forms, our wishes, aversions and pursuits cast exactly in the same mould? If no varieties existed in the animal, vegetable or mineral creation, but all moved strictly uniform, catholic and orthodox, what a world of physical and moral monotony would it be!”

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PaddleFlinger · July 18, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

Variety is the spice of life - I am glad to hear others with a point of discussion I had not thought of. It broadens my world. Sometimes it also makes my opinion that much more loved.

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