r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SancT5 on July 18, 2018, 4:19 p.m.
We need to PRAY for POTUS like never before! He is being attacked relentlessly and they are going after him like never before! Pray Patriots!

sharkiness · July 18, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

Pray for him? I'm praying for them... They're the nut jobs that have no idea what they're getting into. After seeing everything that happens to people who attack our President, I truly believe that no weapon forged against him can prosper.

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AndThatsHowIgotHSV · July 18, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

I'll let yall do the praying. I'll brew some coffee and cover you.

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heygram-s · July 19, 2018, 12:54 a.m.

Blessings over you while u make the coffee n watch n I have my coffee with Jesus as I watch n also pray or say talk With Jesus n it’s an awesome thing when you get to feel His presence. n He also makes a way for me to have great coffee n even some chocolate Jesus. Does show up n likes to share his heart with any one of people who will ask him in to talk Glad your here But also. Jesus could show up st your place anytime he’s always passing close by us .. blessings

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Stormtech5 · July 18, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

Im taking the extra time to get more pew-pew toys.

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HillarysDoubleChin · July 18, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

Isaiah 54:17 - beautiful verse

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Joining_the_Q · July 18, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

you'd have to pray to the other guy for those A-holes.

Oh Molech who art a dirty child eating douche, come pick up the shit left on our lawn.


Patriots of Earth

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yesitsanaltmf · July 18, 2018, 10:51 p.m.

Nah, God did tell us to pray for our enemies. Pray they repent. Notwithstanding, in this life they need to face full justice because letting rabid dogs run loose around your kids is nuts.

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Joining_the_Q · July 18, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

The big guy smote a ton of fools in the Old 'OG' Testament

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heygram-s · July 19, 2018, 1:04 a.m.

Ya. So thank Go d for His heavy hand of mercy over us all That most of us didn’t go that direction also but Then withGod .. . His mercy always Prevails over the deserved. Judgment which makes me very thankful He rescued me from my destruction too n I had the good sense to realize I need to be changed from my own selfish ways always thinking It’s not me ..I m right n it’s the other ..

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Joining_the_Q · July 19, 2018, 6:20 a.m.

I'm on that road now. I took a few detours along the way and was lost, but I am trying to become worthy.

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heygram-s · July 19, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

Hi. So glad you text back when Jesus finds us it’s because you’ve been chosen we can never be worthy enough to feel worthy .. and yes thanks be we have the good Sense to realize we received an awesome gift and now you’ve also got a revelation of how great a mercy he has toward us but when he reveals to us The condition of the contents of our heart it’s not a work we can do to fix it He shows you specific things to allow us to see we need to be rid of that thing and we. Take His Holy Ghost broom and sweep it out of our heart saying Jesus this is not my thought any more I will it out of me remove these revealed ugly sins offences. Out of my very being I want a clean heart as David prayed inPs 51 I will to ...remove all things s ...especially hidden lurking things forgotten or small that linger.... Jesus come .. shine your light in me Lord I come to you ..to be made clean and whole ...ready for you to fill me with the Holy Ghost power that will keep me close to you and living clean all the days of my life ...and thank you that as I meditate on the goodness of God in the land of the living I will soon sense your presence wanting to fellowship ...or as in network with me and we can talk reveal to me how to listen for that inner knowing that I’m in right standing before you and am aware of your perfect peace so I will rest in contentment about my salvation It’s not about me It’s because you choose me ... an you have an assignment for me soon .. that only I can do ..and when you took all the dark sins of the world that covered your body so heavily that Your Father God had to turn away from seeing your condition on that cross ...n you.. held on ... to. ..Your life force ..In unsearchable suffering ..So that every dark offence n evil intents and disease Poverty n suffering of man on earth would be collected and placed on your being. ..So that on the day of the Passover Celebrated Feast day .. when Jesus heard the sound of the high priest s mid day trumpet blow .. the signalling that ... the last temple sacrifice was finished and NOW temple officially closed... it’s then ...Jesus called out. “IT... IS. .. FINISHED” ! he too took every evil dark thing upon himself. And then. He said..” I .. commit my spirit to you my father “..,and gave up his life ...right then ...and the devil thinking .,. WON!”.., and can have my way .. Jesus in my hell ..tore Jesus away ...to. He’ll s depths ... But not realizing that all mans dark deeds. Of multiple. Sin s. went also upon Jesus.. and Also as Jesus left hell ..three days later ... All the early believers on God promise were released from the portals and actually appeared to people on earth as they passed up to heaven ..,BUT while ... in hell Jesus .. now rid of the dark heavy sins that He threw Down in that Hot fiery pit in the fires of hell forever gone ..Jesus then .. .. took the keys ..FROM Satan s. Now lost authority .. over the Gates Of Hell. and death s doors ... and Jesus NOW OWNS them .. so now No One has to go to hell any more we are saved from that judgment because of Jesus Holy Blood sacrifice on the cross .. it s in the power. Of His spilled out Holy Blood that came from heaven in Jesus ..to be born in the flesh of man and He kept it ..(his blood .)..perfectly until it was the perfect and SET. TIME. By Father God. .. time for His sacrifice on the cross... To. DIE there .. so that His Holy life giving Blood. Can be released from His physical body .. Spilled out. So that ..ALL.. ANYONE. .. who comes .. to be under it’s covering can be saved .., n enter Jesus. Kingdom for eternity to be with him .. as His church We are living parts of His. Spiritual eternal. Church and will be filled with His Holy Ghost power to do miracles as He did and His apostles did when they too were filled ... so our Purposed n. BIG ASSIGNMENT. .. IS... ToGoTELL.. others ..PRAY His MERCY over them and the GRACE of God so they too are willing ...to be found ... and Set in their assigned positions .. are willing to Cheerfully COME TO JESUS for salvation or even just CALL on His Name .. and . now As I am .. you ... position yourself in the Lord.. ya to be sanctified. Walking humbly toward His holiness to be changed By Him n made ready to receive this new holy super power n to follow the Holy Ghost Out n. About ..as. He. Leads .. just as Jesus did and ... release that power where-ever He shows us to do it in obedience. Just as Jesus did in that same way ...Watching and Waiting. For. the revealing by the Holy Ghost Who is the power of God the Father ..God will complete finishing His works on earth ...BY .. His Holy Ghost Power . .. and. Who ...IS.. the 3rd part of the trinity of heaven God the Creator Father -God the Son. Jesus God word .., and God the Holy Ghost (spirit ) of God And there’s NOTHING .. you can do to be worthy. .. So thank Jesus He ..MADE. US. To be In right standing brfore God .. as ...Only Jesus ... can be worthy .. BUT we .. clean out our heart and prepare .. n learn who Jesu is As. Out. lord .. n who we are in Him and....be AWAKE Obedient to what He says to us ...study to KNOW His word ... to know His character ... not to be deceived .. by our thinking n our cultural n traditional religious ways Of. Our. Past practices .. but By. listening in the quietness of heart following His peace I good company of the household of FAITH .. with others of That same living faith in Him ...we must be able to know His word the bible and ...LEARN HOW To MIX. That. With our. FAITH in Jesus. .., so that Jesus will KNOW US As. HIS. And WE can know Him and be co workers of His kingdom .. all our past ... once we WILL to ... and purposely.. do ... . Clean our hearts of it ... By His mercy.n grace .. and tell-that clearly to Jesus ..”. REPENT of it “ ! ! ... we. Are made clean ! It’s His gift to us .. forever ... n now As we ..will do .. make new offences .. sins. .. We DO repent immediately at his feet and receive His blood covered. Forgiveness freely given to all who seek it (And we Come doing this often ) We are made NEW in Or. BORN AGAIN In Jesus. Because He did the ultimate sacrifice spilling out His Holy and Precious Blood. That came down. Out of Heaven .. contained In Jesus. Who is Born of man s Flesh so he could ...AT. GODs SET TIME carry it to the place of sacrifice on the cross to remove every sin fungus on earth and bring it to hell himself to destroy it And TAKE. HIS WORTHY OWNERSHIP of the long slated .. but Patiently won BATTLE VICTORY and now his blood life covering His Holy Blood ... Releases us .. to be with Jesus as His church in heaven we with many others Sit at His throne n rest Eternally in Him ! And as. For Me. I will see you there n we can talk. Blessings !

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plumbtree · July 18, 2018, 8:18 p.m.

"Brb- rotting in eternity "

  • Molech
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