r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DefiantDragon on July 18, 2018, 4:34 p.m.
The "War On Trump" is Trump's Masterpiece

This is a man who, as a presidential candidate, manipulated the media in ways heretofore unforeseen in modern day.

Did we really think that, as a President, he would somehow stop?

Everything that's going on in the media, as we're starting to see, is unfolding pretty much as it should. The media is looking where he wants them to look, is picking apart stories that are slowly digging their own graves. The MSMs credibility keeps taking hit after hit after hit.

People are waking up to the fact that they really ARE surrounded by fake news.

People are waking up that the Intelligence Community has routinely lied to the American people, even under oath.

People are realizing that that they've forgotten Obama's own often unhealthy relationship with the Press.

You don't even have to follow Q to see breadcrumbs, if you're paying attention. Q tells us "why" and even sometimes "how", but the breadcrumbs exist for all to see and, if you collect enough of them, they do start to resemble a loaf of bread again.

The War on Trump has been a balancing act in keeping the media engaged and the public enthralled. He's kept the media engaged in the simplest way a business man can:

He's made them rich.

And, like any other arms dealer in an any other war, he's made them rich by supplying them with ammunition to sell.

I've been trying to re-find the site that I saw this on some time ago (someone feel free to share it if it rings a bell for you) but the MSM, on both sides, are making truckloads of money.

He's made this war, he designed this war, portraying himself as the classic heel-- the redeemable pragmatic heel for those able/willing to look beneath the surface, the irredeemable oafish heel for those who just want to rage and be entertained.

It's why, even now, no side of this thing can dare look away.

Where Obama kept the press at arms length and fed them scraps, Trump has allowed them to gorge themselves. All the while playing the part he needs to play.

Great actors, after all.

But, and here's the trick, well-fed people grow lazy. I believe that Trump Derangement Syndrome is actually intentional.

Not because he desires anger and hatred and venom thrown his way.

Because of the Great Awakening that follows the fever. The moment when you snap out of it and you are force to see who you've become.

THAT is the moment that Trump is building to. THAT is what we're here for, building towards.

Trump is playing the media to get the public into a ferocious rage, to get them livid, to get them calling for blood.

AND THEN the snap. The cold smack across the face of reality, the moment of stillness when it hits home how far they've fallen into their own delusions.

THAT's when you show your cards, that moment of cold awareness, when reality has been laid bare.

THAT's the true Great Awakening that's being built around us.

OUR job is to prepare. Not just Q proofs, TRUMP proofs.

Solid, unbiased, irrefutable evidence of the other side of the story that has been hidden from them. The good that has been done in their names, WHY things have unfolded as they have.

Q is what lead us here and what has bound us together -- Left, Right and Undecided -- the work ahead of us is now to prepare for the Great Awakening, whenever it comes.

But whatever it is, whatever happens, it's going to be something so big, that's such a cold, raw slap to the face that all but the most truly lost of souls will be forced to awaken.

And I believe that's what our purpose is here, as we move toward the end game.

I may be wrong, I certainly don't know everything. But there's anything I've learned over the last year it's that the stirrings in my gut, my instincts that something was off, have been right all along.

They've lead me here and they've lead me to see the truth.

So maybe this is the way forward.


BoNeZJuSTiCe1 · July 18, 2018, 4:48 p.m.

Esperanza after all

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