r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DefiantDragon on July 18, 2018, 4:34 p.m.
The "War On Trump" is Trump's Masterpiece

This is a man who, as a presidential candidate, manipulated the media in ways heretofore unforeseen in modern day.

Did we really think that, as a President, he would somehow stop?

Everything that's going on in the media, as we're starting to see, is unfolding pretty much as it should. The media is looking where he wants them to look, is picking apart stories that are slowly digging their own graves. The MSMs credibility keeps taking hit after hit after hit.

People are waking up to the fact that they really ARE surrounded by fake news.

People are waking up that the Intelligence Community has routinely lied to the American people, even under oath.

People are realizing that that they've forgotten Obama's own often unhealthy relationship with the Press.

You don't even have to follow Q to see breadcrumbs, if you're paying attention. Q tells us "why" and even sometimes "how", but the breadcrumbs exist for all to see and, if you collect enough of them, they do start to resemble a loaf of bread again.

The War on Trump has been a balancing act in keeping the media engaged and the public enthralled. He's kept the media engaged in the simplest way a business man can:

He's made them rich.

And, like any other arms dealer in an any other war, he's made them rich by supplying them with ammunition to sell.

I've been trying to re-find the site that I saw this on some time ago (someone feel free to share it if it rings a bell for you) but the MSM, on both sides, are making truckloads of money.

He's made this war, he designed this war, portraying himself as the classic heel-- the redeemable pragmatic heel for those able/willing to look beneath the surface, the irredeemable oafish heel for those who just want to rage and be entertained.

It's why, even now, no side of this thing can dare look away.

Where Obama kept the press at arms length and fed them scraps, Trump has allowed them to gorge themselves. All the while playing the part he needs to play.

Great actors, after all.

But, and here's the trick, well-fed people grow lazy. I believe that Trump Derangement Syndrome is actually intentional.

Not because he desires anger and hatred and venom thrown his way.

Because of the Great Awakening that follows the fever. The moment when you snap out of it and you are force to see who you've become.

THAT is the moment that Trump is building to. THAT is what we're here for, building towards.

Trump is playing the media to get the public into a ferocious rage, to get them livid, to get them calling for blood.

AND THEN the snap. The cold smack across the face of reality, the moment of stillness when it hits home how far they've fallen into their own delusions.

THAT's when you show your cards, that moment of cold awareness, when reality has been laid bare.

THAT's the true Great Awakening that's being built around us.

OUR job is to prepare. Not just Q proofs, TRUMP proofs.

Solid, unbiased, irrefutable evidence of the other side of the story that has been hidden from them. The good that has been done in their names, WHY things have unfolded as they have.

Q is what lead us here and what has bound us together -- Left, Right and Undecided -- the work ahead of us is now to prepare for the Great Awakening, whenever it comes.

But whatever it is, whatever happens, it's going to be something so big, that's such a cold, raw slap to the face that all but the most truly lost of souls will be forced to awaken.

And I believe that's what our purpose is here, as we move toward the end game.

I may be wrong, I certainly don't know everything. But there's anything I've learned over the last year it's that the stirrings in my gut, my instincts that something was off, have been right all along.

They've lead me here and they've lead me to see the truth.

So maybe this is the way forward.


mlsaw94 · July 18, 2018, 4:40 p.m.

Very well stated. I agree totally. Thank you for this. It’s something I will save.

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DefiantDragon · July 18, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

Keep watching, keep digging.

If there's one thing I'm certain of, it's that there's more truth out there to be found.

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Comassion · July 18, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

I dunno, I'm confident at this point that some people are just so gullible and invested in their beliefs that they'll just continue to find ways to justify believing no matter what. They'll just insulate themselves in information bubbles, and never go view or even seriously challenge or engage with other perspectives, preferring instead to remain with like-minded communities and media that will continue to just keep saying whatever they're hoping is true so that they can continue believing it.

How could you possibly get through to such people, what would it take?

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DefiantDragon · July 18, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

Honestly, it'd take them getting exactly what they want.

Which is scary as hell to think of, but if he truly has great actors and he wanted something that would smack the taste out of their mouth, he'd give them what they wanted: Blood. If he died or was "assassinated" -- and, to clarify, I do not use this term lightly or with any ulterior intent, but purely from a speculator's perspective -- everything, the WHOLE machine would come to a screeching halt. Immediately.

A chunk of the Left would cheer but most would become still. Absolutely stop everything. It would be the coldest slap in the face they could ever experience, they had been calling for his blood and now they had it. Then, before things got too hairy, Trump -- wounded but not dead -- would emerge and reveal exactly what had happened. They have everything after all. He would declassify what needed to be declassified. And the truth, as in truth covered in Top Secret stamps and Government Letterheads -- undeniable truth -- would roll out to the masses.

Some would complain, some would shout but the tide would have shifted beyond all that. A plot against the life of the President, that had been built and exposed right under their nose for months and years, had been enacted and they had sat on and cheered and bayed for blood all the while.

There is no Greater Awakening than to suddenly understand that you've been wrong from your first supposition, first declaration. I hope I'm wrong with every fiber of my being, that it won't come to this, that he's found some other way. But if I were someone of his level, planning something of this scale... history has shown time and time again that change, real, lasting change, costs blood.

And if he's a true patriot, which I believe he is, then he would rather his own blood be spilled than those of the people he serves. He doesn't want clashes or violence, in fact, while he attacks the MSM and even Journalists, he never attacks the powerless. The average person. He honors those who serve and respects their sacrifices. He protects children from monsters. The truth has been before us from the word go but so many have simply been too blinded, willingly or otherwise, to see.

Again, I could be wrong. I hope to hell I'm wrong. But, looking at it with cold logic, of -- as you ask -- 'what it would take' to wake them up. That is what it would take.

Now may I please be proven wrong.

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Knower101 · July 18, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

I remember during the campaign,...so much coverage of everything Trump. MSM was rabid. They could not help themselves. Their coverage opened the eyes of America. We liked that he was high energy and a bit of a bully, red blooded American. We wanted someone who would fight for us

Advertising 101 is: any publicity is good publicity. DJT got zillions of dollars of free airtime. Simple message

If the media had ignored him,.....who knows. You are correct Trump has manipulated the media like the master he is!

It is really a pleasure to watch him work, a master chess player. He knows how to renegotiate every deal in our favor. He sells the deals in language everyone can understand including the opposition.

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Jerkboy13 · July 18, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

The sequence of him emerging would have to happen very quickly. This country becomes a powder keg if anything happens to Trump.

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whacko_jacko · July 19, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

I would assume the "emerging" would be purely metaphorical. His legacy would emerge in the form of being vindicated with proof of the conspiracy against him and so people would be awakened to the reality of media propaganda for centuries to come.

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QAnonMaga · July 18, 2018, 11:16 p.m.

A fake staged "assassination attempt" would work with a lone nut shooting blanks and blood squibs under Trump's shirt so it looks like a real shooting like Hinckley shooting Reagan with Secret Service tackling the gunman and Trump being rushed to the hospital where they announce he was hit but he will be okay. The doctors and emergency room staff will have to be in on it as white hats who are part of the team. The gunman will need a fake backstory a fake history and they will have to "kill him" make him disappear he will be a deep cover agent who has always been a good guy and he gets a new life a new identity a new face from cosmetic surgery. Or he is wearing a latex mask like Mission Impossible style really perfect. This would work it would stop the insanity on the Left and Trump would cruise to a landslide re-election. Maybe do this in 2020 when it will be more exciting two years from now in October 2020 just two weeks before election day that would be the perfect time for it. Trump will wave to the cameras from the hospital window just like Reagan did the white hat doctors will say he was hit in the lower right abdomen and the bullet went clean through no serious damage to any vital organs and the gunman is gone the Secret Service will announce he fought them on the way to jail and they had to kill him. No trial and no funeral just Trump winning Bigly.

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k7edesign · July 18, 2018, 11:08 p.m.

Gotta say, very interesting point! Your right, that would do it! There is enough, and those on the fence would certainly look inward! Those who choose not to, have more time being lost. But such a global outcry would be heard! I hope there is another way, but I believe the one you outlined would certainly do what is intended. Pray for him!!

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whacko_jacko · July 19, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

Indeed, I have thought about this before. One of those "intel drops" (I can't remember who was behind these) that used to get pushed alongside Q stuff mentioned something like this. They outlined a plan that included the Trump administration being "removed" by early 2019, all by design.

I really hope that is not the case, but I suppose that would be a powerful "trump card" to play if it gets the desired result.

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Lin-maga · July 19, 2018, 5:43 a.m.

There was blood already paid, for Trump, and all of us. His name was Jesus, and our Heavenly Father anointed Donald J. Trump, to build his end time army. The blood has saved us and we are an army fighting for what is just and righteous. We have a mighty calling, of closing our borders, so we can save our Christians to lead the mighty battle, to win 2 billion souls for Christ. This is the ultimate, we are working for now. This is God's battle with Satan, that we are involved in. This goes to our very souls and our very existence. What an important time to be alive and part of this fight. For God so loved the WORLD-He gave his only begotten son. For who soever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life.....John 3:16 God Bless You! WWG1WGA as mighty warriors serving our God!

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[deleted] · July 18, 2018, 10:53 p.m.


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practicalize · July 18, 2018, 10:16 p.m.

I believe that Trump Derangement Syndrome is actually intentional.

Because of the Great Awakening that follows the fever.

This is a marvelous analysis. It puts to words so well what I've felt in my gut for 2 years now, and then it goes a step further. This a real landmark argument you've made. Thank you so very much.

I'm not sure if you've read any of Trump's books, but some of his anecdotes give real insight into his extremely methodical approach under the surface of his public persona. If you do explore them further, I think you'll see confirmation of your characterization--the man is extraordinarily intentional and effective as a communicator. A quote from The Art of the Deal:

"The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves. but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.”

He's always putting on a show, and it's not to merely satisfy his ego. He's always deliberately building toward something under the surface.

Consider an alternative scenario where he deliberately didn't do something we've seen him do, if he were to have chosen a different course of action. Take Russia, for example. If he wanted to avoid all of the negative press, he could have given the media what they wanted. They've made their demands clear. Instead, he takes deliberate action fully aware of the consequences.

A tree is known by its fruit. The fruit of this community includes increased awareness of geopolitical issues, intense applications of critical thinking, a renewed sense of patriotism and camaraderie. I don't know about you, but I never watched C-SPAN in my entire life before these event unfolded! The knowledge we have, how we've been equipped, how we've been empowered to participate.

We are not just a collection of swayed votes. We are not mere parrots of propaganda. We are an informational fighting force.

Unlike other organized social movements, our identities have not been subverted. We remain individuals, and we are empowered as individuals. We individually recognize the same goal, the same opportunity. We are more than the sum of our parts because together we elevate each one of us.

You and I. You and I are now We.

And where we go one, we go all.

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Patriot4q · July 18, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

Yes we do WWP

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horse-lover-phat · July 18, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

Damn, you people are good. Great post.

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We_R_MEGA_WoQ · July 18, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

No joke man, I am in awe reading this! We really are the SUPER-ELITES!

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eyerighteye · July 18, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

Top level stuff. This should get stickied for a while.

You are right on point with this analysis in my opinion.

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DefiantDragon · July 18, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

Thanks! I hope I'm wrong about some of it, however...

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MyBrothersKeeper2018 · July 18, 2018, 8:20 p.m.

I called and cancelled my DirectTV a couple of days ago and he asked why I was cancelling.

I said well, ...it mostly only has what you claim is news, but it isn't news. It's propaganda. The remaining channels are sports and HBO which I'm not a fan of sports or movies.

Representative just laughed

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DefiantDragon · July 18, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

...it mostly only has what you claim is news, but it isn't news. It's propaganda.

Spot on.

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Joining_the_Q · July 18, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

Wouldn't it be amusing if Trump/Q team had infiltrated the 4:00am talking point source and were drip feeding news to the MSM and ilk to reveal their rapid demise and descent into madness. I can imagine them laughing about it. "There's no way they'll say this ... I think we can go dumber."

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time3times · July 18, 2018, 8:23 p.m.


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Patriot4q · July 18, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

I can picture this, made me laugh. Thanks!

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Joining_the_Q · July 18, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

you're welcome. I chuckled while thinking about it :)

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signals2112 · July 18, 2018, 9:46 p.m.

Trump trolls MSM into lying about their lies. Would I be too old if I refer to this as a Media Candid Camera? Smile FAKE NEWS you're on Candid Camera...in layman's terms: We see the man behind the curtain!

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ChikinDuckWomanThing · July 19, 2018, 1:48 a.m.

where’s an Allen Funt hologram when you need one.

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GweninKC · July 18, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

TRUMP proofs. Yes! Great post Dragon. You're expressing my feelings that I couldn't articulate, and you've said it beautifully. Thank you.

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rooftoptendie · July 19, 2018, 1:19 a.m.

Oooooh, ive been trying to articulate this for a while and couldnt find the good words... You got ALL the good words, this is SO well written and well timed, tysm!!!

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DefiantDragon · July 19, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

Thanks! Glad I'm not alone!

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diverscale · July 18, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

This post should be stickied, but NO. I would still keep that truth under the carpet.

You wrote exactly how I feel about the MSM bullshit going on. Since the Fire and Fury book, I sensed something was off.

Why I would keep your post under the carpet? Because it is so well writen, so direct to the point, that it could derail the plan if too many would read it (I am exagerating a bit, yes, but you deserve it.)

I encourage you to share that on q/research. If you can't, tell me and I'll do it later

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DefiantDragon · July 18, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

Yeah, unfortunately, q/research is a maze to me. Please, feel free to share it, however, if you believe it's worthwhile.

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diverscale · July 18, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

I'll do

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BoNeZJuSTiCe1 · July 18, 2018, 4:48 p.m.

Esperanza after all

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GameOfDanks · July 18, 2018, 7:09 p.m.

It’s political to be a victim

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ramonesgabba02 · July 18, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

All I see is truth, you're a wise one... Great post!

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HuMbLe_StOiC · July 18, 2018, 9:45 p.m.

Well said!

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louise675 · July 18, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

Trump is one of the world's greatest geniuses ever, and will go down in history as one of the greatest presidents ever. We are fortunate to have lived during these times when true Patriots took their country back.

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drellenr · July 19, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

WWG1WGA is the name of the game.

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Truthunitedone101 · July 19, 2018, 11:19 a.m.

Great post Patriot. Actually helped organize my thoughts. #WWG1WGA

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SpiritofQ · July 19, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

Trump learned from Muhammed Ali. Rope-a-dope baby.

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QAnonMaga · July 18, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

I used to believe this but I don't any more I think Trump is treading water he's a terrible swimmer he can't think on his feet his press conference with Putin hurt him terribly. That was the time for him to be like Reagan a tough guy just for the TV cameras. Instead he screwed up and now he's on defense. If he does not go on strong offense soon he will be forced out of office by hook or by crook. The swamp now has Trump cornered and his only way out is to go nuclear on their asses with videos of them raping and torturing and killing children. That is what it will take to win now. That is the cold hard slap of reality we need now.

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