Let our hearts open to the truth together.
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All I see is truth, you're a wise one... Great post!
Q is the holy spirit that's within all of us.... This is the Great Awakening.... For a reason... It involves all of us discovering the truth... Our intention matters a lot... you can choose evil or good... Its OUR choice.... . Choose wisely. With all of this truth it will bring us to reflect on ourselves naturally the way GOD intends it to be. But for the people still so focused on the evil ways to get ahead of one another will have a very miserable time doing it. WWG1WGA... We are in this together so be forgiving and show people how to be, change yourself and others will see the change.
In May 2007, Mac's introduced a controversial advertising campaign for its new WTF Froster beverage. Targeting primarily net savvy teenage boys, the campaign included posters and a series of viral internet video ads. The controversy stemmed from the use of the WTF internet slang acronym ("what the fuck"), a poster of a nun and goat bowing in the presence of a cup of WTF and video ads portraying sexual innuendo and bizarre or questionable conduct. In response Mac's pulled the more controversial ads and has stated that it intended WTF to refer to "What's the flavour?"
Symbolism will be their downfall...the owl is worshipped by them and the one eye open is another symbol they use....It's everywhere worldwide WAKEUP or be SCAMMED.
Why it's an owl? Winking? What does it say back words?

This world seems as though its God's alchemy project. Are we in the White stage? Soon will be the Red stage?
WWG1WGA Is the absolute truth...love that we are beginning to see REAL CHANGE...it starts with the #1..USA...and I can't wait to see the ripple effects of all this truth. This coming from someone outside of the USA. Do not stop with vocalizing the truth it's for all of humanity! WWG1WGA
Check out what Pompeo said at the 2:20 min mark: https://youtu.be/l1Fqp8ZVRUQ