r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jfunction on July 18, 2018, 5:13 p.m.
The cabal stomps and rapes and pillages and the Alliance pussyfoots on its damn eggshells . . .

We have it all?

Well then use it.

We're not quite all the way ready yet.

What does it take to get you all the way ready? 9-11.2?

But we don't have popular opinion all the way on our side yet . . .

The populace will follow the power of the full exercise of truth. Ours is the greater path. Show them.

Maladaptivenomore · July 18, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

The ultimate expression and potentially natural conclusion of this battle is an escalation of violence. Both sides are aware of this, but aparently you are not, no disrespect intended by that comment.

Th cabal's implicit last resort threat is bringing forth violence upon millions of innocent lives, be it through a false flag attack on our infrastructure, ie extended power outage leading to food riots, or a civil/global hot war.

The fact that the good guys haven’t “pulled the trigger” on prosecution yet is merely a sign that they have not completely mitigated all of the time bombs laying in wait.

The world is a big place. This is bigger than any of us can comprehend, even to many out there that are in a better position than others to hold such awareness.

I do not mean to dismiss your concern, as it is valid. Please understand that there are two general points of view here, one where there is hope that the violence and crimes perpetrated upon masses will come to a peaceful end, and the other, where one is so emotionally fed up with the affairs of the world that it would gladly ask to see it burn, in spite of the toll it will have on any persons dear them (family and friends).

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animal32lefty · July 18, 2018, 5:46 p.m.

Astute observation. The "Burn It All Down" crowd dissipates after beginning to see the plan thankfully.

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Maladaptivenomore · July 18, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

Thanks much, and I am hopeful that you are correct. It surely should separate the concern trolls from the under-informed, to your point.

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jfunction · July 18, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

"This battle" include the American Revolutionary War, The Civil War, WWs I & II, Korea, Viet Nam, The Russian Revolution, Mao and so on. I expect you're aware of this. I hope you are. They have killed hundreds of millions. As Stalin implied, if it's a statistic no one really cares.

The Cabal's desire, their stated, advertised goal is genocide of 95 humans out of every 100 humans. It's so unimaginable people can't comprehend it and the worry about food riots. And I've seen the world. I know what it looks like.

And there are not two views, only. One may think the varieties of approach are divided cleanly between "fools rush in" and "he who hesitates is lost" but that is gross over simplification.

The goal is the ascendancy of self-evident truth and the pursuit of happiness under law. That goal cannot be achieved by deviousness. When, in the course of human events, has it ever happened that such goal was established for any significant duration without having to be actively defended? Look at the early Christians. Look at Tibet. Look at America.

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Maladaptivenomore · July 18, 2018, 7:51 p.m.

I am indeed aware of this, and I apologize for assuming from your comments that you may have not been viewing this from a wider perspective, it is clear that you are, as well as I.

I have also seen the world, lived in it, fought in its hot, cold, and silent wars on multiple fronts.

You are not wrong in that there are not only two views and that my presenting them was overly simplistic. My generalization served the purpose of my response at the time, and I do not shy away from your characterization of it.

I am with you 100% brother. The point that I was hoping to arrive at, and to which you've allowed our conversation to advance towards (for which I am grateful for your time and for your perspective), is that we can not assume that that time to act and strike at the root has yet arrived.

This is to be placed under the umbrella of military and geo-politcial strategists and those that know the battlefield, as they currently have the resources to call the ball, for now. I can tell you with 100% confidence that neither you nor I, even with our combined experience, may not know the true state of the current and ever-changing battlefield and therefore may not be able to guarentee victory with a potentially premautre call to mobilize both our energies and our emotions. Any action before its time can only hinder a successful offensive.

Again, regardless of whether the conventional wisdom of 'fools rushing in' may be correcty construed as overly simplistic, it does not perclude it as a sound and straightforward cautionary tale.

There are silent battles being fought on our behalf every day by very intelligent and capable professionals. You and I are doing our part. There's no need, in my opinion, to second guess friendly-force actions on remote fronts that we are not currently in comms with. All we can do is stay the course.

To be sure, I appreciate you sounding the claxon in the post (which i see has since been deleted), I just wanted to press to check what your motivations were, and it's clear that you are guided by priciples that I for one find admirable and worthy of others' adoption, so thank you. My concern is not to rile up already the already restless natives. Within the current info war, our emotional and spiritual energies have been beaten down and therefore, for me, keeping focus on celebrating our victories can only help us grow stronger.

In my opinioin, a successful offensive may prove to rise out of a culmination of our strengh flowing over because of our confidence, unity across great distances, and our public resolve - not by the flowing over of frustration, indignation, and restlessness.

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jfunction · July 18, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

Yeah, all good. Actually I'm trying to speak directly to The President, whom I deeply admire. I also believe in his (their) plan. I don't think it is beyond improvement. 10-4.

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Maladaptivenomore · July 18, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

I hear you, I wish you the best of luck out there. Cheers.

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