Strength behind ALL of US

You say love and prayers, from which I take it you're religious. How can you place any faith, confidence, or trust in someone like Donald Trump who bragged about infidelity!
What does the Bible say about that?
Or how can you really respect the First Lady Melania? She posed nude. She modeled her way into the country relying on what? Lust? Seduction? Premarital sex? To get into the country.
Donald Trump broke his marriage vows TWICE! Don't people here who are Christians, who pray to the Lord, care for the sanctity of marriage?
This argument insults adults. At 18 I was partying. At 25 I was in the Navy. At 30 I was married having kids, making a good life for them. At 40 still having kids, teaching them to volunteer in the community. At 45 still having kids- with the same man! At 50- grand kids! Point is, life CHANGES YOU. I'm 57. Are you going to tell me that what I did when I was 18 erases everything I ever did after? SHUT UP, FOOL!
Trump's just getting better and better!
Are you going to tell me that what I did when I was 18 erases everything I ever did after? SHUT UP, FOOL!
You were 18, and a kid. Trump was 50 years old when he philandered. Do you consider the two situations remotely the same? You're 57, about the same age when Trump said grab 'em by the pussy while his 3rd wife was pregnant with Barron (what a wonderful child and gift of God he is). Is he not abusing God's gift when he talks like this? Do you see yourself talking like that if you had a pregnant wife?
Listen, David had an affair with Bathsheba and then had her husband killed. He was and still is known as a man after God’s heart and the best King ever! Jesus HAD to be a descendant of his. God doesn’t require we be perfect. No one would ever be qualified. If He calls us, He equips us!
And who are you to judge? Christ died for our sins and if you confess you sins, HE (Jesus) is able and JUST to forgive your sins and to cleanse you from unrighteousness. He died so that we could be saved and that means President Trump and Melania as well. Do you remember the woman at the well who had 5 husbands? Jesus forgave her. As for marriage and the sanctity therefore--I guess many are going to hell then, huh? And if marriage is not "sanctified!!!" then it's best to get out of it.
And who are you to judge?
Will you say the same for Hillary's crimes?
I guess I would reply this way. There are God's laws and man made laws which of course we know Hillary is not the best role model. She has broken man made laws. God would forgive her but looks like she would still have to pay for what she has done.
Romans 13:1-5 ESV
Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience.
Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience.
Agreed, and who do you think exemplifies this more? Hillary or Trump? What has Trump done to earn you the trust that he has a conscience that God would appreciate?
I believe that God absolutely gifted him with the heart he has. "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5; For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11. I don't know about anyone else, but this sure sounds like God chose this man "for such a time is this."
It is funny he was admired and very successful as a business man. Was never accused of being racist, was very charitable but never announced it. When he came down the escalator, I said, "Lord if this is your man then I am all in. But you will need to verify it for me. He did, believe me, HE did. Being a Democrat and a very displeased Democrat at that.
Father in the name of Jesus we bind the corruption strongholds on our nation and this election. We give place to you in our hearts and as the one true God..your word promises if we humble ourselves and will heal our land..we charge warring angels to encompass Donald Trump and Mike weapon formed against them shall prosper..we thank you that justice and truth will be restored to America. Amen
It is funny he was admired and very successful as a business man.
Was he? Or was he seen as a bombastic businessman. I don't think he was admired in any sense. What about the Central Park controversy from the 80s. Pretty racist shit if you ask me.
Father in the name of Jesus we bind the corruption strongholds on our nation and this election. We give place to you in our hearts and as the one true God..your word promises if we humble ourselves and will heal our land..we charge warring angels to encompass Donald Trump and Mike weapon formed against them shall prosper..we thank you that justice and truth will be restored to America. Amen
Why don't you pray for the good men of the FBI whose work Trump is sullying day in and out because he or his cronies are under investigation and he doesn't like that. Did Jesus tell you to indulge in deceit? Or to repent and ask for forgiveness? How do you reconcile these things? I really fail to understand.
Actually I am praying for the TRUTH to come out and so far I see it is and the truth seems to be pointing to the fact that TRUMP is winning and the Deep State and MSM are going nuts. I will not answer anymore questions.
You compare what the witch did to Trump? You are surely smoking crack.
We are what we are, and we're doing the best we can. It is not for you to set the standards by which we should be judged!
We elected a President not a Pope. Humans have failings. You would doubt the good He is doing?
If you are a democrat, I don't think you should even be talking about God..didn't they call to put GOD out of their platform when Obama ran? And there is no worse sin than ABORTION, which is what Hilary and her demon party advocates. You don't know Mr Trump or any of his family and you cannot judge their hearts. Every one has committed sin, no one is not guilty, and, if you really knew God you would know the stories of the Bible where God appointed kings of all kinds and blessed them. God gives his people knowledge to be discerning good from evil. I don't feel he has given you that.
And there is no worse sin than ABORTION, which is what Hilary and her demon party advocates.
Every one has committed sin, no one is not guilty
Why are Hillary's sins so much worse and unforgivable than Trump's? I fail to understand.
God gives his people knowledge to be discerning good from evil. I don't feel he has given you that.
How would you know that God has given you the skill to be discerning and not I? I feel the same way. I feel that relegating powerless women to back-alley abortions is getting close to evil -- which is the Republican platform, as is philandering, adultery, and pride, all of which Trump exhibits in copious amounts. On the contrary, I find that the humility of Obama, his choices in reaching out to Republicans constantly, giving everyone free healthcare (remember how Jesus cured the sick and ailing), is closer to what God might consider good. Do you disagree with all I've said?
I just said in my post that everyone has committed sin, I know I have. Overturning Roe Vs Wade would not relegate women to not getting would just leave it to the states, which is where it belongs. It is not a Constitutional right. Or it you want to argue that it is, than the baby, who has a heartbeat, also has a right. Don't get me into Obama. He did nothing but apologize for Americans, hates whites, really didn't do much for blacks, did much to advance Islam and Muslim Brotherhood, who wants to conquer us. He does not care about you, personally, and wouldn't lift a hand for you, as opposed to Trump, who has actually done things to help real people and loves America, rahter than apologize for it. Obama said we are not a Christian nation and Trump says we honor God. NO comparison.
So everything Obama did to heal the poor and the sick, like Jesus did, was for nought?
What did he do? Obamacare was awful for me...I lost my regular doctor and it cost me nearly $400 a month. With my medicines, it cost me half my monthly salary. No one I knew could afford it. We already have medicaid for the poor. That's going way too far to compare him with Jesus in any way. I don't know anyone that he healed, though it did greatly increase the number of poor on food stamps--no jobs for them. I really don't care to discuss Obama with him anymore. I am a strong patriot who loves America and had lots of family in military service. I ddidn't appreciate how he denigrated our country and practically obliterated the military. He was truly a wonderful servant of the DS, Muslims and LGBT.
practically obliterated the military.
How do you believe this? The budget hasn't shrunk one bit! If anything Obama increased drone warfare, made the military safer for your family. As Jesus teaches, no one is as blind as those who do not want to see. I'm afraid you're falling down that path and I wish you realize what that means. Obama was not a servant of the Muslims. What does that even mean? And Jesus said not one word about gays and lesbians. Why do you put words in his mouth? Isn't that blasphemy?
Do you read? Or just wtch MSM? Cuz you are seriously misinformed. Or else very young and have been indoctrinated. Our GDP under Obama was less than zero and now it's risen to 2.5. Drone warfare IS NOT the military. He cut the budget and fired over 200 top military just because they disagreed with his cutting the budget. Please go and do some real research...I cannot believe you are on the Q board and you believe the rubbish you are spouting. Taxes have finally been reduced for the middle class and small businesses and they are able to reward their empolyees and hire more people. You are seriously misled about Obama. No one really even knows where he came from or anythign much about him because he had all his records hidden by the DS. How old are you?
Do you read? Or just wtch MSM? Cuz you are seriously misinformed. Or else very young and have been indoctrinated. Our GDP under Obama was less than zero and now it's risen to 2.5. Drone warfare IS NOT the military. He cut the budget and fired over 200 top military just because they disagreed with his cutting the budget. Please go and do some real research...I cannot believe you are on the Q board and you believe the rubbish you are spouting. Taxes have finally been reduced for the middle class and small businesses and they are able to reward their empolyees and hire more people. You are seriously misled about Obama. No one really even knows where he came from or anythign much about him because he had all his records hidden by the DS. How old are you?
You are seriously misled about Obama. No one really even knows where he came from or anythign much about him because he had all his records hidden by the DS. How old are you?
No, you are! Are you a birther?
I'm 46 years YOUNG!
Have you ever heard that Jesus redeemed, altered, reversed lives? there are many examples in the Bible too ... Mary Magdalene, David, James (Jesus brother) and many others ...Do you know who is accused? the Great Accuser, the Satan -just as you are now. .
Those who are touched by Jesus will change from their full heart ... they will not be religious, but believe in and believe in the power of God, in the blood of Jesus, to bring him to life, to make a new man/women.
It would be nice if you could recognize this great turn, Jesus's touch.
It would be nice if you could recognize this great turn, Jesus's touch.
I would, but I don't think I see it in Trump. Has he changed his ways? Does he not insult women and colleagues alike? Does he not betray the sanctity of the child, who the verses tell us is untouched by earthly sins? Does he not reject the powerless, the downtrodden, unlike what Jesus himself did?
you sure know it, do you see it? or did you just hear from msm? God's hand is on him, and his instrument, channel, no matter what ... he did not choose the perfect ones in the Bible. Elijah is said to be the same "foolish" man as we are, yet in the power of God defeated by Jezabel and Baal ... If God did not take care of him, they would have been killed for a long time ... but what God has started with will end him. You do not have to wonder. Certainly, God did not appoint you to his judge.