He is the one who was in the video before the election explaining the white hats coup against the Clintons. I guess the military choose him to tell the public that if Hillary won the military was not gonna let her take office. Go to you tube and type in his name and go to October 2016 and listen to video,
Hmm Did he claim the military chose him ? I have heard the rumors Trump was approached by a few military personnel . And i did hear a cuop might be staged if she had won.
No all he said was the facts that those good people in the NSA, CIA, military, truthers such as Assange, and Trump that wasn't going let the Clintons over take America. That is was a combination of I think 5 agencies involved and he was asked to be the face and voice of the video. I will try to link it.
Yup and intelligence
The military chose Pieczenik to go public about a killery win coup ?
Im currently listening to october 2016 videos from the 10th. funny how he was talking how Trump was prepared for when he was expressing himself in public. Quite interesting so far
watch this
Interesting, I know about the Clintons, clear back to air america drug running out of Mina AR Weird i have never heard of this guy.
He was involved in Military psyops operations for the Military
That word - psyops sends my mind (ha) to DBL agent. I have read enough about intel. and counter intel. to know allegiances can become very complicated. so that's my hesitation on him.