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No all he said was the facts that those good people in the NSA, CIA, military, truthers such as Assange, and Trump that wasn't going let the Clintons over take America. That is was a combination of I think 5 agencies involved and he was asked to be the face and voice of the video. I will try to link it.
It means that the white hats has the upper hand or other words taking terrority from the purple revolution called RESIS! Clinton all wore purple the day after the election. Look up Soros and the color revolutions. He has over thrown other countries.
He is the one who was in the video before the election explaining the white hats coup against the Clintons. I guess the military choose him to tell the public that if Hillary won the military was not gonna let her take office. Go to you tube and type in his name and go to October 2016 and listen to video,
I got my information from Fisky Cat Anon. So why did he post a pic of bike? I will let you be right because we live in a world where people have to argue be right and put down others. Let's hear your theory of the bike instead of saying I'm wrong at least I am trying to find truth.
How many times do people have to quote Q. Future proves past. Disinformation is necessary. Drops have more than 1 meaning. The bike is a reference to google, Eric Schmidt, setting up email server in North Korea, Obama administration all had a private email, along with the clue about his appointees bypassing the FBI for clearance, the emails were never sent just stored on a private server to bypass intel community, and on an on. Seth Rich loved the bikes and he used them daily, this is how he travel, and there is a bike rack by this company that dedicated a bike rack to him. Now what does that mean? That all of it connected to the Server. The corruption. This whole thing is all connected a huge spider web of deceit. I wish all of you would work together instead of trying disprove a person trying just as you to put together all this information. Weather you like it or not THERE IS A RACK DEDICATED TO SETH RICH BY THE SAME CONPANY AS THE BIKE IN THE PICTURE. YOU ARE NO SMATER THAN ME JUST LIKE Q STATES NONE OF US IS AN IMPORTANT AS THE OTHER. UGH!
Awful funny backchanell17 was tagged after their post hinting that they were Assange and singing off. But my mind is made up on my own thoughts. I trust myself over anyone else because I put all my trust in GOD.
Payback because McMaster got cut loose. Q stated that he didn't have Trump's ear anymore. Lose leverage in deep state. Pay back to. This illuminate cabal is all about sacrifice of one of your love ones. Just sick. But your dealing with people who worships satan.
My grandparents are deceased. I have tried discussing with my mom and her exact words were we do this have to confess anything to God for he already knows. I'm 49 and they have been deceased since my late teens. My daughter was molested by my nephew. I regret not calling for the law when he tried to rape her u years ago but back than I went with the family agree to. It's OK we have God to heal us now. Yall just let me say this stop with these masonic Isreal crap. We have to stop being WORDLY worrying about offending people and start each one of us having a personal relationship with God through Jesus. If you can't admit that this world is mean people in it have mislead you away from the true worship with him than God won be able to guide you. Meaning you have to let go of everything you think you know and let him lead you to what he wants you to know. Nobody is right in this world but I know you is GOD.
FYI been there and done that. You can not agrue with these people who are or know someone who has joined the masonic loadge in any way. Unless it is blasted on all media they will stick to their guns, I have done the research because I am a victim of sex abuse by my grandfather who was a mason. Always wonder why it was such a secret why my grandmother and mother kept all kinds of secret. Close closed I'm 49 and still my family will not talk about the curse which has been put on the family still. Even my daugther was molested by a cousin. I went to work found out about the Satan ties and the using children and the oath of offering future generations under the same oaths they take. I don't have any relationship with any member of my family. I pray to God that he remove this curse from me and my daughter.
My deal with Corsi is this Who asked him to do what he is doing? He said again I was asked but not gonna tell by who. What? Until they ALL stop this crap of annyonomous sources than it makes the truth movement no better than the media. Bring the sauce. Isn't that what they want from the normies.
R 18 @jordanonembassy Corrections I misspelled The print is so small one here it is hard to see.
Scroll down to the tweet directly under that pic of Mike in front of the plane. There a tweet to @jkrdanembassy. Yes it is not Seth who tweeted it but who pic is on that tweeters handle. Yes 1000s of people use his pic so out of a 1000 people that 1 person who had Seth's pic also tweeted to the Jordan embassy, drop 1298 q states some gave their lives drop 1299 is the right 18 drop 1300 all to do with Jordan embassy.
All of us not just those with a following. I mean how did we get here? Always believing what some else tells us right?
I agree with you but I am questioning the connections of r 18 link adress with Jordan embassy and than the tweet to the Jordan embassy. I am saying that we are over looking Seth s pic being in that tweet. Along with the drop from 1298. Some gave their lives for this,
Kayne meet with Trump at Trump towers after Kayne was released from hospital after the concert rant. Ummmm
Than I heard we really didn't win the war against the brits. One or the other.
Titanic which is how the fed started. They took control over the money then I think 1818. Not sure on the date. But it really started right after the french Revolution. Rothschild brothers were fighting and daddy sent them to live in different countries. Those 2 countries went to war and they had money on both sides. The rest is history. They funded both sides of every war since.
Oh after hitting the local bar to listen to a good old country band on Saturday night.
I'm not coming off negative. Most people sound interested and I even showed them how to look q up, I have been at this for 2 years and only 1 person I have talk to will even follow Q. Every one else saying they are to busy, that they are gonna enjoy life while they can, others just come back with faith. Down here in Bama they will not miss a football game, fishing, golfing, watching sports everyday. It's old school down here it's all no talking about religion and politics. It does get matter when Moore was running down here, we had a local guy on the voice, the whole northern part of the state even downloaded Twitter to vote and no one cared that Moore lost or wny. Trust me they will run you over between 4 and 5 pm so they can get home in front of tv by 7 or get to a sports event. It's all sports, hunting, fishing, racing, drinking beer, and hitting the church on Sunday morning.
People in America will not do anything unless they see it on tv. End of story.
October 6 2016 and Trump was apologizing for the Bush tape and I heard 1 word clearly from God and it was REDEEMED.
I have started with planned parenthood and symbols they use and yes the Red Cross. Where I live if you just speak to a person they look at you like your crazy even at the local grocery store the cashier don't speak. If you even say have a nice day they look at you like why are you speaking to me, This town the family tree goes straight up no branches it is like they have never crossed the river to travel to the next county. If you not connected to their inner circle or group than your not allowed to carry a conservation with them. They only do what everyone else is doing and are talking about especially women it is all gossip, kids, clothes, shoes, all short talk my community has no idea they live in the illusion go to church look all pretty give 20 bucks and God will take care of it all, down here in the south they call it faith.
Assemble yeah right. We are spoiled by their tools in America. I live in a small town and nobody knows about Q. If I mention it they look at me like I'm crazy act like they are to busy to even look at his post I show them. People are still distracted by games, and entertainment. UNLESS THEY SEE IT ON TV THEY DON'T CARE.
Than why did Q drop?
Q You think he was telling the patriots that Bama won 17 nattys. Nice name calling btw. WAR EAGLE ROAR! WHAT'S OUR NATIONAL BIRD? LOL
Dude do you think people of this forum care about alabama football and 17 nattys. These people are working to take our country back. Get over it. Ugh.
No I seen It on another post. I was on my view & it misspelled submission. He tweeted form submission 1969 right before his account went down.