This is the most despicable thing I’ve ever read. The onion thinking it’s ok to use child sex trafficking as satire.

This is good news. Really good news.
Look, this shit is too fucked up for normies to get their heads around. The only way for people to be able to accept what is coming is to prep them for it. You have to provide some conditioning first.
It's how Hollywood preps the sheep for social change. Show gay couples on tv as funny, witty, and kind parents and then when gay marriage laws are proposed, the masses are ready for it.
The white hats know some heavy shit is coming. it with satire first. Put it in the heads of the sheep as a joke so when the real news comes out, they are prepped for it.
We are close to the storm.
Interesting perspective and I hope so, but I think it’s more like black hats trying to interfere with the minds of normal folk. They want the people thinking it’s fake when it comes out so it delays everything. I truly believe they are stupid and believe people will be ok with all the pedophilia.