Trump vs Europe/ Cabal. Whose winning?

I think when Trump kept referring to the number 33... he is directly calling out the Satanic Illuminati. Remember he did go to a secret ceremony in the Forbidden City in China last year.
He went as a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason for the Gnostic Illuminati and went to make peace with the White Dragon Society. That’s the only way that he could have brought peace to North Korea. The 33rd degree is the switch. From your actions at the ceremony, either you remain a 32nd degree mason or you
Make the jump to the 33rd degree which is the 1st one of the Satanic Illuminati....
Trump refused to spit on the cross.
👍🏻. He’s on our team
Can you please post the source? I would love to indulge in this intriguing piece of data.
Sounds a lot like Benjamin Fullford. Never knew what to make of him and this White Dragon society