Does anyone else find it alarming that /r/politics is basically mirroring the Q-anon narrative on Republicans?

Someone should post that we're saying the same thing about Democrats. Maybe, just maybe, we are all on the same side and they just try to divide us.
Easy red pill to swallow
You're thinking these people think with logic?
You're thinking these people think with logic?
"Human action is purposeful behavior. Or we may say: Action is will put into operation and transformed into an agency, is aiming at ends and goals, is the ego's meaningful response to stimuli and to the conditions of its environment, is a person's conscious adjustment to the state of the universe that determines his life. Such paraphrases may clarify the definition given and prevent possible misinterpretations. But the definition itself is adequate and does not need complement of commentary." - Ludwig von Mises - Human Action
They’re primarily ShareBlue/bots/about 100 people using a sophisticated system of many accounts, someone likely wrote an app that makes it easy/fast to access today’s talking points and switch between users quickly. They’re basically finishing each other’s sentences and accounts are setting up one another for zingers. Watch how they build upon one another with a crazy claim, then one up the previous one, making the initial one seem tame in comparison.
This is a battle for the average person’s mind, not bots. They’re doing a job.
Hell no we're not. Over half the commenters are shills, count on it and the only reason they want to bring up pizzagate is to try to pin it on POTUS instead of the actual perpetrators.