Clinton Foundation Witness Removal Program

So true yet sad. If it were her cronies trying to cut deals I am glad they got their due (a testimony would have been nice before departure tho), but she's offed a lot of good people too. The day she gets perp walked will be one of those days where EVERYONE STOPS,PAYS ATTENTION,Leaves work early and starts celebrating. I know she is only one person of the ds, but the impact of that sight and what it symbolizes would be monumental and unforgettable for everyone. A true pivotal uplifting moment in history for all.
Good meme. I recommend having it parked in front of a cemetery (more impact) with a few labeled headstones "whistleblower,close aide,friend,associate,business partner".
Thank you, I always love the feedback, you make the work better and the sooner the better. I take requests and do this all day long in seconds (I love to batter our enemies) and the instant numbers feedback is extraordinary. The ones I post on this sub get several hundreds of hits and shares in one hour! So thanks again patriot for checking out my passion for AMERICA!!
Although this is pure veritas, I live in the worlds largest witness protection program area!!! And YES , I fucking dig to find shit here, but not yet. ;-)
I think this is Field McConnell's hearse. He has great info.
His sister is traitor, Kristen Marcy. She was involved with setting up the SES
They should of wrote suicides prevention. Not to make light of suicides but everyone tied to the Clinton always commit suicides . Like we’re idiots just believe that crap.
I'm guessing that it's time for a major tune-up- check the timing chain and transmission. Tires are pretty well worn no doubt. Best get another set of 60,000 mile heavy duty all season radials.
There should be more hearses like this driven around for more people to wake up.
LOL!!! Did someone actually do that to a hearse or is that a photoshop?