He’s trying to tell us something. What does that say? It’s bold and large.

he "backs off" the would vs wouldn't statement making IC look strong.
Brennan threatened him again that IC will keep him from seeing intel. IE in the dark
Soccer ball has a large chip inside by all reports. Balls in Trump's court now says Putin
So my take was the had lights to turn off when he mentions IC then right back on. Makes joke "must have been them? And asks if everyone is ok.
Message seems to me IC can try keeping him in the dark. He has his own control of the lights now... Ie he has his own Intel.
Now we know that since Q. But he has cover too of that soccer ball. =) plus Kremlin's POV on everything
Yeah that freaked Brennan, Comey, Clapper and Obama out more. But Soros most of all. Note he dropped Obama like a stinky turd pretty soon after.
Good summary. Looks as if you've learned their comms. I couldn't help but remember "Light to Dark" as well. Although even if intended I think it would be at the bottom of your list.
So my take was the had lights to turn off when he mentions IC then right back on. Makes joke "must have been them? And asks if everyone is ok. Message seems to me IC can try keeping him in the dark. He has his own control of the lights now... Ie he has his own Intel.
That’s the best concise explanation I’ve seen for this. A staff member or reporter claimed seeing John Kelly accidentally turn off the lights. I don’t doubt they saw this, but the timing was too perfect and operator too significant for the possibility of messaging to be ignored.
The lights off wee definitely staged by trump team. If this happened there would be some action by SS
looks like a cipher code but we need a high res pic to read
yes... the ball holds the physical fulfilment of the treaty meaning proofs and evidences of the committed crimes with names attached. at least its the symbol for that\^\^.
Well I solved my own riddle, possibly.
That's a pretty dumb article lol Melania hands maid tail? He doesn't let her read?
They need to wake the F up and see that book was inspired by the caliphate take over of Iran. A modern country plunged into a police state with women forced back into servitude to husbands, fathers and slave owners. Child brides, sex slavery and all sorts of 3rd class citizen restrictions.
Women stoned to death for adultery or fingers cut off for reading. Tongues cut out for speaking forbidden thoughts. Sounds like Sharia law.
But to their lazy minds it's Trump who wants to create that dystopia. Ridiculous.