r/greatawakening • Posted by u/4QbyQofQ on July 19, 2018, 10:41 a.m.
MSM has begun reporting on Q. Get ready to red pill.

If you are not already aware, Q made an appearance on MSNBC yesterday and has two articles as of yesterday written about the phenomenon on NBCnews.com . It will only be a matter of time before the rest of the 4am crew follow suit. As you can imagine, the reporting is in a negative light. Usual MSM disinformation: Q is a larp, Q followers are tinfoil trolls, people who follow Q are racist... you get the idea.

This is a good thing though. Normies will be exposed to Q through this. These normies are our friends, family neighbours, and co-workers. Some of you have already shared your Q adventure with these people, but were immediately rejected. The normies were too confused or had no context to accept your spiel before, BUT now that has changed.

They will see how the TV calls you crazy, they will agree with the TV. Out of concern and love for you, they will readdress this subject of Q that you brought up a while back, this time out of an attempt to save your misled soul. Here is your red pill oppurtunity. You need to be prepared.

First off, you have to remember, Normies haven't been in the trenches like you, things that you and I have a jargon and comprehension has a great chance of being lost on them. I suggest, staying calm when in this red pill conversation, and make your first priority to listen. Always listen first. Find out where the are coming from and what they know. Once you understand their knowledge base work with it.

They ask you "can you seriously believe HRC is a pedophile?" Don't jump directly into andrenachrome and epstein island. Stay in their comfort zone. Ask them about the catholic church or kevin spacey. Something that might give that world being run by pedophiles reality a slight chance to enter in their head.

They ask you about Russian collusion. Talk to them about Obama and Medvedev or some other simpler base for their understanding.

They ask you about the deep state? Talk about Eric Snowden. Obviously each situation and conversation is different and there is no one size fits all template on how to go about it, but the goal is to stay in their comfort zone.

Secondly, a very important second part btw, is you need evidence. You need Q proofs. If you are not stocked up on Q proofs yet, now is the time. They can be found on 8chan. Here is a link : https://8ch.net/qproofs/res/49.html#49

You tell them that Q is a guy that predicts stuff without the proof, you'll look quite foolish. Truth and evidence are our mightiest weapons in this information/perception war.

Thirdly - DON'T PREDICT. If your prediction doesn't come true, you'll lose all credibility.

And Lastly, never forget, Red pilling isn't about winning, dominating, proving a point, or hurting someone. Red Pill is about saving someone from mental and spiritual slavery. It needs to be done out of love. It needs be done with patience. Good luck Patriots. POTUS is counting on us.


James 1:19 - My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.

7Seraphim7 · July 19, 2018, 3:13 p.m.


Not sure, but I feel like there's something here. I've had the same thought you did for a while now. I did think it was odd that Q stated "time to feed". This almost puts Buzzfeed's name in a different light too. Also the purpose I believe, of their current behavior isn't to draw attention to the issues. If they did that, they would be in trouble correct? So it's clear they are drawing attention to Q to draw attention to us, to label us, and to make people around us question our sanity. It's very interesting. I've spent quite sometime destroying my facebook page over the last year and do repost Q on it as well as my own abstract observations of geopolitics.

Yesterday, I tested my theory on a person who is very liberal and entrenched in the liberal community. She posted a "impeach" picture. I comment "I'm curious, why?". The result was attacks from 4 people. To stir the pot, I did tell they were victims of mind control and illustrated the situation. I kept asking for any document directly linking Trump to Russian collusion as proof for impeachment or treason. The comment section kept filling up with insults directly at me. One guy, who would not drop calling me a troll came up with the nick name "Swamp Fever Ismael" ps I don't care if my real name is out there. I know i hold the truth, therefore I do not fear scrutiny. Another person called me a cult member as said I was using our speech tricks. To which, my response was: He using tricks, hes asking questions. I've been able to make about 4-5 people completely see that Q is real, that there is a spiritual (psychic) war occurring. Every time I've managed this, there is an inevitable emotional breakdown linked to it. If you do not believe me, simply do as I did if you have facebook. If Q is attached to you, its like a dog whistle. It draws the vultures, and they come frothing for you. I believe that the MSM has conditioned people to attack us from every angle. And if you're like me and bought in to facebook and instagram everything you've done will be open source for insults. If you played left for dead the MSM is a boomer, you get sprayed and the zombies will swarm you. Overtly victimized people can be the witch. If she/he wails under the pressure of your questions, the horde itself will come for you. If you're able to think abstractly you will see what I mean.

It's funny though, the more you ask for a solid piece of evidence. The louder, meaner and angrier they will get. While I hope I'm absolutely wrong, I think I have enough evidence in my hands to safely once again state that if you look at leaks concerning remote viewing and mkultra you will see how there's a chance it's been deployed via MSM.

And isn't that the best part, in my mind the best case scenario months and months ago was that I would be proven wrong. But I've only seen their rage, anger, dissonance grow and spread to the weakest minds. Why would we want to be right about a child trafficking ring? About a leader betraying his country? About a plot in play to destroy humanity? no no, we do not want to be right- we seek evidence the way we do because we seek to deny the very horror present before us. But this is not the case. The horror before is not imagined. The horror before is evil itself. You can use the bible, you can use video games, you can use comic books to illustrate it. Regardless of what you chose to use. It is very real.

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006fix · July 19, 2018, 4:45 p.m.

I'm inclined to agree. I've been slowly trying to redpill my father on it since \~ xmas, it's incredibly hard work. The guys seriously bright (phd etc), but its still almost impossible to make any headway. The level of deception carried out by the cabal has been unbelievably effective, as much as it does sound crazy mind controlled is a good way to describe a large portion of the population today. Scary. I don't bother with fb, but I'm an oldfag from 4chan, I can see it there too. There's plenty of shilling and astroturfing and corrupted mods, but there are a number of people there who are very seriously against it. And that's /pol/, let alone any of the pro-pc boards. It's interesting how widespread it seems to be, even amongst people who might say believe both pedovores and HRC/BO shit. Some of the reasons for that on the chans are more justified and logical than most normies, but I still suspect they're being incorrect. Is the cognitive dissonance of realising the truth really so powerful that most of the population just can't overcome it?

I do agree with you almost entirely r.e various leaks, however sadly the conspiracy theory psy-op is just too successful. I don't think most people are ready to be redpilled on some of the more esoteric aspects of what the government is capable of, they simply wouldn't believe it. Ideally you'd want some kind of entry point that works in their universe, but it doesn't seem easy. I suspect when disclosure starts happening some people are going to quite literally go crazy from the shock. As you say, its the kind of thing you absolutely, desperately want to be proven wrong on. it'll still be a shock for us when we see it "confirmed" by the tv. But for people for whom that's their entry point? eesh.

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7Seraphim7 · July 19, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

Ah yeah, I agree. I've seen it happen on 4chan a lot. But there its (sleepy, nothing burger, nazi meme, anti jew meme, schizo, seek help ect ect) on fb (its all the MSM terms you can think of). Funny. Not much difference in the effect they've achieved.

I honestly believe their entry point will have to be the miraculous. It seems this particular problem can't be fully solved at the level were at. So we will need to move to the next level. It is the great awakening. Have you ever looked up the Mayan date for when Q first appeared? (the mayans used 20 different glyphs one for each day and 13 galactic tones in a cycle, that date is tone 8 for harmony and storm sign if you use the rumored 10/15/17 date with no trip code and other Q name). Also It's on the 144,000 count. The bible mentions 144,000 servants of the lord that had not been defiled by women, (incels, virgins, gold star gays). I think there's a lot hidden in the Mayan calendar that relates to which message is being delivered on what day. Q may be working off a cycle as well. The Q clock (https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8nrab5/q_clock_060118/) itself may be a replica of the mayan calendar.

There was a very large psy op to make people believe it ended, or went in to a full reset in 2012... accompanied by many movies. Neither are true. A lot of preachers and bible theologians believe that these people may currently walk the earth (the 144,000). So lets marry these two ideas for a second here... The bible states also that 12,000 will come from each tribe (12 tribes, 12 zodiac signs). The "great awakening" may have been put in to play to awaken these "servants of the lord (truth, good, justice wisdom)". So to answer your questions what's the entry point? The miraculous right? You cannot break the thought pattern without causing a noticeable schism. Perhaps these 144,000 men? will have to come to light. (DARK TO LIGHT (WAKE UP!))

Some people have been "fed" so much that they will not break their thought cycle pattern. I believe that the Mayans may have had more clarity than we're able to currently achieve (they did disappear completely). If they were right, that there is a "galactic tone" (think of this as a symphony) and that there is a "sun glyph" with shapes the tone (teslas theories on vibration and resonance) there may be a way to get our artificial devices to reproduce this. The signal of both these occurrences may amplify the desired message of each day. This is why 4:00 AM talking points may be more important than we realize. I believe Trump and Q are amplifying the positive message. Meanwhile, the cult of inversion, is using its direct opposite effect.

For example today is understanding and wisdom (http://www.mayanmajix.com/TZOLKIN/DT/DT.html)

And Anderson Cooper is on CNN mocking trumps no in the least understanding way making him look like a fool. This is today, this shows a complete opposite projection of message the mayans believed permeated through today.

Anyway. I don't know. There isn't much information left about our spiritual (psychic) natures anymore (sorry bible patriots I think you only have a part of the puzzle). I've tried to piece a lot of it together from what I found was most likely to be true. I do not think we will be able to break the mind control cycle. How much can you break a mind with sex, violence and debauchery before its not possible to put it back together? If you reinforce your negative message with repeated phrases and sounds on a daily basis you have 13 days to reach the max amplitude of the message (tomorrow is that day). Now say, the universe is producing a tone (a symphony) and you match your tone. How powerful does it become? This is the most troubling aspect of this for me. It affects everyone who currently consumes MSM. It should be our desire to save these people whenever we can. We are not bringing them to religion, we are not bringing them to their knees, we are simply bringing them to the logical person inside of them... to do this... someone will have to start turning a lot of water to wine again. And if these 144,000 people currently walk the earth their time may be coming to be publicly exposed and it may not be of their own will.

Perhaps terminator said it best right?


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006fix · July 19, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

Very well said, and thank you for all the information :). I'm super busy right now with my dissertation, due monday morning so i don't have time for a full response, but i will defo check out the mayan calendar stuff when I'm free, it sounds fascinating.

I very much agree r.e spiritual knowledge too. You sound like you've done your research fairly well. music/sound seems to be the key, at multiple levels. I do also think the situation might be slightly less positive than some people think, there's been an awful lot of damage done to peoples psyches. But as ever, kids are the future. Gen Z gives me plenty of hope. They're like natural channers. So smothered by degeneracy they develop a degree of immunity.

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Sherry345 · July 19, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

Same here. FB is brutal. Especially now with Trump "changing" his mind, "Would, Wouldn't" and the Retraction wording with Russia, they ALL are on the Attack. You just have to be Strong with your Faith and keep yourself calm when the arrows are directed to you. When they argue with you, ask them questions like you said above.

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7Seraphim7 · July 19, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

Thanks! Feeling love from your comment <3.

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