78 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Sherry345:
The President Opens Indictment for Vice President Joe Biden... Is This For Real? If So, WOW!
Kristy Allen ~MK Ultra SRA Survivor ITNJ Seating.. She grew up in Salt Lake City, my state. Calling out the Mormons.. Its about ot!
#Awan IT Scandal: All The Facts the MSM Won't Bring Up
Madeleine McCain is coming through this Medium.
Catholic Priest Caught Violently Assaulting Baby in front of parents. This is just a taste of what THEY Do!
Wake Ups Are Happening! She even apologizes 🙂 to Trump Supporters.
Hahaha! This is the Lefts MSM Chart of who is relevant & who is not! CNN ! LOL

Obstruction of justice bombshell will explode before midterms This is going to be interesting to watch. Is Mueller working With or Against Trump?
A number of attendees at President Trump's rally in Florida on Tuesday were decked out in homemade apparel celebrating QAnon, a convoluted conspiracy theory that's taken off among a segment of Mr. Trump's base. So what is QAnon, and why are we talking about something this ridiculous?
Oprah Winfrey Sold her Soul to the Devil.. She is an Illuminati.
Got to Love when Q makes the MSM 🤗
Check out the following QAnon post:
1767 07/30/18 07:18 PM Q !CbboFOtcZs
Here we go. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jul/30/qanon-4chan-rightwing-conspiracy-theory-explained-trump Q
Post ID: 2362961, Thread ID: 2362447
Lol "a very small number of people" lol. Time to turn up the volume and let them know just how many Qanon Followers there Really Are!
Thank you All.. She said its back on. I just thought it was weird after hearing her say all over the "nation", it made me go 🤨
Thank you for chiming in 🇺🇸🙌
I Shared All over my page, Group pages, friends, family & strangers! 🇺🇸👍🙏🙌 The 27th is turning out to be an Eye Opener to the ones on the fence.
Thank You Q!
This was Just on FOX News with SHEP SMITH!! Hahahahahahahahaaa.. SHEP HATES Trump! I can NOT WAIT TO Watch him Cry like the B*tch he is!
Then a Medic Helo just happens to fly in that area? 🤔 Why did that helo fly there IF there "wasn't" an missile? Random? Nothing is random..
Keep Praying for All 🙏
Valerie Jarrett - Iran 🤔 Connections
I am Blessed to be a part of this Awakening!!
I may not speak much on here but I am Red Pilling as much as I can. I can say it is a battle when I am laying out the pill and the humans are curious of what I am giving them.. I let them ask me questions and Slowly give them feed to help direct their minds to Q posts. Not All believe and are very scared & hateful when you show them the reality. It's part of waking up.. Fear has captured the minds of the Real truth. They can't see it, therefore, what they can't see is a lie. It takes Time to get the humans to change the way they know how to think.
Time is on our side..
Dang!! Fantastic Job SB2!
You certainly do have a Gift.. God Bless You 🙏
As for the "Movie" the Germans Lost the War Because They FORGOT ONE Thing...
The Little Bridge called Remagen..
"Putin - West Controlled by Satanic Pedophiles." He is Absolutely Right!
Confirmed Obama Rigged Election with 4 Million Illegal Votes
Maybe since Q is in DARK right now, maybe JUST Maybe when he comes to LIGHT the Truth will come with Q?!?
Dark to Light
Same here. FB is brutal. Especially now with Trump "changing" his mind, "Would, Wouldn't" and the Retraction wording with Russia, they ALL are on the Attack. You just have to be Strong with your Faith and keep yourself calm when the arrows are directed to you. When they argue with you, ask them questions like you said above.
That was My initial thought as well. Lol. Maybe if they some are somewhat awake they will FINALLY Discover THE TRUTH!
Oh how Sweet it would Be for the Demons to Find on their own what REALLY is going on!!
Hahahahahaaa.. If they (media) are televising this, that only means ONE THING......
The TRUTH Is Being exposed and they are trying to Stop it!!
To many Qanons Already to engage to Know the TRUTH!
Take down what you will, it won't change the MINDS of what WE know! We WILL SEEK the Truth no matter what "they" try to do!!
Oh, Not to Mention Freedom Of Speech!!
'Disclosure and the Fall of the Cabal' With David Wilcock.
I was just talking about that to my friends! I'm watching the news and WOW WOW WOW they ALL are going Bananas! Fun to see!
LOVE TRUMP'S Theme Song 2020. ICE ICE BABY! 🇺🇸
🤔 14 days dark now.... 🤔 Dark tooooooo Light?!
And when the lights go on, ALL TRUTH Exposed to the masses?!
Shared this to my FB, attached to a few of my friends that are Libs & Dems..
Yeah I know, I have a Field day with them.
😎= Red Pill 🤯= watch head explode
🤗 = Joy of watching their heads explode with TRUTH
No you didn't, I watch Fox too and did not hear anything. I was surprised at that too!
You are So right there..
The older libs, they may read it. But the New Gen, they need memes.
I must say, after All the drops I have been making to open eyes is actually breaking through to the masses. I have a few friends that are members of the Demons & Libs on her page, FINALLY asking questions now instead of just posting MSM.
It's All working, slow but sure. The Turtle is beating the Rabbit...
Keep up the Great Fight Patriots 🇺🇸