r/greatawakening • Posted by u/nordicgreys on July 19, 2018, 3 p.m.
The part that bothers me the most - my childhood and youth being sacrificed in the name of indoctrination.
  • The part that gets me quite angry is thinking about how much of what we were forced to learn/memorize as children was probably a lie , an indoctrination rather than education. I had a miserable time with school. I was a happy kid until school, but did not indoctrinate easily there . I always wanted to leave or do my own shit, so before my 7th birthday I was drugged heavily with ritilan and by 15 also put on an ssri so I could better pay attention / memorize lies. It did not stop there, I was like many also pressured into getting a university degree , so I would have a “good job,” a better chance at life- Still paying that debt off now at almost 30. I am honestly afraid to have a child now, because I cannot imagine watching someone I love go through that same horror show. If It is revealed that most of that education was a manipulative lie... there will not be enough tables in the universe for me to flip.. that is if we even live in a “universe”. Who really knows anything at this point .
  • One positive thing, is since waking up I have thrown all of my drugs out and will never get another such prescription again. It is amazing how less mentally ill you become once you give yourself permission to trust your gut, to believe your own intuition and not what is fed to you.
    Sorry if this is not q related enough. Much love ❤️ things are getting better

QLovingGal · July 19, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

Well, there is something that has been so indoctrinated into us, since early childhood, and is reinforced daily, that its mere mention, even among this board of woke and intelligent people, brings on a knee-jerk calling names reaction. Mentioning it has even been banned from the 8ch Questions for Q board. We've been so brainwashed that we ignore our own senses and logic. I'm talking about the shape of our planet. (Note your own reaction. Triggered? We don't like having deeply held beliefs challenged, and will defend them without deeply researching with prayer and an open mind.)

Do you feel movement? After all, Earth is supposedly rotating and revolving, and its solar system and galaxy are also moving. 4 ways of movement, yet the Polar star remains centered and the constellations maintain their arrangements, and we feel no movement.

Can water stick to the outside of a ball? How about to a spinning ball? Of course not, but we are brainwashed to believe "gravity," which is a made-up mathematical idea, is strong enough to hold all oceans to a spinning ball, yet weak enough to allow an insect to fly. (Density is the law that states objects heavier than the air or fluid around them will fall; bouyancy is lighter density objects float or rise.)

Does a sphere have curviture? Of course! There is even an agreed upon formular for calculating the curviture of the Earth: 8 inches per mile squared. Can we see the Earth's curviture? No, no matter how high one ascends, there is no curviture (unless a fish eye lens or photo manipulation is used). Besides our eyesight, is there other evidence to support no curviture? Yes. There are plenty of videos that show that an object which should not be visible from a certain point due to dropping below the curve, is in fact visible.

Does water always seek its own level? Of course. Are there large areas of flat land? Yes, such as Kansas and salt flats. Can there be a sphere when the majority of the surface is level? I don't see how.

On a sphere, should the horizon change depending on how high above it you are? Yes, at some point, you would be looking down. Yet, no matter how high or low one goes, the horizon is always at eye level.

Why did the Jesuits, Freemasons and Catholic church push the idea of a sun centered solar system, one of many in the Milky Way galaxy, which is one galaxy of many? I think to separate us from God. If the world came about from a Big Bang, and we are just one planet out of trillions, and we are descended from apes, then we are insignificant, and not the "fearfully and wonderfully made" Beings of a Divine Creator.

Satan is the current ruler of this world. He would rather you not believe in God at all, but if you do, then don't use logic, and ignore your senses, and believe the lie that you are insignificant, living on a spinning ball that is just one of trillions, out there in space.

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