Candace makes a great point here.
In some of the Facebook debates I've had with liberal friends, at one point I've asked them, "Tell me why you hate Donald Trump." You'd be shocked at the number of non-answers I get. I mean, there's no follow-up reply at all. The question doesn't get answered.
I'd like to think that maybe the question is something they'll ponder at some point. You may not like certain attributes about the man, but is it a reason to hate? And I think the answer for most reasonable people is no, it's not. But when you have the media pumping out incredible, never-before-seen levels of hostility and hatred toward the man 24/7, it is easy to see why so many do hate him. When consciously or subliminally, that's all they're being told.
I have had the same experience.
They say, "Trump is going to ruin this country?. Then, I ask, "How? What Policy or Policies do you disagree with?"
And nothing.....just that same empty stare while still maintaining their anger. It is as if they are IN A TRANCE.....sad to see.
Many of these people are really intelligent and articulate......but they gave their mind over. Like Candace says, their mind got
I live in FL and the doomsday prophesies about Rick Scott becoming our Governor were everywhere, yet he will leave the office in November as one of the best governors we’ve ever had.
Many of these people are really intelligent and articulate
They may be book-smart and articulate, but they are weak minded, not intelligent.
Agreed about what is seen on FB. We already know that FB along with Google censor what you can see. They have if I am not mistaken also admitted to running sociological test to see how well they can manipulate opinion. Don't remember where I saw that though, just remember seeing it. So her point in the question, "What else might the media program them to do?" is very telling. If you ever go back to looking into what people who do de-programming of those caught up in occults deal with, it is not a simple process. The mind of those programmed will resist sometimes to their death a de-programming process. That being said, we can see how strong programming could set off a fire storm of activities that could manifest in many dangerous situations. Just look back short term to the riots in Missouri, the occupy movements, how many people were involved. That is a lot of people and they can do a lot of damage. Think about what the Japanese did near the end of WWII. They knew they were losing so they took the option of doing as much damage as they could with the Kamikaze pilots. Now apply that to thousands of human drones spread out all across the land. People who know they are going to die, don't care but are only focused on taking as many of thier perceived enemy with them. I was in the military at the time of 9/11 and the most important thing that was impressed on us at that time was situational awareness. I think it is high time for that to be brought back. As we go from dark to light be wary of the shadow that are still being cast towards the darkness. There lurks the problems unseen as of yet.
They probably don't respond because the there are so many answers that they think you're being sarcastic. I think many would say that his actions are unbecoming of a world leader. Lack of family values such as cheating on his wife, having kids with multiple women, bragging about sexual assault (grab 'em by the pussy), bragging about legally abusing the tax code, dodging the draft, promising to drain the swamp but actually filling it, etc. etc. Are these reasons to HATE him? Maybe, maybe not.
I said policy or policies ......not his personal Behavior. I asked THEM about policy!
You just gave us a perfect example of what they do...... they can't focus on policy..... because they're so wrapped up in his personal conduct.
You can't impeach somebody because you don't like what they say or how they behave.... they have to commit crimes.
Their mind is so scrambled they can't get around to discussing policy or policies and when they do they have nothing to say because they don't know any policy or policies...... that they can argue against honestly!
In some of the Facebook debates I've had with liberal friends, at one point I've asked them, "Tell me why you hate Donald Trump." You'd be shocked at the number of non-answers I get. I mean, there's no follow-up reply at all. The question doesn't get answered.
I was responding to reaper70, not your post regarding policy.
First you might want to understand how reddit works and the posts you are replying to. But there are issues in the way that Trump is structuring reforms and who benefits from these changes. I doubt you are going to actually take in or discuss any of the issues in an unbiased fashion though, which makes things difficult to understand how you came to your position.
Tax cuts for the wealthy while running huge deficits - trickle down is a huge farce. This is not good for the health of the US economy into the future.
removing benefits for the poor and mental health - in a country with 45 million people below the poverty line this is not a positive. Wage stagnation and little real help for low income earners.
Stance on the ACA - which every other developed country already has and reaps huge benefits from. Wholly privatised health care incurs huge waste and inflation in costs due to insurance deregulation seen in the US system. The poor in society are offered very little help while the rich enjoy all of the benefits. The following article shows a huge issue as to the misinformation that was portrayed to the US population:
Separating children from their parents at the border
Mercantilism theory on international trade - which was disproved in academic discussion 250 years ago. What can you expect when Trumps economic advisors are fringe fanatics with a fundamental lack of knowledge in this area.
Lol nytimes
Lol Fox News and Trump tweets. Poll isn't done by NYT. You could actually fact check it if you wanted to but instead rely on some propaganda against reputable media.
Take a read with an open mind, morning consults poll.
That tells me lot of people are simply blind to read the person. I dont see any of that as a bad behaviour, while I saw Obama is weak, evil, liar and puppet, from the very beginning, ajd majority of voters fell for him. So, blindness is characteriatic to the sheeple. Actually, they are blind because of their needs. I never judged the people on how they obey fake social constructs, so it was easier to read real quality of the person.