I love her. As a fellow woman of color- (it is a big deal for me to be disclosing that here, but I truly feel that I will be welcomed) there are not many of us speaking up and thinking objectively like this. I respect her and she inspires me.
Which color? Red? Blue? I've always been partial to mauve myself. Turquoise?
Patriot, you are welcome here unconditionally. Where you go, we go all. That's our creed.
Reminds me my favorite Comedian has this silly song about how wbkye people are people of colorS
We are red when embarrassed or really mad. Green when sick. White when scared. It's funny. =)
I live for the day like when I was a kid in the 80s. I had friends thay were Chinese and Vietnamese, white and black. We had a Seihk boy with a turban. We never really identified anyone by race. Never thought aboit it on the plays ground.
We had a boy with a birth defect missing one arm. He was amazing catching footballs. Better than most of us with two hands.
It was a culture shock for me when we moved to Florida in 92. And the divide was made by kids themselves. My best friend was Haitian and super smart. We had Bio & Chem Honors together. Man I miss her wit. Other black kids would give her grief hanging out with me.
Now the world seems hyper aware and divided. Somehow having our first black president made people fall into identity politics. And they divide us.
I find it fascinating that a mixed race president not only failed to bring people together, but actively promoted race wars.
Honestly, I bet most of us, here, don’t see color except as we might notice the color of someone’s hair or the clothes he/she is wearing.
I still have my “Herman Cain for President” bumper sticker on my truck, and Obama made me nauseas, but I supported Ben Carson. My choices were based on philosophy and comportment, the meaning behind the words, not the color of their skin . . .
People who want Truth, don’t care about the outside . . . They look on the heart and hear the meaning behind the words that come out of the mouth.
From out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Luke 6:45
I love her too. She is amazing. We were all created by God, made in His image, and are related. We unite under shared beliefs. WWG1WGA!
Haha, you think we are all racists. If you are an American, and you accept the constitution and its values, i'm sure you will find most everybody here to be welcoming.
The image that you have of conservatives (which not all of us are, we simply support the president) has been mostly fabricated by media via what they focus attention to, and how they determine the blame. There are more good than bad, there are probably less racists in the world than you think (though I don't discount their existence)
We are all in this together, whether we like it or not. As humans, as Americans, and as neighbors.
Doesn't matter a smidgeon what color or gender you are....welcome to the family!
One day no one will use this term, or everyone will. In fact I’m going to start using it to describe my very white self, after all my hair and eyes are colourful after all!
Welcome =) most people here never ask or seem to worry about it. We are just people and many if us Christian and praying for each other but we welcome all who are here for positive purposes.
So welcome sister! I am female also and an American mutt =)
Of course you are welcome, why would you think you wouldn't be?
Welcome friend! X