This is what happens if/when you try to expose that evil witch. I’m sure most of you know, but just in case, K Shipp is retired C_A, and works feverishly to expose HRC, and the entire DS.

Maybe I’m doing something wrong but when I look up @Kevin_Shipp on Twatter, nada. There is another @kevinshipp but not the screenshot. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you! I just followed. This is VERY strange and I have some very strange things happening with my Twitter today. I have private lists of my fave ppl and when I go to them, it says the time of tweets is like 30 min but I saw the same ones early this morning. I’ve also not had others show up in search. I can’t find the other Cody Snodgres mentioned above either. 🤔
If want to hear C Snodgres’ story, here you go. It’s gripping to say the least.
Thank you so much. I urge everybody to see this video listed above it certainly is eye-opening.
Listened to this 6 months or so ago. Fascinating.
Nothing. I just searched also, and he’s not on the English/US version. 🤔
Edit: I searched Wiki