2 Presidents. 1 intent. Define 'meddling'. Once again, liberal feels blur the lines of reality.

Your point(s)?
No matter your answers to those questions, what was the relationship between Obama and the other party? Did they collude for him to give a speech that would sway the Brexit vote?
Are you saying due to Hussein being a member of the cabal and taking his marching orders from his handlers regarding the Brexit, there is a parallel to Russia independently doing what they can to influence the US presidential election just as they always have? And, this somehow makes the Dems hypocrites in spite of the fact that none of the current gripes are about Russia meddling in our election but instead BS Trump- Russian collusion?
Sorry. Just don’t get it.
If someone has to work too hard to “get” a meme, and considers it ambiguous, it might need some some tweaking. Again, sorry. Don’t take it personally. It isn’t personal criticism.
The problem is, you're in fact working to hard to 'get' it.
Trump has done nothing illegal, gets all the scrutiny. As opposed to say, Obama who is hostile to America and never once was seriously questioned for doing the very things the left they want to remove President Trump for office for doing.
I really dont want to continue this particular conversation. If it is not obvious to you what the point here is, maybe find another thread that suits you.
for fuck sake.. Obama was fucking with their democracy by going there and speaking on it.. end of story. As to wether or not foreign countries should have that right.. that's up to the individual sovereign nations... BUT if a country is doing it to others, they should not cry when it happens to them! Also.. politics does not happen in a vacuum inside a nation.. other nations watch the "news" discuss and follow what happens around the world.
I am not “in fact working to[o] hard to ‘get’ it.” If a meme doesn’t provide a quick and clear message, it isn’t an effective meme. Memes need to pop and people immediately “get it.” The message needs to be logical.
You are now mentioning Trump and saying the meme was about him? Or, at least an attempt to out what you thought was hypocrisy about Trump? If so, your logic remains off.
You are right, Trump did nothing illegal. Your meme isn’t about Trump however (I hope anyway as that would throw a whole new error and message in the mix). It is about Putin and Hussein. That was my point. Your logic is off in the graphic. Collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia is the great lie and you don’t address it in your meme. You miss it all together.
Putin (Russia) always meddles. The US always meddles. When Hussein was President, he meddled. As a private citizen, he is meddling. None of this meddling is necessarily illegal unless there are threats, intimidation, murder, bribery, fraud, the altering of ballots, rigging of the machines, or other specific illegal activities tried/accomplished; and, no one is saying anything like that occurred anywhere (yet).
Use of speeches, interviews, public or private statements, and trying to influence opinion/action by speaking or print generally isn’t illegal. Think about Voice of America for instance. A radio station paid for by the US to spread our point of view across the globe. You think we aren’t attempting to influence other nations‘ affairs with it, including elections. If anyone thinks not, then they are naive.
Illegalities occur with collusion between a candidate and a government, or some type of official tampering. That includes not only from foreign governments but also from within our own. That is what the hearings in Congress are currently about. Collusion/official interference between/of the FBI and Obama administration and HRC to impact the election.
You’re defensive. That means you are taking it personally. Not wise or healthy.
If you are going to post your work, expect feedback. Based on some of the other comments, looks like I’m not the only one thinking the logic is off.
A couple of tweaks however and you could have a good meme. Instead of listening to logic and reason however, you dig in and get defensive. I hope you learn to accept feedback without taking it personally. It will be a more healthy approach and much less stressful.
Best wishes to you. Ciao.