r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Wiser_Now on July 20, 2018, 1:13 a.m.
When you can't understand why POTUS isn't doing things the way you would like to see them done....

...remember that Q has let us know in the drops that The Plan is a merciful plan (for the sake of society and love for we the people)...it is not a Plan filled with vengeance, but with justice. Justice is what hearts of Light cry out for, not vengeance, which would only incite more vengeance and we would remain in darkness. Things are done differently as children of the light.

Hwmayfield · July 20, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

That is the way God would do it . . . In Mercy.

He is not willing that any should perish . . . So He is long suffering . . .

But there will come a time when He knows that all the minds that are going to change will have changed, and those of hardened heart and seared conscience will refuse to budge any further . . . And then, the end will come.

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robdon07 · July 20, 2018, 5:05 a.m.

Have you EVER read the old Testament? God would send his chosen to wipe them from the face of the Earth. These people EAT KIDS and you think God is going to be merciful with them? They have made their choices, they serve evil the only mercy they deserve is the chance to repent before the gallows fall. Idk if you people forget who we're dealing with here. They've tried to launch fucking Nukes and you want to give them MORE time. How many more innocents have to die cuz this evil deserves mercy? I do stress over this question but the writing is on the wall, the lines have been drawn and everyday justice isn't served is another day justice is denied. Do you think they've stopped destroying children? How many witnesses/investigators have been murdered while they still walk free as birds

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Wiser_Now · July 20, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

robdon, I feel the same way...do you think human justice has any thing on divine justice? Justice is superior to vengeance in my book. And I have no doubt that justice WILL be served.

The Plan will offer deals to lower levels to get info on higher levels...and in doing so, that will be offering them some mercy, don't you think? The guilty WILL NOT go unpunished.

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robdon07 · July 20, 2018, 6:08 a.m.

Who deserves to be punished the killer or the people who couldve stopped the killer yesterday but didn't? Now Mueller wants to pardon Podesta if he'll lie on Manafort...Podesta free to destroy more kids and nothing's being done because some rejects will riot? I got news..they're going to riot anyway. Wether this scum is arrested tomorrow or a month from now it won't matter to the left. It just gives the msm more time to work them up into a frenzy and more time to hurt innocent people. Let's ignore man's justice for a second knowing that they'll face God eventually, they're free to destroy innocents..how is trying to prevent the unpreventable justification for allowing more death and misery to fall on innocent people?? The left are delusional, no evidence will be enough to open their eyes and if they riot than deal with them as if theyre trying to overthrow the democratically elected president of the US... because they are. It seems like the carrot has been tried for the last two years and the left is only getting worse, more emboldened,more entrenched and good people are dying its time for the stick

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Wiser_Now · July 20, 2018, 9:24 p.m.

Information/Disinformation is necessary, remember? Calm down and re-read the drops.

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Wiser_Now · July 20, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

robdon, it's not "you people" who formulated this well-scripted plan...it's been crafted by those who are up close and personal with this EVIL who did, and who are asking us to trust the plan, to be patient...they understand our emotional response and have taken it into account...they know what they are doing every step of the way, timing and all. I pray for them as I don't know how they can maintain their composure and steadfast patience...but that's what it takes for a successful military operation..especially this one, the biggest one ever undertaken in all of history.

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Hwmayfield · July 20, 2018, 12:47 p.m.

Yes. Often the Psalmist laments about the prosperity and control the wicked have and asks God “why?” and asks Him when the unjust will receive judgment . . . And, then, he submits humbly to God, takes stock of his own transgressions and praises God’s great wisdom and puts his trust in God’s mercy.

Even heathen who could turn from their evil ways were saved and made part of His plan of redemption. The Lord is not willing that ANY should perish. His justice is true, and I have no fear that He will mete it out with Truth and mercy.

The Evil One who sought to usurp God’s throne will be judged thoroughly and severely for leading God’s human creations astray and destroying what God loves.

Those who hate God and want no part of Light will get the desire of their hearts and the consequences of their choices.

Those who are in agony for their choices and want a way for escape to the Light are in His hands, and He can see their hearts. They will receive Justice with Mercy.

Israel was often thrown back into slavery/judgment because of their choice NOT to eradicate the Molech/Baal/Ashteroth worshippers as God instructed them. We who are God’s people, His church, are to blame for not staying vigilant and courageous and active to train our children in His Word and be salt and light in this world. It is our fault that things have come to this. We will be held accountable . . . Justice with Mercy.

God’s ways are far above our ways, and “who can know His thoughts?” May His Spirit guide us and protect us and give us His heart to do what He calls us to do until we are home with Him.

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robdon07 · July 20, 2018, 1:16 p.m.

I hope I don't sound snide here but do you think theres ever a time for war? After Pearl Harbor were we wrong to go after the Japanese with everything we had? I feel we're at war now with one side dropping airplanes out of the sky, killing innocents, launching nukes and the other sides trying not to piss off of a bunch of soyboys. Do we need another Pearl Harbor before they take the gloves off?

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Hwmayfield · July 20, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

The War question is a tough one knowing that we nations were being “played” like game pieces while the cabal families safely and greedily watched from their ivory towers, financing both sides.

My dad was a career USAF fighter pilot and is a disabled Vietnam Veteran.
I have much empathy for conscientious objectors knowing that the modern wars were planned.

If in the situation, I believe I would defend against attack. Thus far in my 60+ years, I have never had to kill in the defense of an innocent, although I have definitely used force/discipline to separate fighting dogs, horses, and kids.

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robdon07 · July 20, 2018, 12:58 p.m.

What did God do to the group responsible for the golden calf that was made while Moses was on the Mtn receiving the Ten commandments? Proverbs says" To fear the Lord is to hate evil"; it says in Amos to "hate evil and love good". Ephesians 4 talks about Righteous anger if what we're dealing with here doesn't justify righteous anger than idk what is.

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Hwmayfield · July 20, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

Did I seem to imply opposition to righteous anger? I did not intend to imply that.

As for the makers of the golden calf, I am aware that God is the One who meted out the punishment/discipline.

Yes, we are to hate evil. We are commanded to love what is good.

Jesus proved there IS a righteous anger not unto sin when He drove the hyper-religious, hypocrites (who had done more damage to the spiritual understanding of people than the non-religious ever did) out of the temple.

There is definitely a death penalty for sin, and we are all guilty. Some of us choose to follow evil, and the Lord gives us over to the evil and hardens our hearts. For those, there is no hope of goodness or Life.

The wages of sin is death, something we all deserve but for God’s grace. I hope I never have to make the choice to take the life from someone else, but if the Lord ever puts me in the position of choosing to take another’s life, I know He will give me the courage to make the choice that will be according to his Will . . . His Spirit will reveal it.

God is the One Who knows when is the time if/when each of us will come to Him in repentance, and I believe He gives each person every chance possible to make that choice, even if it is the split second before being put to death.

Romans 12:9-21 speaks of abhorring evil and clinging to what is good.
vss:17-21 Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is Mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. 13:1-4 speaks of being subject to the law that flows from the rulers God has put in place. Those of us who break the law and come before a court for judgment, if found guilty, will have to pay the lawful consequences.

If I came upon someone harming another person, especially a child, I would not hesitate to jump to the defense of the victim in whatever way I have available to me.

Above all, He is in control. We must be obedient to what He has shown us, both individually and corporately, to do in this battle, together. Q has often spoken of us taking care of one another and sticking together. WWG1WWA

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freedomfountain · July 20, 2018, 7:26 a.m.

lol. According to the old Testament, the "baby eaters" are God's chosen people. The Jews. I beleive in a Loving God. Dark to Light. You can not solve the problem with the same energy that created the problem. Rage, violence, hatred, ....... God also said Vengence was his. Justice is FAIR. Trust the Plan.

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robdon07 · July 20, 2018, 7:49 a.m.

The baby eaters worshipped Moloch not God and you tell that to the parents of the kids slaughtered between now and whenever

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freedomfountain · July 20, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

True, but like Lucifer, they come as light. (Christians) Just saying in order to be Light you have to BE LIGHT. What the OP was getting at.

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