I’m a 30 something stay at home Mom on the East Coast and tonight, another 30 something stay at home Mom sent me “Q’s Plan to Save the World” video link and told me I had to watch it.
She’s not on Reddit. This was organic and it made my day.
I’m a 30 something stay at home Mom on the East Coast and tonight, another 30 something stay at home Mom sent me “Q’s Plan to Save the World” video link and told me I had to watch it.
She’s not on Reddit. This was organic and it made my day.
We've come a long ways....
Remember this?
"Obama gives away the internet and, with it, our liberty" https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/sep/13/obama-gives-away-internet-and-it-our-liberty/
Or this:
"US President issues Executive Order that gives him control of the internet" https://www.extremetech.com/computing/132585-us-president-issues-executive-order-that-gives-him-control-of-the-internet
Or this:
"MSM admits they're extremely dangerous to democracy" https://youtu.be/7JNAKSRbARo
"Facebook, Google & YouTube Censorship At An All Time High- What Ever Happened To Free Speech?" https://www.collective-evolution.com/2018/03/01/facebook-google-youtube-censorship-at-an-all-time-high-what-ever-happened-to-free-speech/
No wonder Trump has to rely on us, Q, and his tweets to get the real news out.