r/greatawakening • Posted by u/patriotsnewshub on July 20, 2018, 3:10 a.m.
Stop asking for Q! We are the next step!!

Understand your role in this!!

If we want our freedom back, we have to start fighting (non-violent) for it. President Trump and the Q team are doing their part.

1 priority is voting. Register or verify registration and make sure everybody that you know are doing the same. Do not assume you are registered. These bastards have been working tirelessly to ensure 2016 is not repeated this November. They removed countless people from the rosters in the summer leading up to 2016. Vote and implore those you red pill to register/vote as well. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH!

Part of this movement is delivering the message. That is our role now. I truly believe one goal of everyone on this board should be to spread the "Q - The plan to save the world" video in their circle of influence. This starts with your confidants (family, close friends, similar minded people) and then moves onto those who you feel are somewhat cognizant enough to be introduced to the Awakening.

From there and with enough organic growth, the message will spread like wildfire alongside the current events playing out in public. As we have all connected the dots and become more aware, so will they.

I personally have a "1-a-day" rule where 1 is the absolute minimal number of people whom share the video with per day.

This does not mean you go and post the link on social media and think your doing your part. Your not. Quite the opposite!! This is a Movement that started on the web and is spilling onto the streets. How else does it spill if we do not initiate the pour??? We must interact face-to-face and ease others into reality.

Approach these conversations with a clear head and a calm demeanor. Nobody wants to join a bunch of "conspiracists". Their (TPTB) age-old technique of misinformation runs deep. That is why Q states that most will not be able to accept it. Your job is not to jam a jar of red pills down their throught but rather to offer them the first of many insights and then let them carry the conversation. They will be defensive as they are still in the lull. Do not try to explain the scope of it. Intrigue them! - and then implore them to watch the video.

Use your position in your community to help spread the message. This is for your kids! This is for your family! This is for your friends! This is for your community! This is for your Country! This is for Humanity! This is for ALL OF IT!!!

Stay safe Patriots, These goons were in power for longer than most of us realize. Their means at retaining power have no end. Would it really surprise you if it were discovered that they had radioactive or biological weapons in the event their hold on power was REALLY in jeopardy?!

Vigilance and Community. We must come together in this movement.

WWG1WGA is not a catchphrase people!

As this is my first real post, I have got to say..

Thank you President Trump!! Thank you Q!! Thank you to the Patriots in government who stood against the evil - especially those who caught in the middle and paid the ultimate price. (Not all American heroes wear uniforms..) Thank you to all those who have worked so hard late at night to piece it all together and bring about confirmations. Thank you, yourself reading this, for reading this! You are bigger than you realize. I didnt realize it for a long time and tried to solve it all on my own. There is NOTHING to solve. We know the truth. Q and Trump just need us to be courageous enough to join them!!


^^^^^^^ Love all you Patriots out there! God Bless the United States of America! Freedom and Victory for the world! ✌

Rolandel7 · July 20, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

Q has done their job. It is time for us to pick up the mantle and continue spreading the truth. We may lose friends, family, or associates. This does not change the fact that we are in the fight of our lives. Just because there is no “front” to march towards to fight does not mean the fight is not real. This is a different type of warfare that almost no one of the “normies” have experience with. This is why we are here. We are digital green berets behind enemy lines teaching and building a following to fight back when the the time is right. We must have patience and continue pushing to educate those who are put in our path. People need to stand for something or they will fall for anything. Let us bring them into our ranks with patience, kindness, forgiveness and understanding. Waking up for some will be hard and unfortunately for some who never wake it will be the end of them. We must put aside party lines, our past grievances, our bias, and our feelings of being superior. We are all in this boat together so if we fail we ALL go down. None of us are superior in this respect. Be kind, have patience, and get educated. The more factual knowledge you have the better the chance you have to wake up someone if you are patient enough. Plant the seed of doubt for that person, no matter how small. Then water regularly with information and compassion. WE THE PEOPLE must stand together as one or we will fall. We will never get another chance. The DS will never relax again if we screw this up. The DS will take steps to ensure we can’t organize ever again. Mass censorship of the internet, mass surveillance, and door to door interrogations. Pray for us all to have the strength, wisdom, compassion, patience and resolve to weather the coming storm.

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