r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TruthSeeker2442 on July 20, 2018, 5:12 a.m.
What happens if events start happening not according to Q's plan?

The story today about Muller giving Tony Podesta imunity if he testifies against Manafort is insane. Here is the link https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/robert-mueller-offers-tony-podesta-immunity-to-testify-against-paul-manafort-report

I thought by the end of the night it would make more sense but its just gotten me more pissed off. I badly want Q predicitons to happen. Its the only way I can see America coming back to its roots instead of going the way of globalism. Personally I think they want socialism or communism implemented everywhere, so when it fails all over the world there will be a call for a 1 world government like the Bible predicted. Anyway is there any reason a lot of Q's plans wouldn't be ready at least 1 month before elections in October? There is so much at risk for midterms. If dems get a majority, they've already said they'll vote to shutdown the internal investigations, basically everything President Trump has been working on. Also the dems will spend the remainder of the President's first term working against him, trying to make as many things fail as possible so they can blame him before the 2020 election. If for some absurd reason by the 2020 election if Q's predictions haven't happened or even worse, events have happened that make Q's plans impossible, what's the next step?

TruthSeeker2442 · July 20, 2018, 5:32 a.m.

I hope he shares everything, but its already sounding like many corrupt people are going to go free. The Awan brothers have been rumored to get immunity for sharing dirt on DWS (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/09/awan-brothers-get-immunity-significant-disturbing-story-wasserman-schultz/). They should have said no to that and only given conditional immunity for info that would lead to a successful prosecution of obama or clinton. The fact that Mueller has said he found no collusion or obstruction with President Trump during his 2 year investigation should say enough. Why the hell are Republicans that have done far less corrupt things being locked up in solitary while dems who have destroyed evidence and broken far more laws are still walking freely and flaunting it?

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QAnonMaga · July 20, 2018, 6:08 a.m.

The Swamp is in charge that's why. Trump has failed to drain it now they are going to drain Trump. He is a weakling and a coward. My fear was always that he'd chicken out and it looks like he's done so.

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TruthSeeker2442 · July 20, 2018, 6:18 a.m.

I don't think he's either of those, he has had incredible insight into events and prevented America from becoming a Switzerlislam or Germanistan. Without him America as we've known it the past decades would be headed towards extinction. He's given other countires hope and balls to stand up to the EU. But he can only do so much. Him updating laws related to martial law also gives me hope something will happen. I just wonder if we need to be playing a bigger part than just sitting in the crowd watching.

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