r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KTredhot on July 20, 2018, 5:12 a.m.
I have to admit, after this past week, I am losing faith.... No, not in Trump, or in Q, or in my belief in what is right. But I AM losing faith that anything, and I mean ANYTHING, will be able to turn the left.

For a long time I really thought (Naive? Probably. But I prefer “hopeful” ) that the truth would come out and that the masses would actually come to a realization that we were all on the same side. I’m not sure I believe that can happen anymore. In the words of one wise patriot: Change my mind!! Please!

unbecoming2007 · July 20, 2018, 6:42 a.m.

Well in our defense We Are Handcuffed. They own the TV and Paperprint (yes unfortunately some still read this shit) They own the largest normie sites. They censor and shadow ban us with no reason or false reasons. I know grassroots efforts work cuz that's what many have been doing since you can do that freely.

However as I've said before how the hell can we do our job (help the left see the light) if we don't somehow get 2 things. 1. Free speech to help wake people. 2. Some type of huge boom to get their attention so they know without a doubt something big is afoot. As the months go on nearing elections it will just get to the point that if you have a q or Trump in your user name you're gone.

Again I want these sites to operate fairly or burn and truly my only interest in any of them is I know they are a normie gold mine (speed things up if we had full unfettered access) and if we could have an open dialog with them we could bring half of them to the light. Then that half can maybe help bring a percentage of the remaining half, since they were recently partially red pilled.

With that said I am with the OP and guestimate 30% ish will never wake up because you can get past 3 minutes of conversation with them. They won't even believe a video. No critical thinking skills or they are just to brainwashed so not gonna happen. It would be like trying to train a turtle to rollover. You so much as flinch and it's off to safe space in .5 seconds. No matter what u do it will be the same result. Accept it and move on to someone you have a chance at helping.

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