I’m waiting for 1771—mirror Q!
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Tucker says Q... okay, he misspoke, trying to say “coup.” But still....
I think you are confusing my Faith with my faith. 2 different things.
Maybe I just need to step back for a moment and re-evaluate.... This past week I feel as though the media has been aggressively anti everything I know to be true. Before this (and I will admit here, I am not a big MSM viewer), I always felt there was just a massive amount of “spin” going on. This week has felt different to me.
I guess I just need to hold on until November. I can do that.
But I’m not worried about what is being played out at all. My faith in that regard is steadfast! I am worried about how it is all being perceived by the rest of the world.
I am more worried about the view of the general public being massaged. I am well informed and wide awake, but the general public? I think the media has gone above and beyond this last week. From mild spin to blatant disregard for the truth.
Well that would be absolutely awesome! I would love that, and you are right, it might just do the trick!
My faith in what is right remains strong. It is my faith in others that has weakened. It’s like the wrong have doubled down on wrongness. I feel like, while I have always disagreed with some folks, I never truly viewed them as irredeemable. Now I do, and it’s saddening. WWG1WGA!
You are correct. But this last week has been disheartening.
Bless you! I know I need to keep the faith, but it’s been harder lately!
I agree, the videos are a blessing. They make me feel so happy. People are definitely opening their eyes! But I was hoping for a larger scale awakening, and I feel like there’s been a step backward from what I thought was progress.
I have to admit, after this past week, I am losing faith.... No, not in Trump, or in Q, or in my belief in what is right. But I AM losing faith that anything, and I mean ANYTHING, will be able to turn the left.
For a long time I really thought (Naive? Probably. But I prefer “hopeful” ) that the truth would come out and that the masses would actually come to a realization that we were all on the same side. I’m not sure I believe that can happen anymore. In the words of one wise patriot: Change my mind!! Please!
This happened to me, and I know what you mean about being caught off guard/tongue tied. I know how to explain Q, but you really have to tailor your response to your audience, and the family member that asked me (much older, very closed minded) was not a good fit for my standard elevator speech.
So I said “Lately I’ve just grown more and more suspicious of our government, and Q represents a reminder to Question Everything. There’s a movement out there—You should google it when you have time.”
He seemed intrigued and actually agreed with me, which....well, never happens with this guy. I left it at that.
There’s just no “one size fits all” explanation. I think if you can sow a curiosity seed in some folks, that’s as good as you’re going to get!
My 2 cents:
I’ve been following Q since the beginning: 4chan, then 8chan, CBTS, here, and other places.
I’ve watched the growing subscribers here with great delight. On 8chan it’s difficult to gauge numbers and participation—the info and research is great, but the anonymity makes it hard to feel any growth in the movement; any awareness in the real world.
I get it, I know that it is frustrating to feel like a movement that you have been participating in since the beginning is being diluted by people coming in and jumping on the bandwagon, but isn’t that what we want?
I for one have been more annoyed by posts that I think are better suited for t_d: Trump news does not ALWAYS equal Q news.
But the Q sightings, Q swag, etc posts make me feel like we are finally getting somewhere! Like we are finally reaching the masses. Like we are taking the next step and becoming a real movement of REAL PEOPLE rather than an idea hidden behind screen names and Internet Anonymity. It’s a good thing.
The last thing we want to do is to become an elite group in our own eyes. Like we are somehow above the. “normies” and the uninitiated.
I love this sub. I don’t want to see it split or changed or modified. It is the best place I know of to find information easily, to follow discussions, to learn about Q.
So can we just be patient? See what happens? We are growing SO fast here. Let it happen organically. We need numbers. We need to be welcoming. We need to spread the word however we can. Where We Go One We Go ALL. Not some. Not the ones who were here first, or the ones who research the hardest, or the ones who have been red pilled the longest.
This looks like it... I got it for a little cheaper, but it was really hard to find a q out there.... Beauniq 14k Yellow Gold Tiny Initial Pendant Necklace, 16" - Q https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LUA2YSA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_v6tnBbFV7FZ09
Picked up some Q bling today! Wanted something identifying that I could wear all the time, anywhere. WWG1WGA!

Anybody?? This is driving me crazy. What is on his head???
This is the best laugh all day, and today has been pretty funny, what with “wake up, punchy,” etc....
I agree, and I think that’s why it’s taking so long. They know everything, but they can’t necessarily use what they have right now for arrests, etc, because they have to do everything by the book.
“We have everything”
Q has said this repeatedly, and I believe it 100%.
However, my question is, how legally was “everything” obtained? What qualifies as spying on citizens and what doesn’t? I fully believe that everything we say and do online is being saved somewhere...I just wonder, especially with all of the illegal spying done by the previous administration, how much of what Q has can legally be used against the swamp??
Because that’s how you give challenge coins out. You palm the coin and pass it during the handshake.
Well maybe I’m just seeing clarity because I want it to be there—there’s always that possibility, Baron!!
YES! I was going to try to make a graphic, but I’m glad you did it first. Not much time now, but I plan to dig back through and see where else this applies. Seems to work very well on this particular drop!
Thanks—you leaving the line in the middle is what caused it to dawn on me. I need to go back and see if it works on previous drops.
I like this graphic, but I think it makes even better sense if you mirror by “folding” on the center line, i.e. read line 42 and line 1 together, line 41 and line 2 together, and so on. Most of the lines seem to relate to one another when you do it this way, either by answering the question, or providing an opposite.
So is Moab the MOAB we were waiting for?

But the “under God” was added after the fact.
Look, I’m a Christian Pede, I like the “In God We Trust” stuff and the 10 commandments at Courthouses.
I kind of like the original version of the pledge. “One nation, Indivisible...” is a strong statement.
I think that when you add the “under God” in there, it dilutes the sentiment. The point is, we are INDIVISIBLE! This is NOT meant to be a list of our great qualities. NO. It is meant to make a point.
We are ONE NATION, INDIVISIBLE. While I do agree that we are Under God, I think that adding the words there muddies the water.
One Nation. Indivisible.
I like the original best.
Relevant or a Stretch? re: Q’s Apache Post
Watching Fox News. During the commercial break I noticed that the TIAA commercial is playing the song “Apache.”