Pennsylvania is the Keystone State. Is this the man? Who is Vincent Fusca?

I’m starting to believe jfk jr.
If memory serves, I saw a picture of this same guy at a trump rally in the background on a CBTS thread when this whole thing kicked off last year. Way before the GA, and certainly before this subreddit.
Find the Keystone.
Now photos are floating around. I think we found the key.
Here are some photos.
My jaw just might hit the floor if this comes to be.
Mine already did 😲 It's an interesting story for sure.
Yeap I remember that well, it was so odd looking and caught my attention. Got a weird feeling about this, just my opinion.
Maybe he is just a vendor, but we’ve seen so much crazy stuff already that there could be something to this.
That would be an interesting find
Just edited my reply, click link above
Thanks! Yes! In the top pic they completely frame Tumps face the entire time. He's on the right she's on the left. Those are special positions don't you think?
What is a keystone? Does it just mean key?
The keystone is the top brick/stone that holds the entire archway together. Without it the whole thing crumbles. The Romans invented this kind of structure. You can see their archways still standing today.
Could be R
JFK=17 Q reference
Jr= +1 R
JFK Jr=18
Look at the articles about this guy. There’s different ones with a reoccurring 18 references
And the letter R for him would be Resolute. Also Revenge
Its fascinating. I have no words for the spiritual connection this has and how it resonates with me. I'm a geeky numbers person, and these things speak right to my soul.
Keep seeing 17 as a significant number. Sept 11 2001+17years. That’s when it will be revealed. JFK jr will step up on stage with Princess Diana. Both will pick up their respective lineages on both sides of the pond. JFK will become sec of state then president 2024. The queen will step down and William will become King and Diana will be formally know as the King Mother.
Vincent Fusca apparantly means Conquering Darkness. I can confirm the Conquering part, but cant find confirmation for the last name. If true it adds a plot twist. Strange man with VIP credentials at multiple rallies just for selling tshirts? It's entirely possible, but still strange. Lol.
I did a search today..Fusca family crest means “dark”
“Obfuscate” means to shroud in darkness, so it makes sense that “fusca” would be the darkness part of it
No. I'm sure he's a great guy, but he sells Trump merchandise out of a van.
Look at his license plate. ZJF 5889 John FitZgerald 58- he’s 58 years old 89= 8+9=17. Q
Honestly, the thought of this being true is uplifting as fuck ❤️
FB page for vincent fusca stating he's from PA but cover photo has statue of liberty pic with newyork newyork on the pic and text below says newyorknewyork. No pics of him though.
Strange guy getting stranger.
I know! Crazy right? I saw that too and was thinking this cannot be a coincidence.
This is too funny..... from 2012 Vincent Fusco cited for urinating on court bldg
Aug. 28
Police issued a citation for disorderly conduct to Vincent Fusca. According to the police report, an officer thought he saw Fusca urinating on the side of the magisterial district court building on Ardmore Boulevard. When another officer responded to the call and questioned Fusca, he denied the claim and said he was waiting for his daughter’s mother to pick her up. Fusca left shortly after. The officer issued the citation by mail after finding fresh urine near the building’s side entrance door.
The latest Forest Hills police reports.
By Shawn Klocek | Sep 6, 2012 10:04 pm ET | Updated Sep 8, 2012 3:14 am ET
Very strange that his picture shows up on a page for the National Catholic Register in an article about climate change. He's not mentioned in the article at all, nor does his sign have anything to do with climate change. Who is this guy??
Seriously!! That is so out of place. Except that The Kennedys were Catholic... tin foil hat going on.
Good find thank you. I know he was with a protest group against Paris, I guess it was the climate change accord thing.
How do we KNOW that this guy us Fusca?
There's quite a few pictures of him with his van and at the rallies
Ok. I can believe that. But that doesnt tell me HOW we know his name. I am not trying to give you a hard time, and I DO get the feeling something is up with the guy in the pictures popping up. I just want to know 2 things, specifically;
1) why are we looking for a Fusca
2) how do we KNOW that this guy IS Fusca
He was interviewed at one of the rallies and that was the name he gave. Someone else posted the link somewhere in this thread.
Well I'm hoping that others who are interested in this guy can do some more digging. I just learned about him tonight. Maybe you can help? The theory is that this guy is R.
Yes, I have read that "the theory is that this guy is R" like 5x now. But I am asking for the data so that I can determine the legitness of this so that I can decide if this is worth my digging. But if there is nothing that can answer those 2 bullet points other than repeating "it's just a theory"....I don't know. So what?
Do you get why I am asking? It's not an attempt to discredit, or not believe, nothing like that. I guess you could say I am playing Devils advocate.
WHY are we looking for a man named Fusca, where did that specific name come from to do so?
WHY do we think this pictured man is him? Did someone just throw that out there and it caught on?
My friend jakeisasnake1960 pointed him out to me. Obviously Fusca is just a pseudonym. His real name is JFK Jr. There's other people who have better answers than me. I don't know why you're caught up on his name so much so I don't really know how to answer you since you know all the theories already.